The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 155

Yu'er went to the venue and said with a microphone, "listen to me. There is a little bit of a situation on the order of the Phoenix, so the meeting will be postponed for a while."

"What are you doing? What time is it? Do you think our time is not worth money? " Third master Cui was the first one not to like it.

"Yes! Is the order of the Phoenix held for the first time this year? Is it the first time that you don't know the rules? "

"Tell us, why the delay? No reason to delay, we don't accept it! "


the people around complained, obviously they didn't pay attention to the order of the Phoenix.

Yu'er bit her teeth and said, "because there is still an important guest who is not present."

"Who? So cow B? Better than me Third master Cui refused.

The fire god's temper also came up: "what important guests? What are you doing? Is it that your golden beauty hasn't arrived yet

"Of course not. My eldest sister is upstairs. You can come down at any time. Please be calm. The guest should be here soon."

Just finish saying, jade son's telephone rang, is the Golden Phoenix to call.

When yu'er answers the phone, Jin Fenghuang says, "Lin Feng is here, but he is stopped outside by the security guard. Go and pick it up."

"Ah Yu'er is full of black lines, so many of them attended the meeting, but they didn't see the security guard blocking him. Did he stop him too much?

In order to appease everyone first, yu'er said, "the guest has come. Please wait a moment. I'll pick him up right now."

With that, he walked out of the meeting!

When they saw her go out, they all talked about it.

"Who? What a show? "

"When I came, why didn't the order of Phoenix send someone to pick me up at the door? For the sake of this man, we delayed the meeting and even went to pick me up in person?"

"No, I have to go out and see who this man is!"

Some people said that, they also walked out of the venue, standing on this side of the lake, looking at the gate.

More and more people were curious and walked out of the meeting hall one after another. Standing on the side of crescent lake and looking at the gate, the lake was crowded with people.

However, when you see the figure of people coming from the gate, they are a little confused.

That important guest, how can still ride a bicycle, body in the car, also a towering, high and low forward.

After her death, yu'er and a man and a woman closely followed, and the appearance was quite funny, just like the cadres' bicycle trip to the countryside in the 1940s and 1950s.

"This big man, a little rustic!" Someone said.

"It's not a little bit, it's rather rustic!" Someone retorted.

"Is he just him? It's a cannon!" The God of fire cursed and turned back to the meeting.

As soon as he looked at the towering figure, he knew that it was that disgusting little boy again!

At this time, Lin Feng had already cycled to the side of the lake. Seeing that a group of people were staring at him, he said to yu'er, "Why are so many people welcoming me? Is that too polite? Am I so important? Well, maybe it's my unsettled charm that bothers them? "

This said jade son one Leng one Leng, she grows up, the first time sees such shameless person!

Lin Feng rode his bike to the lake, supported on one leg and waved to the people on the other side of the lake: "Hello, comrades! Oh, you all come to pick me up. I'm sorry! You're welcome. Please come back! "

"Shit! Stupid? " Some people in the crowd rolled their eyes.

"I think he has a brain problem!"

"This is the legendary important guest? Go to NIMA. Is the order of the Phoenix gone? "

After they saw Lin Feng, their curiosity disappeared. They turned their heads and walked back to the venue. They were disappointed.

"Jade son, you see they are really obedient. I told them to go back and go back!" "No one left!" Lin Feng said with a smile

Jade son is a burst of deep speechless, really do not know this brain road strange guy, which is excellent? Why does the elder sister like him so much?

Is it because he can play? Is it because he looks like that man?

But now is not the time to think about these things. Yu'er casually called a person to come over and help Lin Feng push the car away. Then she said to Lin Feng and others, "there are people from all major communities. You should talk as little as possible. Don't make trouble for the order of Phoenix."

"Jade son, you are very fastidious, but you don't pay attention to your words. However, I forgive you for your low Eq. I'll try my best to speak less and go on!" Lin Feng turned his head and walked towards the meeting hall.

