The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 150

It was Lin Feng who came.

In fact, he is not used to navigation with his mobile phone, but he is not willing to use his brain to record the road, so he chose this lazy way.

See Wei Yi Chen rushed to his front, Lin Feng from the bicycle down, pushing the car toward Wei Yichen.

In the courtyard of the drag racing party, there are usually guards looking at outsiders. But today, Chen Da and Huoshen attracted everyone's attention, so Lin Feng rode in with a shrug.

"Boss, why are you here?" Wei Yi Chen blinks big eyes to ask a way.

"Oh, I've always heard that the headquarters of the drag racing party is fun. While you and Chen Da are here, I'll come and have a look!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "it's very interesting to see the colorful scenery around here. I'll paint it back. After all, Erlongshan chariot God!"

"OK, OK, I'll ask someone to turn you into a cartoon man!" Wei Yichen said with a smile.

Lin Feng laughed. Although he said so on the surface, it was not.

Lin Feng guessed that Huoshen would come back and find a way to make trouble for them. He was not at ease, so he came to have a look. As a result, he found that the God of fire was confronting them.

"Chen Da, what are you doing? I've come to see you Lin Feng pushes the car and Wei Yichen to Chenda.

"Car God, why did you come without saying a word, so that I could pick you up!" Chen Da came quickly and said to a little brother beside him: "stop the car God's car to the VIP parking space!"

The little brother behind me is so confused, a bicycle, also want to be so serious?

It seems that Chen Da is also a person who attaches great importance to the sense of ceremony!

The little boy came up to push the bike.

But Lin Feng said, "Oh, you're welcome. You're welcome!" Lin Feng said in his mouth, but his hands were scattered. He threw the car directly to the little brother: "here, the car key. Don't lock it too tightly, or the paint will fall off!"

The little brother was so confused that he refused the last second. It was like...

"ha ha ha ha, low force!" But the little brothers of Vulcan burst into laughter.

It's a big yard. You're a broken bicycle. Just stop as you like, and return VIP parking space!?

And the broken bike is afraid of losing its paint. Is that funny?

But they don't know how much it cost Chen Da to get the car and give it to Lin Feng.

At this time, the younger brother behind the God of fire began to discuss:

"is the man who came, the chariot God of Erlongshan?"

"Yes, that's him!"

"Why is the God of chariots so low? Riding a bicycle with a full circle, and then having to make a big show? Is this a brain disease? It's so special that you can't pretend it

"Well, it's going to be a while. He and Chen Da will have to kneel down and lick when our big brother Huoshen is on the top."

"Well, that's right."


however, Sima Yufeng's look at Lin Feng is quite different.

Lin Feng's story of racing with Chaigou that night has already spread to his ears. A super sports car refitted with Santana won Chaigou. Moreover, the sports car was opened by professional Dongyi racing driver Fujita long, which is not what ordinary people can win.

Therefore, from Lin Feng to now, Sima Yufeng has been observing carefully.

At the same time, the fire god's eyes did not move from Lin Feng's body.

The God of fire and Lin Feng are enemies. They are extremely envious. Last time he wanted to join forces with black bear to get Lin Feng into prison, and then sent someone to kill him in prison to avenge his brother Chai Gou.

I didn't expect that the boy came out.

It's good to come out, so take revenge by yourself!

The fire god's eyes are full of angry flames. He stares at Lin Feng and keeps silent for a long time.

But Lin Feng first spoke to him: "Oh, drink, isn't this ah Huo? What? Still angry? You see, eyes full of red blood, liver fire is too strong, is not there a woman diarrhea fire ah

Lin Feng said with a smile: "but also, you have such a big temper, which woman is willing to pay attention to you? If you go on like this, you won't be able to get a woman in your life. Be careful to peel your gun

"Do you want to say that again?" The God of fire has a big temper. In addition, he has no choice but to Lin Feng's super smooth mouth. Every time he meets Lin Feng, he gets a lot of anger on his mouth.

"I'm for you, ah Huo. Don't lose your temper easily. The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable. You shouldn't be!" Lin Feng slants an eye to smile a way.

"I have a bad temper. It's none of your business. What are you doing here today? Aren't you afraid I'll kill you The God of fire threatened.

