The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 159

The situation behind the order of the Phoenix will be very difficult.

Because Jin Fenghuang found that it was not only the four judges who had problems, but also the group of people who participated in the competition secretly riveted their strength.

Others dare not say that the God of fire of the drag racing party definitely paid for someone to come.

My first round is the most sure. I wanted to make a good start, but I lost. There are two more rounds to win. As long as there is a little slip, the order of the Phoenix will lose its reputation this time.

After all, what kind of poems and songs do you advocate? As a result, you make an all-out arrangement and let others win the championship. Will people think that if the order of Phoenix is established, there will be no talent?

So the pressure of the Golden Phoenix at this time is very big. Fortunately, at this time, yu'er and the people around her no longer yell at Lin Feng, but she is a little relieved.

Golden Phoenix sat back to her position and said to her, "let's start the next game."

Yu'er went to the front stage, holding the Mike and said to the audience:

"in the second round, couplets, the PK mode of ancient scholars, are indispensable. So today, we continue the rules of our ancestors, and we have to fight against each other. The competition system in this link is a free challenge system. You can freely choose your opponents and then go out to each other United, let the opponent against the next couplet, against the last, get a point, not up and down, the other side get a point

"Yes, yes, I like it!" Although Mr. Cui is uneducated, he has obsessive-compulsive disorder. He likes symmetry, including the clothes he wears. There is a pocket on one side and one on the other side at the same position. Otherwise, he will be very uncomfortable and uncomfortable to wear.

What he pays attention to is neat and symmetrical, which is just in line with his personal habits.

Yu'er said, "Cui San Ye is so elegant, so let him come first!"

"Good!" Third master Cui stood up: "I challenge the order of the Phoenix!"

His purpose, very obvious and direct, is to smash the field!

With a smile, the Golden Phoenix stood up to fight.

Cui Sanye first out of the first couplet, shouting: "you listen, my first couplet is: mahjong playing cards gold flower, after losing, go home!"

When people around him laughed, he didn't change his gambling nature!

Golden Phoenix thought for a while, soft voice way: "ancient road west wind runs thin horse, heartbroken person is in the end of the world!"

"Good match!" Wei Yichen exclaimed.

But outside, there was no sound.

No one can understand.

What's so westerly and heartbroken? Intestines are broken, can still live?

At this time, the judge saw that the atmosphere was a little awkward, so he stood up and said, "I said Golden Phoenix, what are you right about? What a lean horse? What is this? "

Jin Fenghuang frowned and said, "the general idea is..."

"come on, you don't need to explain. If you explain too much, it's all doggerel. Do you think I don't understand the ancient couplets? Of course I understand that, or how can I be a referee? " Dao ye said that he felt that if the Golden Phoenix explained it, it would appear that he was uneducated.

The Golden Phoenix is speechless, has no culture, Leng installs the cultural person, is also enough.

But she can only break out the tooth to swallow in the stomach, this person is her invite, still can how to do!

"Come on, this one is for Cui San!" The sword master said: "Golden Phoenix, it's time for you to make the first couplet. Don't say anything disorderly. Let's listen to you and have a good couplet!"

Dao Ye's so-called chaos refers to those he can't understand.

The Golden Phoenix sighed and said, "listen, the first couplet is: the lake and the sea are all around. I'm sorry to see Meishan's obstruction."

"All right, all right, Tristan's got another point!" Master Dao waved his hand.

He is really impatient. This sentence is more difficult to understand than the previous one. He directly gave it to Cui San Ye Cui Bing!

"By what?" At this time, yu'er can't help it. The elder sister's first couplet is finished, and the second couplet is not given out. She is directly judged to lose one point. What's going on? If we go on like this, isn't the order of the Phoenix miserable?

"I told you, don't make a mess. Everything is lake and sea. Do you ask people to understand what you said?" he said

"You are uneducated Yu'er is very angry.

"Say it again?" Dao Ye's eyes stare like cattle.

"Oh, my, it's just a couplet. Don't hurt the harmony. One point is given, the other is given!" Lin Feng said with a smile at this time.

"Oh, yes, you see how sensible this little brother is!" Master Dao said: "the mountain help Cui San got two points in this game, order of Phoenix, hum, no point!"

"Lin Feng, what are you doing?"