The mouse was staring at yu'er all the time. At this time, he finally had the chance to say a word. He asked in a low voice, "did you receive my email? Have you read the letter? "

A trace of impatience flashed on her face. She pretended not to hear and walked behind Lin Feng towards the meeting hall.

Wei Yichen carried a big bag and looked tired. She didn't sleep all night last night. She said to the mouse without lifting her head or opening her eyes: "give up, it's no use!""I don't!" The mouse said and followed him into the meeting.

"Alas Wei Yichen picked her eyebrows and said, "I didn't make it. Can you? Impossible

When Lin Feng entered the venue, there was a lot of booing.

Long Shao didn't go out just now. When he saw that the important guest was Lin Feng, his enemies were very envious. He took the lead in shouting, "Lin Feng, it's because of you and him that we've delayed our time. You can't do it. Who do you think you are?"

"I'm Lin Feng!" Lin Feng hands a spread, very helpless said: "you all know I am Lin Feng, also asked who I am, are you stupid?"

"Are you or him..." long Shao was already angry. Last time in the French style restaurant, he was drunk by Lin Feng. He was so ugly that he spent more than one million yuan in vain. He didn't care about the money, but Lin Feng obviously insulted his IQ.

So Lin Feng just scolded him for being stupid and stabbed him in the pain. Today, all he brought was a little brother who could beat him. You Lin Feng dare to be so cruel. Today, I won't discount your leg first!

"Lin Feng, I'll kill you Long Shao and his younger brother will rush up.

At this time, but listen to a pleasant voice came: "Phoenix Lingdi, don't be rude, Lin Feng is my guest of honor, who moved him is the enemy of our order of Phoenix!"

The person who talks is the Golden Phoenix.

The Golden Phoenix has a gorgeous golden robe. Two young women behind him hold his skirt. She walks in front of her, with a smile on her face, but between her eyebrows, there is a faint sharpness, and her aura is very strong.

"Hum!" Long Shao has not yet reached the point where he wants to form a feud with the order of the Phoenix. He snorts coldly and sits back in his position.

"Lin Feng, come and sit next to me." Golden Phoenix sat on its phoenix tree chair, with a wave of hands showing Raymond Lam to sit beside him.

There were also many young brothers of the order of the Phoenix who were surprised to see the move.

Elder sister is usually very noble, they are difficult to see, see also just smile to them, even don't say much, but today, she is so gentle to this boy.

Those little brothers are all jealous.

And Lin Feng, seems to have aroused the dissatisfaction of all the members of the community. Jin Fenghuang, the first beauty in the South City, is gentle to this boy. He is angry at the sight of him.

In particular, they did not recognize the status of the order of the Phoenix at first. Only in view of the beauty and cultivation of the Golden Phoenix, did they reluctantly recognize the status of the order of the Phoenix. However, with such a disturbance, everyone had no support for the order of the Phoenix, and it was even more gone.

Of course, this time they were not pure.

They all came with the attitude of watching good plays, because every day of the four-day meeting, which club will preside over it will surely shine brilliantly in this conference, and win the crown!

Spring Festival meeting, led by Lei Hong, the wolf club won the fencing championship.

The summer meeting was hosted by the mountain gang. Cui Sanye led his men to take the lead in rock climbing and outdoor competitions in the mountains.

Nowadays, the order of the Phoenix has a poetry conference. Everyone knows this kind of thing. Various societies secretly find many talented people to pretend to be their little brothers, just to humiliate the order of Phoenix at the critical moment.

After all, the four major associations seem to be calm, but in fact, they are turbulent and have fierce competition. Based on the idea that one can have more living space, they suppress and restrict each other, and they all want to dominate the whole city.

Now, this poetry conference is also secretly riveting enough strength.

Jin Fenghuang is also well aware of this truth, so what she wants to do today is to give the name of the order of the Phoenix out loud so that all the associations can recognize their status as the order of the Phoenix! , the fastest update of the webnovel!