The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 158

Yu'er finished and looked at the Golden Phoenix with expectant eyes: "elder sister, do you want to ruin the reputation of our whole order of Phoenix because of him alone?"

Golden Phoenix smile, jade son see these clues, in fact, she has already seen.

Lin Feng, indeed, is the land of many arrows.

However, the Golden Phoenix will not drive away Lin Feng. Even if all the people are against Lin Feng, she will stand by Lin Feng.

She in this matter, is so capricious, not so many reasons, just because, Lin Feng understand her!

Most of the time, what women want is that simple.

So many single women, faced with outstanding men who have cars, houses and savings, still choose to be single. It's not how demanding they are or how proud they are. It's because this man doesn't understand their hearts.

So, some people have no money, no car, no savings, but some girls like to spend their lives with them.

Some people have superior conditions but still can't get a wife.

That's the problem!

The Golden Phoenix will support Lin Feng unconditionally. From the moment she invited Lin Feng to this conference, she has decided that Lin Feng is the person she is looking for.

"Elder sister, what are you still hesitating about?" Yu'er was worried: "if we go on like this, the meeting of the order of Phoenix will be ruined."

The Golden Phoenix waved his hand and said: "jade son, don't say any more. Lin Feng is my guest of honor. Anyone who wants to drive him away can't do it, including myself!"

"Alas Yu'er heaved a deep sigh. It seems that the elder sister is bewitched!

At this time, however, poetry writing continued, and it was the turn of the drag racing party.

The title drawn by the drag racing party is Lingyun mountain.

The mountain behind Jincheng is Lingyun mountain. When the ancestors came here to settle down, they took a fancy to the Lingyun mountain and songhuaxi. There are mountains and water to live a good life.

So this mountain is also a symbol of Jincheng.

At this time, there was a man standing in the drag racing party. He was wearing glasses, and his appearance was very elegant. He was totally different from other members of the drag racing party. Although he also wore leather clothes and leather pants and hung metal ornaments, he seemed very unnatural. This man was the God of fire who invited him to smash the scene. Zhu Wencai, a doctoral student in the Chinese Department of Songjiang University.

Huoshen said to Zhu Wencai with a face of trust: "Xiaozhu, let's start!"

With a wave of his sleeve, Zhu Wencai blurted out and improvised an original: "from a distance, Lingyun mountain is dark, with thin top and thick bottom. If you turn Lingyun mountain upside down, your head is thin and your head is thick. Ah ha ha ha ha

Obviously, he learned from the previous experience and found that these judges were very crude and didn't understand anything. He could get high marks by making some doggerel lines.

"Good!" The God of fire clapped with a big hand and exclaimed.

"Good poetry, really good poetry!" Dao ye and Hou Ye talked loudly.

The villain looked serious, but nodded slightly.

Lao Bayi smiles and writes an 8 on the sign directly.

He just likes eight, no way!

Then the villains and the Lord of the sword and the Lord of the Marquis also scored 8 points one after another. After all, no one would offend him like this!

Another high score, 32. It's the same as that of the north side of the city.

Next, it is the Longkou formation.

The Longkou group didn't make any preparations at all, but they got rid of it.

The theme they picked was, women.

Long Shao has a look. The theme is not as good as the tailor-made one. If he has nothing to do, he will take the girl to the Dragon Tower. When he turns back, he will take the girl. The older girl and the younger daughter-in-law have not played less. This is not just a matter of opening one's mouth!

He coughed and said, "how much do women have? I don't know how many. Yesterday, a child called my father. Who is his mother? Ha ha ha

"Crouch, domineering brother long!" All around me applauded.

Several judges nodded in succession. The Marquis liked to look for flowers and willows, and he made a high evaluation of this poem: "the beginning starts with questions, and the end with questions. It's exquisite and exquisite. It shows many women playing with children's profile. It's very unique. I've learned it, master!"

With that, Hou Ye gave a high score of 9.

Then, Dao ye still scored 8 points, and Lao Ba naturally scored 8 points. No accident. Maybe next, Lao Ba always played his belief 8. Villain 8.

Long Shao's final score was 33. A score higher than the top two.

Yu'er sighed. The elder sister invited these big men to be referees. It was like lifting a stone to hit his own feet!

Moreover, this group of referees also gave points according to their own preferences!

At the thought of this, the more she looked at Lin Feng, the more angry she was. Because he had offended the judges, the direct score of the first set was so low. However, this guy was not in trouble. He was eating melon seeds, drinking tea, and making a sound. How could he be so cheeky?

Can't you see that others don't like him?Yu'er bit her teeth. She can't watch him helplessly and destroy the order of the Phoenix!

Elder sister is confused. She is not.

She went to Lin Feng and whispered, "Lin Feng, I have something to tell you!"

"Oh, I don't have time. This poetry conference is so interesting. What's the matter? I'll tell you later." Lin Feng didn't pay any attention to yu'er.

