The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 149

For the race car racing party, there are rules in the election because they have their own core ideas.

The core idea is six big characters. On the big white wall of the repair shop, there are striking words: popular will, technology and ability.

This is the spiritual basis for the growth of the drag racing party over the years.

These three words are their motto!

First of all, they must win the support of the people and can not do things that run counter to the common people.

Secondly, we should pay attention to technology. The original intention of the racing party is that a group of people who love racing get together. Therefore, racing technology is what they should study and pursue.

Then there is the ability. The ability here refers to is not the ability of racing, but the individual ability. Can we lead the drag racing party to continue to grow? Whether it can provide enough space for the drag racing party to survive and benefit.

To give a simple example, at that time, V University became a small leader because he helped the drag racing party to pave the floor of Banyou road for free.

Later, V university raised money from the society to renovate the four storey building of the drag racing party from the inside to the outside. His ability was recognized by all, and he became one of the four heavenly kings of the racing party.

However, V was tired of the power struggle of the racing party. He only loved racing, so he announced that he would withdraw from the racing party. He wandered around the world on his own, looking for powerful drivers from all over the world to compete with each other.

In Wei Yichen's opinion, V big is the person who really loves racing, V big is her idol, and the eldest Lin Feng is his idol now.

Let's get to the point.

So the six character core of the drag racing party has always been in use.

Now every election is also around these six words.

This election is the least influential one in the history of the drag racing party, with only two forces, namely Huoshen and Chen Da.

However, the rules of PK can not be changed. The first item in the core is the popular will.

In fact, the public support round of PK has been completed in the morning!

The people's aspiration is to let all members of the drag racing party vote by secret ballot, and the one with the highest number of votes will get one point.

Because there are so many younger brothers in the door of Huoshen, naturally, Huoshen got this point, and Chen Da's votes were far behind Huoshen.

So now the big score is 1-0, and the Vulcan is a point ahead for the time being.

Then, the next PK set by Sima Yufeng and other older generation, that is, skill PK, was put in three days.

Skills, as the name suggests, depends on the racing technology.

However, the fiery one didn't want to wait. Moreover, he saw that Chen Da had entrusted Wei Yichen to get a CCR Nordic phantom. This kind of car can't even catch up with Ferrari. He murmured in his heart. Chen Da seems to have a lot of opportunities. If he wins the next two events, won't he be very poor?

Therefore, he decided to kill Chen Da directly to avoid future trouble.

Therefore, he issued a fake news, saying that this afternoon he would hold a pK of "skills", and let people make a fake notice and send it to Chen Da.

Chen Da is immersed in the joy of getting CCR sports car, is eager to try it, received the news, gladly agreed.

However, he felt that he had never driven the sports car before. Wei Yichen was entrusted by Wei Yicheng to get it. Wei Yichen was familiar with the performance of the car, so he lied that Wei Yichen was his apprentice and could be used to fight.

There is a very good tradition of the drag racing party, which is to teach novices to give full play to their talent in racing. So if the apprentice is good, he can also prove that master's skills are excellent.

In this way, Wei Yichen became Chen Da's driver.

But the God of fire didn't care. Originally, he had a lot of opinions about Wei Yicheng, so it was just like this, and they cleaned up together.

Therefore, they gathered at Lingyun mountain behind songhuaxi in the north of the city, and started a contest on the Panshan highway!

But Chen Da didn't expect that the other party's intention was not to race, but to kill!

So there is the scene ahead!

At present, the God of fire doesn't mention it any more. No matter how it is mentioned, it's not good for him. The people haven't been killed, and the racing car hasn't raced over other people, so it's just as if it didn't happen.

He simply followed the rules directly and said: "Chen Da, the first popular PK, I will win you a point. According to the rules, the skill racing PK will be carried out in three days. I think you have got a Nordic phantom CCR today. Ha ha, in order to win me, you are really working hard!"

Chen Da sneered: "I attach great importance to this election. Of course, I will do my best."

"Fart!" The God of fire burst out and said, "you call it all-out? I don't know how many times better your car is than mine! Winning by equipment does not mean that you have excellent skills. Therefore, this competition is not fair! "

Vulcan has just tasted the exhaust gas of Nordic mirage CCR. He knows that if he really competes with this car three days later, even if he has a better driver, it will be useless.

Therefore, he simply spilled in advance, intended to eliminate Chen Da's advantage!

"Sima old man, you give the evaluation, this kind of rely on the car to win, still can call skill PK? Do you still need car skills? " Said the God of fire.Sima Yufeng frowned and said, "it's not right for the election."

"What's wrong? Mr. Sima, I borrowed the car according to my own ability. If he thinks that a good car can win, he can also borrow it with his own ability. He borrowed a better car than me. I don't have any complaints! " Chen Da said.

He finally asked Wei Yichen to help him get the car, which wasted nine cattle and two tigers. If you don't let me use it, how can it be?

Sima Yufeng feels a little headache. Chen Da is right. Good car is also a kind of human ability. In the racing field, where do you use any car, I have to be the same as your car? Especially for this kind of underground drag racing, almost no two cars racing at the same time are the same, so what Chen Da said is also reasonable.

It's hard to beat Sima Yufeng!

