The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 152

Lin Feng hung up the phone and saw Wei Yichen looking at himself. He looked down at himself. There was nothing different. He asked Wei Yicheng, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"Boss, are you going to that grand party?" Wei Yichen's eyes are shining.

"Yes Lin Feng was surprised: "how do you know?"

Wei Yichen said with a smile, "can you take me? I know a lot of poems and songs! I've learned classical dance before

"So boring activities, do you join in? Well, I'll take you if you want to go! " Lin Feng bowed his head and ate the passage.

"Boring? boss? Do you know what's going on here? " Wei Yichen said.

"I don't know!" Lin Feng drank a mouthful of wine and said, "but look at your appearance, is there any famous hall in this conference?"

"Of course, it's very famous." Wei Yichen said: "this is a club meeting only four times a year in Jincheng. The four major associations gather at the same time, and half of Jincheng is there!"

"Oh?" After hearing this, Lin Feng pauses for a moment and puts down the string in his hand.

Something suddenly occurred to him!

A thing about Jincheng community!

Old bullshit, there is a mysterious organization that has parachuted into Jincheng, and the people of that mysterious organization want to choose one of the major forces in Jincheng for support.

If this grand gathering is really like what Wei Yichen said, the four major associations will gather together, then the people of the mysterious organization will also be present. He will be on the scene to evaluate all forces and find the most suitable one. This is the best opportunity.

Lin Feng had thought before that the mysterious organization would choose which force. According to his analysis, among the forces in Jincheng, Dongsheng Group will not be interfered by mysterious organizations. If the mysterious organizations infiltrate, he will be the first to know.

The Shen group is now in a low ebb, and the public opinion, relations and business conditions in the society are very low. If it goes on, the status of the Shen group will continue to decline. The Shen group is in the forefront of the storm, too conspicuous, and will not be the choice of mysterious organizations.

As for Changsheng Group, it is said that Wei Zhentian, the chairman of Changsheng Group, is 70 years old this year. His Changsheng Group has been controlled by him all the time. It is a typical family enterprise. His family branches are huge. All the industries of Changsheng Group are jointly managed by the family members.

This kind of family business, the most taboo outsiders to interfere in internal affairs, so it should not be the choice of mysterious organizations.

In this way, Jincheng's three consortia have been excluded.

So, there are only four clubs left.

Lin Feng didn't give too much analysis on the four major associations, because each of them may become the target of mysterious organizations, and all of them may cooperate with mysterious organizations.

What Lin Feng needs to do is to observe secretly and find the traces of the mysterious organizations, grasp the movements of the mysterious organizations in advance, and secretly obstruct their expansion of power.

In this way, the mysterious organization's search for blood jade in Jincheng will greatly slow down.

Therefore, Lin Feng was suddenly interested in this grand event.

It's not only because of the invitation of the beautiful Golden Phoenix, but also because he wants to see whether the club in Jincheng and the mysterious organization will appear.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng asked Wei Yicheng, "is it that the government doesn't care about this kind of community gathering? Will this be harmful to social stability? "

Wei Yichen said: "no, no, no, boss, you have wrongly blamed them. This kind of party is very artistic! This kind of meeting is called a four-day meeting! "

"Tell me more about it!" Lin Feng Road.

Next, Wei Yichen explained to Lin Feng in detail:

the four-day meeting is only a four-day meeting.

Only once a year. The rotation is presided over by the four major associations in Jincheng, and the order of hosting is decided by drawing lots at the beginning of each year.

The first day of the four-day meeting, also known as the Spring Festival meeting, is held in spring.

This year's Spring Festival meeting was held by the wolf club, with the theme of fencing.

Representatives of the four major associations were sent to participate in the fencing competition according to the rules of the sponsor wolf club.

The theme of this meeting will be decided by which club. Of course, the theme is also the most advantageous area of this association.

Because the main core of the four-day meeting is to show the strength of their own associations to all associations, win the recognition of other associations, and win the status in Jincheng.

For example, Lei Hong of the wolf club is best at fencing, so the final champion of the Spring Festival club is the wolf club.

The wolf club has fully demonstrated their strengths as hosts, and it makes people feel like a great wolf club!

This is also a full display of the community culture and strength, just like the Olympic Games. Why do Olympic athletes rush to win gold medals and win glory for the country? The more gold medals, the more you can see the comprehensive strength of this country, the strength of culture, sports, education and so on!

Therefore, the nature of the four-day games is somewhat similar to the Olympic Games. It can also be called the Olympic Games of Jincheng community.This year's summer meeting, which was held in early May, was hosted by the support group.

The theme of the mountain group is rock climbing and mountaineering.

There is no doubt that the final winners are almost all supporters.

When each club is in charge of its own club, it will set a theme that is beneficial to its own community. Basically, as long as it is presided over by which club, which club will win the championship. If it does not win the championship, it will be a shame. In the future, in the four major associations, it will not be able to raise its head.

You think, you set the rules, but you can't play with others. How many dishes do you have to prove your strength?

This poetry festival is held in autumn, and it is also the third day of the four-day meeting, autumn meeting.

According to sources, the autumn meeting should have been presided over by Longkou group, but the leader of Longkou group seems to have an urgent matter to deal with, and the person is still abroad. Therefore, some time ago, it was temporarily decided to change the order, and the order of Phoenix would preside over the autumn meeting.

So this four-day meeting is almost the most important festival in the community. Only people with high status in the community can be eligible to participate, younger brother or something, ha ha, watch the playback video!

"Oh After listening to Wei Yichen's crazy explanation, Lin Feng understood the grand event.

He thought it was a very small exchange meeting of poems and songs, but he didn't expect that there were so many interests and disputes in it.

But it's interesting!

Tomorrow's meeting is about to start. Lin Feng lowered his head and thought for a short time. He suddenly picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Golden Phoenix.

The Golden Phoenix soon returned to Lin Feng.

Wei Yichen was very curious, "boss, why don't you and sister Jin send me messages? What are you doing? "

"Children's family, go to eat string first, I'll tell you what you sent tomorrow!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Cut!" Wei Yichen small mouth a Du: "I'm not a child, I may be better than sister Jin!"

"Poof!" Lin Feng almost vomited out a mouthful of wine, and then said with a smile: "good, good, you grow better than anyone else!"

The mouse said with a smile: "but I still think my jade is well developed, and her chest is swollen! Hey, hey

"He must not be my age!" Wei Yi Chen a shudder front chest, flutter slant.

"I think she's just older than you are!" Mice are very serious.

"Have you tested it?"

"Visual inspection!"

"Cut, that's still my age!"


"eh!" Lin Feng listened to these two people have no nutrition argument, I really regret that he should not take this topic about development.

He took another look at the message sent by Golden Phoenix on his mobile phone, thought for a while, and then said to Wei Yicheng, "Yichen, don't make any noise. Drink less. I'll sleep with you tonight!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!