"Lin Feng, you shouldn't be here. Even if it's for the sake of elder sister's consideration, I'll ask you to get out of here. You should know why!" Yu'er said directly.

"What are you talking about? Let me out? Why? It's you who invited me, and you who drove me away. I'm such a heavyweight. Can you move? " Lin Feng said.

Yu'er sneers. This guy really takes himself seriously. She's obsessed. I can't watch the order of the Phoenix die.

"Lin Feng, please go out!" Said yu'er.

At this time the mouse advised: "jade son, you have something to tell me, go, we can say alone!"

"Get out of the way!" Yu'er said coldly.

"Say it again?" At this time, Lin Feng turned around. His eyes were shining with cold light, which made her shiver.

"I tell you, I can say anything, but you are not allowed to say my brother!" Lin Feng stood up and said to yu'er, "you have a good time. I don't want to accompany you any more."

Say, take Wei Yi Chen and mouse to leave.

Jin Fenghuang looked over and asked, "Lin Feng, where are you going?"

"Your people don't like me! I'll go! It's a pity that I have so much talent! There's no place to show it! " Lin Feng said.

"Go away, what talent do you have?" Long Shao, who is closest to here, shouts.

"Yes, little white face, go away!" The Vulcan took the opportunity to make a fuss.

Lin Feng said: "on the few broken poems you made, that is also called poetry?"

"Then you can have one!" Long Shao defied.

"Don't want to come to me," he said

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I want to go, no one can stop me, but since you want to listen to poetry today, I will make one for you! Let you people have a long experience

"Lin Feng, no!" Jin Fenghuang shakes his head to Lin Feng.

Jin Fenghuang knows that these rough men can't appreciate poetry at all. Even if Lin Feng does well, he will be ridiculed and humiliated.

But Lin Feng said, "it's OK. I'll open their eyes."

Said, Lin Feng dew arm arm arm, arm sleeve way: "cough, listen well, I am about to start!"

He said in a loud voice: "master Dao was drunk last night and fell asleep with his little sister in his arms. He made friends and relatives blame him...

" what are you talking about? Is that what you can say Seeing Lin Feng making fun of him, Huoshen was the first to stand up and deliberately provoke right and wrong.

"It's just improvisation, and it doesn't have any practical significance. What are you excited about?" Lin Feng said, "there's a long way to go behind me. Aren't you so mean, master Dao?"

Dao Ye's face twitched, but naturally he would not be so stingy. He waved his big hand and said, "you go on!"

Lin Feng continued: "Hou ye reproached him to Dao Ye. How could you get drunk with two bottles of beer? You are clearly thinking in the wrong place Finish saying, smile to Marquis.

Seeing that he had added himself to the poem, the Marquis felt more honored and stood up with a proud face.

Lin Feng looked at Lao Ba and continued: "eight ye also reminds me that my sister's service is up to standard. You have to pay for your pants!"

At this time, people around began to listen with interest.

Lin Feng's heart a burst of disdain smile, this group of coarse, especially like this tone.

However, he continued to say: "it's wrong for me to sleep with my younger sister. It's all alcohol that makes me drunk. Everyone's criticism is right. I won't sleep with my younger sister in the future."

"Well!" Master Dao nodded, and he heard that Lin Feng was saying he was repenting!

However, Lin Feng suddenly said in a high voice: "you worry about whether you are tired or not. You only care about sleeping with men and women, and you can't understand my feelings. Hearing the sound of the bed every night makes it difficult for me to fall asleep. Or master Dao understands my sister. It's a pity that the night is short and many postures are not in place. I don't give birth to children or usurp the throne. Don't let the resources be wasted Blame in disorder, share weal and woe, no sin, harmony between relatives and friends comes first, and create a new civilized society together

Lin Feng finished in one breath.

The scene stopped for a few seconds, and suddenly there were cheers and shouts.

"Good! Good poetry There's been a blast around.

This poem is so long that every sentence can be understood. It also made fun of the four judges. It's a good poem!

But at this time, Dao ye said, "Lin Feng, is that right? I think your poem is very good. It's good, young man. It's really cultural! However, the last round has already been compared, and all the scores have been typed out. Therefore, you can't score any more. Let's give it to everyoneThe people of the order of Phoenix were suddenly disappointed. They also thought that they could get back a city by Lin Feng's dirty and messy doggerel poem. As a result, they didn't get any points.

However, the Golden Phoenix has a new understanding of Lin Feng. This guy is simply a devil of the world. Seeing who comes and what to live gives her a profound feeling.

However, for Lin Feng's ability to write poetry, we can be regarded as a recognition, and long Shao did not dare to challenge his poetry any more.

But the Golden Phoenix is worried, a total of three major events, the first one is lost, the latter two, the situation is difficult! , the fastest update of the webnovel!