At this time, the God of fire flashed a shrewdness on his face, and then pretended to be angry and said: "in this case, I don't have to do with your car. In this case, you can choose your car at will. You can use your Nordic phantom CCR. However, I will set the rules of racing, such as the length of mileage, the specific time setting of the race, and so on, I'll decide! In that case, we are even! "

Chen Da thought about it for a while, and said that the rules of the game were just a little bit. Even if you decided, how could you win my Nordic phantom CCR, unless you choose a place with all the potholes in the waterway, and then you drive a cross-country jeep to fight, but there is no such waterway around Jincheng. Besides, my CCR has been modified to cope with some rough roads and added chassis lifting The height of the site can be adjusted.

So, I don't have to be afraid of you!

"Well, I promise you, the rules of the game are up to you." Chen Da said.

Listening to Chen Da's words, Huoshen's heart burst into ecstasy.

He looked around and said to all the people present, "well, everyone heard me. Chen Da agreed! What's more, Mr. Sima, you have to testify to us. Chen Da has agreed to my conditions! "

Sima Yufeng nodded. The old guy in the maintenance department always held a neutral attitude. Even if the God of fire called him an old man every day, he did not feel dissatisfied with the new life. Their mind was all on the revitalization of the drag racing party, which is why everyone respected them.

Therefore, Sima Yufeng agreed to testify, and the basic one was settled.

However, looking at the proud face of the God of fire, Wei Yichen's heart has produced a trace of ominous premonition. She leaned to Chen Da's ear and whispered, "Chen Da, I saw the word" trick "on the face of the goods. You should be careful of your deceit

Chen Da said: "I'm not afraid of him for cheating. He can't get any good cars. As long as I use CCR, he can't limit me!"

But at this time, the God of fire said, "well, since everyone is here today, I will directly say one of the rules! Chen Da, don't be afraid

"Little flame, you don't make a mystery, just say it!" Chen Da said.

With a sinister smile, Huoshen said, "the first rule of this racing is also my God of fire. In order to show respect for the oldest racing party, I specially customized it. The rule is that this time, only two wheeled motorcycles are used! Salute our racing predecessors

At the beginning of the drag racing party, it was really motorcycle racing!

"Sleeping trough! You cheat! This one is not allowed! " Chen Da roared.

"I can't choose to cancel your car, but don't forget that the rules of racing can not only set the track and mileage, but also limit the type of car. Therefore, I choose Biao motorcycle. My friend, you promised me that I will set the rules! So take it easy! " The God of fire laughed.

The younger members of the drag racing party basically know that, in fact, the most skillful one of the God of fire is motorcycle racing. In the house of God of fire, a room is specially set aside to hold a limited edition Harley motorcycle that Huoshen spent a lot of money on. This is enough to show that Huoshen is obsessed with motorcycles.

Sima Yufeng can't help shaking his head. Although he is shameless to the fire god's behavior, after all, Chen Da has promised others, which is nothing to say.

Chen Da at this time is feeling angry, this is not their own play?

Biao motorcycle, I'm sure I'm not the rival of Vulcan, plus I don't have any good motorcycles to use! That hard to borrow CCR, it is no use, the God of fire is too cunning!

The popular that PK has lost, if this time again lost, big score 2:0, he Chen Da completely declared a failure.

If Huoshen is on the top, he will not say how miserable his situation is, but his insidious and cunning character will surely lead the drag racing party into a bad society. Just look at his younger brother now. He will show off all day long and make trouble everywhere. If he is allowed to take power, the reputation of the drag racing party will soon be over!

The reason why Chen Da has to hold this election is that he doesn't want to see the drag racing party fall into the hands of such people as the God of fire. He loves the drag racing party, and he can't watch the drag racing party go astray.

Chen Da can only place his hope on Sima Yufeng. He said to Sima Yufeng:"Mr. Sima, please help me to say a word. I think this item is very unreasonable. He is cheating me. He is such a cunning person. If he becomes the leader of the drag racing party, the future of the drag racing party will be dark."

But Sima Yufeng is gnashing his teeth and shaking his head. He has never thought about this problem?

Just, the rules set, can't change, no rules, no square circle, change the rules at will, that's not to be a mess!

Sima Yuefeng's generation was the most disciplined. Men and women married together, and they would not divorce until they had to. This is the temperament of their generation.

Therefore, he can't do anything about it. Since he has agreed, he must fulfill it. A gentleman's words are quick and his horse is whipped.

"Ha ha ha ha, Chen Da, the dog is jumping over the wall in a hurry, isn't it? Ouch, look at you. If you think you can't win, just give up now. Don't waste your time! " The God of fire scoffed.

The younger brother beside him also laughed at Chen Dalai.

"Rubbish, don't you dare!"

"What's the ability to rely on his CCR? Ha ha

"Wait to lose!"


however, the younger brothers behind Chen Da lowered their heads one by one, with no light on their faces and could not raise their heads.

But at this time, listen to Wei Yicheng cry: "Chen Da Chen Da, who do you think that is?"

Chen Dashun looked at the direction of Wei Yichen's fingers and saw a figure riding a bicycle in front of the drag racing party.

The front wheels of the bicycle are all oval. When riding, the bike will be high and low, causing people to tower on it. If you look at it from a distance, the figure will be up and down, which is very funny.

The man still has a mobile phone in his hand, which should be the navigation of the mobile phone!

When he saw Wei Yichen, he yelled: "morning morning, I finally found you. Oh, it's a little far away. The mobile phone is almost dry and has no electricity!"

Wei Yichen's face was ecstatic and cried out: "boss!"

Say, toward the direction of the figure galloped away! , the fastest update of the webnovel!