The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 154

Peeping at others is not a moral matter. In Su Jing's opinion, it is very evil!

But she couldn't help but want to see it!

Su Jing saw that under the barbecue stand, Lin Feng and Wei Yichen were laughing and making a lot of noise. The mouse was on the side occasionally, and her heart was agitated again.

But she really didn't understand why she was like this, and the more upset she was, the more she wanted to see what would happen to Lin Feng and that girl!

But after fighting for a long time, nothing happened. She saw three people leave the barbecue stand when they were full of food and drink!

Su Jing thought that Lin Feng might come back after seeing them off.

She quickly changed her pajamas, went back to her bedroom, lay in bed and opened her book.

Pretend to be ready to go to sleep as usual.

She even thought well, every time Lin Feng opened the door and came in, she would say hello to her, this time she chose to pretend to sleep and would never pay attention to him!

However, after waiting for more than half an hour, Su Jing did not see Lin Feng.

Su Jing suddenly understood that Lin Feng had gone with that woman and would not come back tonight!

However, she also felt that Lin Feng should not do that. At least, he would say to himself, "I'm going to pick up girls, and I won't come back tonight!"

Su Jing waited for a while, but still couldn't help calling Lin Feng. She told herself that the hotel was not safe. If Lin Feng didn't come back, I would lock the door. I called to make sure whether to lock the door or not. I didn't care about Lin Feng!

So, Su Jing made that cold call.

Lin Feng did not pay attention to these, he and Wei Yichen have come to the villa door.

At this time, Wei Yichen asked Lin Feng, "boss, do we want to buy condoms? I heard people say..."

"no!" Lin Feng said.

Wei Yi Chen a palpitation, the boss is so rough? Well, whoever makes him the boss is happy!

Wei Yichen's face flushed.

"By the way, do you have enough water here? Maybe after some strenuous activities, you need some water! " Lin Feng Road.

"The water fountain seems to have a big bucket of water!" Wei Yichen said.

"Oh, that's enough!" Lin Feng said, "by the way, is there a mirror that can look at the whole body and see the posture?"

Wei Yichen felt that her face was burning hot, and she had to look at her posture. It was a bloody scene. Imagine two bodies...

Wei Yichen couldn't think of it any more. She blushed to the root of her neck, and a small pink fist hit Lin Feng: "boss, you are good or bad! You make people shy to death! "

After that, she really thought about it for a while and said, "yes, there is a super large mirror, which can see clearly!"

Finish saying, the face is a burst of hot: "Oh, don't say, how shy ah!"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "tonight, you may have to go to bed very late. Do you insist on staying?"

"I'm fine, as long as you're not tired!" Wei Yi Chen lovingly looked at Lin Feng, and then quickly changed his eyes to another place.

"How can I be tired?" Lin Feng said: "well, you are a young man after all, that is to carry, toss, go, enter the house!"

"It's like you're not young anymore!" Wei Yichen said happily, "OK, come in!"

Two men valiantly into the villa.




the next morning, the autumn meeting was held as scheduled.

Jincheng South District, the headquarters of the order of the Phoenix, a crowd.

The order of the Phoenix opened early in the morning, and representatives of some small associations began to enter.

The pattern of the headquarters of the order of Phoenix is full of Chinese style.

The high walls and grey tiles are antique. In the courtyard, there are also pavilions and pavilions everywhere. There are many peaks and peaks in the water.

There is a ten story building in the middle of the courtyard, which is the only building with modern flavor, but the edges and corners are all covered with ancient glass.

Wearing a gorgeous silk robe, Jin Fenghuang stood in front of the French window at the top of the 10th floor building and looked out of the window.

The morning sun gave her a layer of golden light all over her body. From behind, the skin of the Golden Phoenix was shining with a slight luster.

At this time, yu'er opened the door and came in: "elder sister, do you call me?"

Golden Phoenix slowly turned around and asked, "jade, is Lin Feng here?"

"Back elder sister, Lin Feng hasn't appeared yet!" Yu'er said: "it's still early, and many people have not come. Among the four major associations, only Mr. Cui, who supports the mountain Gang, has arrived. The Longkou group and the drag racing party haven't come yet."

"Well!" Golden Phoenix said: "it doesn't matter whether they come or not. It's mainly Lin Feng. If he comes, tell me!"

Golden Phoenix's voice is lazy and sexy.

"It's big sister!" Jade Road.

"By the way, the venue of this autumn meeting should be checked again!" "It's about the face of our order of the Phoenix. Don't make any mistakes," said Jin Fenghuang"Elder sister, all the venues have been set up, and the seats, equipment, and props used now are all ready! I'll check it again later! " Yu'er said: "elder sister, you can rest assured. After a while, all the guests are here. You can go out and show your prosperous appearance."

"Ha ha ha ha!" Golden Phoenix red lips light open, happy smile a few: "jade son, even you can be joking!"

"Elder sister, I'm not kidding. Your appearance is really stunning!"

"All right! All right Golden Phoenix waved: "hurry down to be busy!"

"Yes Yu'er retreated.

The venue is located at the headquarters of the order of Phoenix, the center of the lake square.

In the courtyard of the headquarters of the order of Phoenix, there is a man-made lake. The lake is in the shape of a crescent moon, also known as crescent lake.

In the middle of the lake, there is an open space of several thousand square meters, on which some pavilions and wood carving corridors have been built, and the pavilions and long corridors have become a square place. In the middle of this place, it was originally an open-air venue, which had already been arranged as the venue of Autumn Festival.

Inside the venue, in the west is a stage built entirely of pine, tens of meters square. Behind the stage, there is a crystal display screen more than two meters high, which is quite modern and scientific.

