The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 157

However, the four of them did not show too much dissatisfaction and sat down in the referee's seat one after another.

These four guys have a lot in common. In addition to the previous ones, there is one more thing. They are not cultural people, but like to pretend to be cultural people.

Especially Dao ye, he waved a big knife all over Jincheng. He was not afraid of anyone, but he was afraid of his primary school teacher.

Every time he sees a man of letters wearing glasses, he thinks of his teacher. He doesn't know why. He is afraid of such educated people. He always thinks that they know a lot. When he stands in front of others, he will gradually become filthy.

Therefore, after he retired, he also liked to pretend to be a cultural person. He especially liked to study ancient poetry. When he had nothing to do, he would sing one of his own, and he also liked to create.

His favorite original song, named Snow, was improvised when the first snow fell last winter!

At that time, he stood in the snow, his face was red with cold, but he still looked up at the angle of 45 degrees, his face was constipated, and he chanted: "ah - what things fly in the sky, East and West; could it be that the jade emperor built the golden palace, I wiped, sifted lime and sifted lime!"

It can be said that chakra used too much, which led to a bad cold and went to the first people's hospital to hang water.

Master Dao can only be regarded as one of their representatives, but these four people really like to pretend to be cultural people.

"It's all a bunch of old guys, huh!" The God of fire sneered at the side.

He is well prepared this time. No matter what the theme of the conference is, he just needs to get the best place on it, proving that he has the ability to lead the drag racing party.

At this time, everyone was seated, and the four referees were sitting in a very solemn manner.

Yu'er of the order of Phoenix began to read out the schedule and rules of the conference.

First of all, the first item is ancient poetry. The four judges randomly give a theme of the poem, and then the contestants will draw lots!

In this kind of meeting, there are only four community representatives participating in this kind of meeting. Small associations are not qualified at all, so the four major associations send people to draw lots respectively.

After drawing back, because the order of the Phoenix is the host, he first improvises.

Golden Phoenix took a look at yu'er's draw, the theme above is: "look at the woman who has done everything in the world!"

The Golden Phoenix shakes his head and smiles. These four old guys deliberately draw this lottery to themselves. Isn't that what they mean?

She is the woman who has watched the vicissitudes of the world!

She stood up, nodded a little, and with a smile, she improvised a poem:

"in autumn, the west wind is cold, the evening is dark, and the stream is cool.

In the old lane of Changting, I asked Chongyang when I cooked wine.

Send the fragrance of Cornus officinalis, wild goose cloister and cloud book collection.

Wind volume wucao East fence, Daisy fragrance, Qingge step.

The end of the world, residual lotus leaves buried.

Don't ask about the wind and waves in the river and lake. People are thin and colorful. "

After singing a song, the Golden Phoenix waved its gorgeous sleeves. It was as beautiful as a fairy.

Lin Feng can't help sighing after listening to it. How talented this woman is!

However, this poem chants, but around is a silent, absolutely silent.

Lin Feng made a tour around him. As expected, he played poetry with a group of thugs. No matter how good the poems were, they were playing against a cow.

"What? Is it true that no one applauds such a good poem? " Wei Yi Chen was very surprised: "although I don't know which form of word plate is used, it sounds so comfortable!"

People around look at each other! What brand? What is this?

Jin Fenghuang frowned. There was a trace of loss on her beautiful face, but she still gave a polite smile and sat down slowly.

In her heart, she was filled with emotion. Did not one understand?

At this time, Lin Feng clapped his hands and said, "a good poem, a good song of Jiang Chengzi by Su Shi. Few people can use it so smoothly. Sister Jin comes with her mouth open. She is a rare talented woman! I admire you

Jin Fenghuang just felt a haze. Listening to Lin Feng's words, she suddenly saw the blue sky like a cloud. Lin Feng was like a bright sunshine, directly illuminating her dark sky.

Jin Fenghuang didn't expect that Lin Feng knew her Ci card, and said it with his mouth open. Lin Feng looks like a ruffian on the surface, but inside, he is very talented!

Golden Phoenix secretly praised that she did not see the wrong person. At this time, her heart was slightly excited.

However, the four judges, however, were all confused and could not understand what this was.

However, seeing that Lin Feng was the first to praise the Golden Phoenix, he was not willing to lag behind. He raised his broad hand and clapped it: "good, good poem, good poem!"

Then, the other three judges were obscene and laughed: "so wet, so wet!"

Besides the judges and members of the order of the Phoenix, the others did not applaud!

Next, the judges score.

Each person has a full score of 10, a total of 40 points, four judges directly on the brand.2, 3, 3, 1!

Nine points in total.

All of a sudden, the order of the Phoenix sighed. It scored 9 out of 40? Is that right?

Such a low score, is the Golden Phoenix did not expect, his original, although not perfect, normal scoring, three is seven or eight points still have.

But the four guys had their own little abacus in their hearts. They wanted to help Jin Fenghuang secretly, but because of the appearance of Lin Feng, they were very upset. In addition, they didn't understand a word of Jin Fenghuang's poetry, so they gave a low score directly.

Jin Fenghuang shakes his head and laughs bitterly to himself. Lin Feng laughs at this scene. His heart says, "look, I know that if you invite this group of people, it's a pit.".

Next, there is Cui Sanye, who is a mountain supporter in the north of the city, to write poems.

The label Cui San Ye drew is Songhua River, which is the mother river of Jincheng.

Mr. Cui always talks fast, but he doesn't bring any help this time. When he sees the proposition of songhuaxi, he really improvises.

He coughed hard for two times, and said in a loud voice, "ah, the Songhua River is quite big, and there are lotus flowers in the stream. There are toads on the lotus. The toad pokes and jumps. Ah ha ha ha ha ha, a jump

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" There was laughter all around.

"Sleeping trough, smooth, good poem, good poem!" This is just to the taste of Dao ye and Hou Ye. They both like to write poems. Especially the neat couplets, they clapped their hands immediately.

People around me also feel that this poem is good, they can understand it and rhyme it very well!

There was a lot of praise around.

Four judges score: 8, 8, 8, 8!

Get a high score of 32.

"Yield, yield!" Cui Sanye suddenly felt that he had the temperament of a scholar, and his words changed!

However, the Golden Phoenix shakes his head secretly. These judges are really fooling around!

At this time, yu'er got close to the Golden Phoenix's ear and said in a low voice, "elder sister, I think there is something wrong with this."

"What's the problem?"

Yu'er said: "those judges are invited by you. They are supposed to be partial to you, but now they are defecting. This is obviously a problem. I have observed carefully just now. I found that they hate Lin Feng very much. Especially when you interact with Lin Feng, they all look like they hate Lin Feng. This group of old lecherons, because Lin Feng doesn't give high marks !”

Golden Phoenix is silent.

Yu'er continued in a low voice: "today, in order to wait for Lin Feng, you delayed the meeting. Everyone is already angry. Now Lin Feng has become a thorn in everyone's eye. The four judges are also not used to Lin Feng. I advise elder sister to drive Lin Feng away, otherwise, we will be very embarrassed next." , the fastest update of the webnovel!