"I'm helping you." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Do you have any help?" Yu'er cried angrily: "not a minute! Did you mean it? "

"Oh, you are too young to understand! Go and play and see me meet them Lin Feng said, and sat in the front position: "I am lucky to be invited by the order of the Phoenix to be their guest, so I ask to take the place of the order of the Phoenix!""You..." yu'er still wanted to stop her, but she was grabbed by the Golden Phoenix and said, "the overall situation has been decided. Everyone tries to be the same. Don't make any more trouble. Let Lin Feng play!"

finished, the Phoenix Phoenix sat back on the wide wooden chair with a lonely face.

If you lose this sentence again, the order of the Phoenix will lose completely! But now it seems that there is no hope. It's really not time to invite this group of thugs to carry stones and hit their own feet!

Yu'er's eyes are red, and she has no idea to carry out the following link.

Looking at the order of the Phoenix, the people around you are happy. The order of the Phoenix takes its own responsibility. This conference is a complete failure.

Next, they just play.

He is happy to analyze the situation carefully.

Long Shao of the Longkou group has been staring at Lin Feng. He doesn't care what champion or not. He just wants to beat Lin Feng.

As for the four judges, they are very proud. They just don't want to see the Golden Phoenix colluding with other men. How can we help you like this?

So, ah, they're cool in their hearts.

At this time, seeing that yu'er doesn't come out to preside over the event, the Lord Dao will directly guest host him. He announces to continue. Next, the Longkou group chooses the opponent.

Longkou group Longshao naturally chose the order of the Phoenix, because first, the order of the Phoenix was easy to bully. Second, Lin Feng is now fighting on behalf of the order of the Phoenix. He wants to humiliate Lin Feng.

At that time, he and his younger brothers had consulted for a while, and had already thought of several couplets, so he opened his mouth to Lin Feng and said:

"Lin Feng, come and meet me. The first couplet is: plant trees at your grave!"

As soon as the words came out, they all applauded. It's arrogant enough to plant trees directly for other people's graves.

Lin Feng is a little smile, less than three seconds to answer: "tree coffin for you to live!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Wei Yichen burst out laughing: "coffin for him to live, good couple, good pair!"

When long Shao listened, NIMA wanted to make a coffin for me. He was so angry that he came up. He made several pairs, all of which humiliated Lin Feng. If one didn't work, I would take the second.

Long Shao drank: "Lin Feng, you listen to me well, the first couplet is: trees do not have skin, there is no doubt that they will die!"

Lin Feng said: "you don't want to face, the world is invincible!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Wei Yichen burst out laughing again. When did the boss break off the pair!

In the first couplet, it is obvious that long Shao is scolding him and cursing him. And the second couplet, he actually directly scolded back, neat and simple! The people around

listened to the excitement. This awesome boy is very powerful.

Long Shao was so angry that he scolded Lin Feng. He was in a hurry and took out the first couplet of his assassin's mace. He said:

"the first couplet is: Lin Feng doesn't want to have a face. If he doesn't want a face, he will become faceless. If he has a long face, he won't have much trouble

"Lying trough, this pair is long, it's a little difficult!" People around sobbed.

But Lin Feng thought for a moment, and then immediately replied:

"the second couplet is: the dragon does not eat excrement when eating, it becomes excrement when eating, and it is more troublesome to eat excrement when eating. It is better to eat excrement than to eat excrement only!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The crowd couldn't help it any longer and burst into laughter.

This sentence is aimed at, originally the first couplet is long Shao's curse, but every time the second couplet is scolded, and this boy, every time he thinks for less than three seconds, he is simply a genius!

At this time, all of you have a new understanding of Lin Feng's talent. Although we still don't like Lin Feng very much, we have to admire this person's talent. No wonder the Golden Phoenix will favor him.

"This game, Lin Fengsheng, a point!" Dao Ye announced on one side that it was obvious that Lin Feng had won.

"What? My boss has three pairs, you give one point? " Wei Yi morning angry way.

"Chen Chen, don't be excited. The happiness of the pair lies in the fact that you can get back to the past when someone hits you, and it's even worse to hit him. As for the score, the judges can give you whatever they like. I don't care!" Lin Feng's face is light.

I wipe!

The crowd sighed for a while. Is this boy too crazy?

At this time, the sword master announced: "Lin Feng, it's time for you to join the League!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!