Under the stage, on both sides of the stage, there are many antique wooden seats for all guests to sit down.

Between the seats, there are mahogany square tables, on which are placed tea and snacks for people to eat.

And the camp of this seat is also very clear. The labels are pasted on the back to indicate which club seat it is, so as to avoid people sitting in the wrong position.

Due east, that is, the opposite direction of the stage, is the host seat, that is, some seats for members of the order of Phoenix. In the middle of

host, there is a very large style of teacher's chair, which is very large. It has two sizes of normal wooden chairs, made of fine Indus wood. True to life, Huang Guangliang is carved with two beautiful phoenix on his chair.

That's the exclusive seat for Golden Phoenix, the leader of the order of the Phoenix.

since ancient times there are clouds, "phoenix is not Indus don't live", that is, Phoenix will only fall on the Indus tree, there is no Indus tree, he would rather die of exhaustion and will not fall down to rest.

This is also the source of the saying that good birds choose trees to live in.

, Wutong chair, which is natural, indicates that Phoenix Phoenix Wutong is very appropriate.

The elegant and simple layout of the whole venue, however, does not lose its style. It has not only the simplicity of the ancient style, but also the sense of science and technology of modern society, which can be called perfect.

It's already 9:30 in the morning!

The meeting hall is full of people, and everyone who should come is here.

It's not necessary to say that the representatives of the small associations all want to squeeze in after sharpening their heads, while the other three major associations have also sent their own delegation.

In the north of the city, the great leader, Mr. Cui, has entered the hall, leading more than ten elite members of the group to work in the seats of the group.

Cui's name is Cui Bing, and his name is somewhat humorous, like some kind of food that is ridiculed.

It's not that he is related to Wu Dalang, but that he is the third in the family. His parents are too lazy to name them, so they give birth to Cui Jia, Cui B and Cui C!

Therefore, many people often refer to Cui Ye as Cui San Ye.

Third master Cui has bald head, ox eye, hairy beard, coarse cloth clothes and slovenly appearance, which is quite a bit of the flower monk Lu Zhishen.

And I heard that he was as powerful as an ox, and his voice was super loud. When talking to people, people had to stay away from them deliberately, otherwise they would occasionally shake their eardrums!

Since he took his seat, Cui has been chatting with his younger brother all the time. His loud voice makes people hear clearly.

"Cut, poetry convention, I despise this thing the most. I'm a rude man, damn it! Laozi knew that if you have strength, you can eat! Ha ha ha

Third master Cui's untidy speech made the people beside him laugh.

And sitting across the road from Mr. Cui is the camp of the drag racing party.

All the people in the Biao party camp have leather clothes and leather pants. They are decorated with bright metal ornaments, which are very textured.

This time, Vulcan led his younger brother to come, because among the candidates of the drag racing party, Huoshen is the most powerful and has the right to participate on behalf of the drag racing party.

Moreover, the fire god this time attends the poetry conference, still has the ulterior motive!

To this end, he also specially prepared for the meeting, he will shine brilliantly at the meeting!

At this time, in the northeast direction, a group of people in sportswear walked in and sat on their seats. They were members of the Longkou group.

The Longkou formation has always advocated fighting and Chen Zhen.

So when they attend important occasions, they usually wear a black Zhongshan suit as a uniform dress.

But this time the dress is so casual, it is obviously not to give the host face.

However, it is also true that even the leader of the Longkou group did not come. Instead, the eldest son, long Shao, brought people to participate. Enough to see that they do not pay enough attention to!

The group of people wearing sportswear are just like those who have just come out of the training ground. Some of them still wear sanitary clothes and wear one-piece clothes and hats. One face is trapped in the shadow of their hats. They feel cool and arrogant.The delegation of other small groups also took their seats in different times. Yu'er glanced at them roughly, and all those who should have come came. Long Xiaoqian, the leader of Longkou group, heard that he was still abroad, so it was reasonable for his son long Shao to attend.

If you look at it, there are no less than 100 people. It's really shocking.

Just, yu'er looked at the sign in list and found that Lin Feng had not come yet!

He frowned, this Lin Feng, seem to do anything habitually late, wait for him!

She called Jin Fenghuang and said, "elder sister, it's time to start the autumn meeting."

Jin Fenghuang stood in front of the floor to floor window of the ten storey building and said lazily, "I don't seem to see the shadow of Lin Feng!"

"Oh, Lin Feng hasn't arrived yet, only he hasn't arrived yet!" Yu'er said coldly.

"Then put it off for a while and wait for Lin Feng to come and start again!" Golden Phoenix Road.

"Elder sister?" Yu'er was extremely surprised: "such an important conference is also hosted by the order of Phoenix for the first year. It's a delay to start for Lin Feng alone? This will cause dissatisfaction from other associations! "

the order of Phoenix has only been among the four major associations this year, and its status is not stable. This year is also the first time to hold such a conference. It is estimated that many associations want to do evil behind their backs and watch their jokes!

However, the Golden Phoenix said with a lazy smile: "they are not satisfied. I don't care. I just want to do it! Do as I say

She knew that the most difficult thing in her life was to live in the way that I wanted to live. At that time, because she couldn't help herself, she missed him, which made her regret incomparable. But now, she has this ability, then, she will be willful and live in the way she wants.

"Yes Yu'er bit her teeth and asked again, "do you want me to call Lin Feng to urge her?"

"There is no need to rush. Those who have a heart will come." Golden Phoenix Road.

"All right." Take a deep breath and feel the pressure is incomparable! , the fastest update of the webnovel!