The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 156

It's just that it seems difficult to get the name of the order of the Phoenix out.

Jin Fenghuang also knew this, so he chose poems and songs as the theme, because he knew that these people were a group of big men and no one understood these things, which was very beneficial to her.

Golden Phoenix sitting on the chair of the host, smiling at everyone said: "thank you for your presence, I am very grateful!"

"Don't do that!" Third master Cui suddenly gave a big drink.

The third master Cui spoke quickly and yelled in a loud voice: "our Jincheng community has never heard of any poetry Convention for so many years. What are you going to do? Learning culture? Shall we go with you to take the postgraduate entrance examination? "

"Ha ha ha ha!" There was a burst of laughter.

"Yes, we are just a group of tough people who want to fight and fight. What kind of poems do you want to complete? Are you funny?"

"Shit, I want to know how to make money with this Kung Fu. I think I'm just fed up!"

As soon as the third master Cui took the lead, everyone around him was excited. He had already rushed to smash the scene. Someone ignited the fire and immediately ignited it. He did not give the order of Phoenix any face.

But Jin Fenghuang seemed to have a plan in mind. She had expected this to happen. She said with a light smile: "is it not a good thing to let everyone have more talent and pay more attention to culture? Even the elders of Jincheng community pay so much attention to culture. We, the younger generation, should pay more attention to it

With a wave of her hand, she saw four old men, mostly 50 or 60 years old, coming out of the back door one after another. After they entered the hall, they immediately caused a great disturbance around them.

The four old men who came in are the senior figures in the mouth of Golden Phoenix.

The first one wore a black Tang suit, with a large waist and an inch of white. He walked with a tiger like wind.

"Master Dao?" Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Master Dao is an old man in the world. When there was no such thing as the four major associations in Jincheng, he was famous for his machete in Jincheng. No one knows!

It's just that when I'm old this year, I choose to retire, but I still have some prestige in the world.

"Hello, everyone, brothers!" The master of Dao grinned and said: "the Golden Phoenix is right. Culture is very important. The rogue society culture is not afraid to go anywhere! Ha ha ha

Behind him was a thin old man with sharp lips and narrow eyes. He also said, "yes, yes, I'll lose to no culture. Otherwise, I can't point out how big an official I have to be!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" There was a burst of laughter.

That thin old man is also very not simple, surnamed Hou Minglin, others call him "monkey Lord", very image.

When he was young, he broke into each other's Club alone, three in and three out, rescued his boss, and then rescued his concubine.

Of course, in the end, the monkey master didn't pay attention to it. He got on well with the boss's lover. He was reviled by the people in the lake and had to retire.

However, in recent years, everyone has been open-minded, and gradually forgives the young and frivolous master monkey, so his reputation in the river and lake has improved a lot.

At this time, the monkey master was already old, so he didn't want to interfere with the affairs of the river and lake. He usually liked to read a few children's books, created a few doggerel poems, and played hooky all over the place.

After the Dao ye and Hou ye, the two are villains and Lao ba.

These two are also old, but their names seem to be so social.

The villain's face is always ferocious, just as others always owe him two hundred bucks!

He is also used to being called a villain. One day, when someone called him a villain, he slapped him in the face. It's not pleasant to say his name, but the villain is comfortable to listen to. So he is 60 years old. When others see him, he still shouts.

And that old eight, born to love money, "eight" homonym is "hair", so others call him Lao BA or Ba Ye.

He is the richest one among the four. He has a round body and a smiling face. However, the older people all know that this kind of smile is not easy!

They laugh when they eat, when they sleep, even when they scold or beat people.

If he doesn't smile one day, it may be something. It's true that there is something big about him!

But so far, he hasn't met anything that makes him feel big, so he still laughs!

Of course, these four in the community circle in Jincheng, are important figures.

Many young people in Jincheng are related to them. Some want to be a swordsman, some want to be a brave Marquis like Zhao Zilong, others want to be afraid of others like villains, and some think Laoba is the most cruel!

Today, it's amazing that Jin Fenghuang has invited these four senior figures.

But these four people, one thing is very similar, an age, but also very greedy.

Therefore, they can't control the Golden Phoenix after spending a lot of money. In addition, with the charm of the goddess of the Golden Phoenix, their invitation to the Golden Phoenix is even more difficult to resist.Jin Fenghuang said: "these four veteran League figures are here today to be referees for you. Do you have any comments on their being referees?"

In the past, the referees were all professional. For example, in the fencing competition of the wolf club, we looked for professional referees.

But where can there be professional judges for things like poetry? Literature has no first place, martial arts has no second. Literature is hard to judge. Therefore, ambiguity is inevitable. If there is ambiguity, there will be disputes. Therefore, Jin Fenghuang invited some senior figures to be judges. In this way, these people can be controlled!

Although Jin Fenghuang knows that they are all old men, and no one has studied for several years, their appreciation level should be some, and the most important thing is that they can convince these younger generations.

So when this group of old guys appeared, they really shocked the people present.

Seeing this scene, the Golden Phoenix was proud of himself. It seems that the momentum is good today. It is carried out according to his own ideas. Moreover, there must be no problem behind it. It is reasonable to win the championship.

But the corner of Lin Feng's mouth on one side is a faint smile.

When he saw these elders enter the arena, he had already concluded that the Golden Phoenix had dug a hole for himself. In this meeting, the Golden Phoenix would lose miserably.

At the same time, the four senior figures also took a serious look at Lin Feng.

After they saw Lin Feng, their eyes were full of hostility.

Because, these four guys are all running for the beauty of Golden Phoenix. They just saw the attitude of Jin Fenghuang to Lin Feng in the backstage. They can't help but upset the vinegar jar. Where is this guy better? Can you be the lover of Golden Phoenix?

Damn it, I knew that the Golden Phoenix liked the little white faced concubine, so he didn't come to be the referee. It's a waste of emotion, shit! , the fastest update of the webnovel!