The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 153

Lin Feng said: "Yi Chen, you drink less, tonight I sleep with you!"

"What?" Wei Yichen thought that she had heard something wrong, and her face suddenly burst into ecstasy: "boss, do you want to sleep with me?"

"Well!" Lin Feng nodded!

"Boss, you want to sleep with me?" Wei Yichen asked again. She couldn't believe it!

"Yes Lin Feng smiles.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!" Wei Yichen was holding a small powder fist and piling it under his chin. He lowered his head and snickered. Then, he suddenly asked the mouse with a serious face: "help me to see if I am very sexy today? Hee hee

The mouse squinted at the dead fish's eyes and said, "my jade is not sexy!"

"Go away!"

Wei Yichen glared at the mouse, and then a pair of white jade hands directly grasped Lin Feng's arm, and said to Lin Feng with a smile: "boss, I think it's getting late. Why don't we just, hey, hey ... "

don't mention that Wei Yichen sat on the bench with his legs bent, his face raised slightly, his eyes narrowed and he was laughing at Lin Feng. He was very beautiful under the street lamp, which made people excited. Lin Feng's heart could not help but tremble. For a moment, he was a little stunned.

Shao Qing, Lin Feng regained his mind and asked, "morning, where do you live?"

Wei Yichen listen, more excited, the boss is really to sleep with himself!

She said quickly, "I have several houses. Which one do you want to live in?"

"Quieter!" Lin Feng Road.

"Good!" Wei Yichen said: "then go to live in that set of Swan Lake Villa, single door, single courtyard, very quiet!"

“OK!” Lin Feng said.

Wei Yi Chen a burst of ecstasy, the heart said I peach blossom luck? The boss even wants to share a room with me in the dead of night. Is it burning?

Oh, no! There seems to be no safety measures in my villa. I have to ask the boss to buy a box of condoms first. After all, I'm still a girl who has never been through the affairs of men and women! How shy!

But the mouse sighed: "you're both together, you can click and click! Pity me for being alone. I haven't received a reply to my love letter to yu'er up to now. "

The mouse picked up a roasted kidney and rolled it all down. Then he lowered his head with oil in his mouth.

"Don't worry, dead mouse. If you have a lover, you will get married. I'll do it!" Wei Yichen is in a good mood at the moment. Still keep advising the mouse: "you refuel, continue to write, by the way, tomorrow and we go to the grand meeting, you can see your jade son, how good!"

"Yes! I'll see her tomorrow. I must ask him what's wrong with me? Why don't you answer my letter! Hum The mouse picked up another roasted kidney and rolled it down.

It may be that he hasn't eaten meat for a long time, or it may be that he is dissatisfied with the reality. When the mouse goes down, he shoves all the meat into his mouth. Even the iron tongs that wear strings are lifted to the surface by him.

Lin Feng wants to laugh at this scene: "mouse, you should be light. You don't care about your teeth. The boss still cares about his own chisel. The iron chisel should be recycled and disinfected for reuse."

After that, he sighed and said to himself, "brother, you are in love, and I can't help you, but yu'er is really not a good choice!"

But Lin Feng just thinks so in his heart, and doesn't say anything on his mouth. After all, love is free. The mouse has a rat's view of love. He likes the cold girl dressed like a boy, just like Lin Feng likes a woman with bulging breasts and round buttocks. It's a truth that Lin Feng likes a woman with bulging breasts and round buttocks. It's just a matter of personal concept.

After that, Lin Feng and Wei Yichen and mice chatted and ate for a while.

The mouse was so drunk that it didn't take long to get drunk.

Lin Feng and Wei Yichen sent the mice back and took a taxi to Wei Yichen's Swan Lake Villa!

Just arrived at Wei Yichen's residence, Lin Feng received a phone call from Su Jing.

"Hello, my president of Suzhou University!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Lin Feng, you are not coming back tonight, are you?" Su Jing said coldly.

"How do you know?" Lin Feng is stunned. Can Su Jing tell her fortune?

"Dudu, Dudu -" a blind voice came from the other end. It was Su Jing who hung up the phone!

"How strange this woman is Lin Feng frowned.

In recent days, Su Jing has been busy with Dongsheng Group and has not contacted him much. She is tired and sleepy when she comes back from work every day.

However, Su Jing's attitude towards him has been eased a lot. After all, he is such a great meritorious official that Su Jing can't face him coldly any more.

However, today, Lin Feng once again felt the general cold from the polar regions. How could this woman say that she turned her face? Where did I provoke you again?

However, Lin Feng did not notice one thing.

That is, every move in front of him was noticed by Su Jing.

On her way back to the hotel from work, Su Jing glanced at the barbecue stand while the taxi was waiting for the red light.The barbecue stand is not far from Dongsheng International Hotel, so Su Jing will pass by after work every day, and every time she passes by, she will look at it intentionally or unintentionally.

She had never been to that kind of roadside stall before. It was the first time that Lin Feng took him to roll strings. She felt super grounded and super cool. In addition, Wu Liang made a disturbance. So she was very impressed by the experience of eating barbecue.

Today, as she passed the barbecue stand, she seemed to see a few familiar figures.

The car just stopped to wait for the red light. Su Jing looked at the barbecue stand carefully.

Coincidentally, I saw Wei Yichen holding Lin Feng's arm with both hands and talking with a smile.

And Lin Feng did not break free, but also smile in and Wei Yichen talk.

Su Jing's heart suddenly trembled. This scene made her feel at a loss.

Lin Feng and the girl used to be...

Su Jing met Wei Yichen. She was kidnapped by thunder from the wolf society. When Lin Feng went to save her, she took mice and Wei Yichen with her.

But she never thought that the girl was Lin Feng's girlfriend! Must be a girlfriend, or how could you do that in public?!

Su Jing suddenly felt uncomfortable all over her body. She didn't know why. She felt that she was impetuous again. She just felt that she was not satisfied with everything!

"Master, the light is green. Why don't you drive?" Su Jing urged the taxi driver in front of her.

"It's just green. I'm leaving now. What's your hurry?" The driver Shifu was so confused that he said that the passenger had nothing to do with it? But for the sake of your beauty, I don't care about you.

The driver took Su Jing to the hotel.

Su Jing sat on her big bed, feeling more and more irritable.

She didn't understand what was wrong with her. She walked out of her room and looked at the empty sofa in the hall, but suddenly she felt empty.

Usually there is a snoring dead pig lying on the sofa. He occasionally wakes up and comes to smash him with a doll.

Dead pig is not in today, quiet, but why can't he sleep?

At this time, her eyes fell on the balcony of the astronomical telescope, a bit of an evil idea came into her mind. She did not know why she had this idea, but she still couldn't help but picked up the telescope and looked at the baking booth on the street corner from here! , the fastest update of the webnovel!