"Tut Tut, in broad daylight, how can you kill this and that one? Are you not worth your life for killing people? " Lin Feng sneered: "you have this Kung Fu, more research on racing, don't do this and that. A great celebrity said that you always want to kill others, and in the end, you will be killed!"

"Ah Wei Yichen thought for a while and asked Lin Feng, "boss, which celebrity said this?""I said it!" Lin Feng patted his chest!

"Ah Wei Yicheng is covered with black lines.

"Son of a bitch, don't talk to me here. Our racing party doesn't allow foreigners to stay here for a long time! You'd better get out of here, or I'll be rude to you! " The God of fire cried.

"Dare you?" Chen Da stood up and said, "the God of chariots is my friend. You can stay as long as you want! It's too late for us to get together with such an expert. You have no eyes, and you still offend the God of cars. It's really stupid! "

"Is he a master?" The fire god fan eye ha ha laughs: "won Fujita Long Yi is an expert? Don't be funny

Lin Feng was serious: "why, I am an expert! I'm a world expert

"Return to the world! Ha ha ha The God of fire was really amused by Lin Feng, but he laughed.

"Chariot, ignore him. Let's go inside and talk!" Chen Da was afraid that the God of fire would trouble Lin Feng again, so he took him to the building.

"No, you can't go in there!" Lin Feng Road.

"Why?" Chen Da was surprised.

"If you go indoors, you are not a master!" Lin Feng said.

People are outside. It's boring to go inside!

"Ah Now it's not just Linda. Everyone is covered with black lines.

It turns out to be a "master of the outdoors."!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" All of a sudden, Huoshen's stomach was laughing and aching. He covered his stomach and tears came out.

Lin Feng looked at the God of fire: "big brother, take it easy, don't laugh and die!"

The God of fire suddenly sneered and said, "don't worry, you haven't been out of breath. How can I be out of breath? By the way, if you're an expert, I'm a fairy! Hum, ha ha ha

"Alas Lin Feng shook his head: "don't believe it. I have nothing to say to you."

He turned his head and asked Chen Da, "didn't you say today's election? How did it turn out? "

In fact, Lin Feng doesn't want to be in charge of the drag racing party, but because Chen Da sent himself a limited edition bicycle, which is of great value, we can see that Chen Da is very attentive. Lin Feng is not a person who likes to be ungrateful. Therefore, he came this time to see if he can help Chen Da. By the way, he paid back the favor this time.

Chen Da sighed: "big score 1-0, I am temporarily behind!"

"Two wins in three sets?" Asked Lin Feng.


"What's the second game to?"

"Alas Chen Da sighed as soon as he spoke of this. In the second game, he was set up by others, and it seems that it will be over.

Seeing Chen Da's sad face, Wei Yichen gathered to Lin Feng's ear and quietly told Lin Feng the general process of the matter.

After hearing this, Lin Feng looked at the God of fire: "I said fire! You are very cunning! People wasted a lot of effort to get a car, just for the next race, but you all of a sudden stipulated to use motorcycles to race, cunning bitch

"You don't talk nonsense. He promised me to set the rules." The God of fire said, "why, now you know you are afraid? Then give up! What do you do with it? "

Lin Feng, with a smile, said, "I'm so scared. I'm more than a motorcycle, right? You're good at it, aren't you? "

When the God of fire heard this, he immediately looked proud, "I told you to run first, you can't win!"

He is not strong enough to drive four wheels, but when it comes to motorcycles, Jincheng should be regarded as the first person to race cars.

Lin Feng laughed and said, "well, can I fight for Chen Da?"

"Whatever you want!" Vulcan is very confident in his motorcycle skills. He has top-notch racing motorcycles, as well as his own super-high racing skills. He believes that no one is his opponent.

"Good!" Lin Feng said, "then I will fight for Chen Da."

"Chariot God!" Cried Chen Da.

"It's OK!" Lin Feng said, "the war is over, I don't owe you any favor."

"You didn't owe it! He saved my life just now Chen Dadao.

"You think too much, that time is to save morning morning morning!" Lin Feng smiles.

"Ah Chen Da doesn't know what to say. Why didn't he know that the car God is so principled?

Seeing Lin Feng's confident appearance, Huoshen couldn't help but sneer: "hum, it's beyond our ability! Where do you come from? You don't even have a decent motorcycle, do you? Do you want me to give you a ride? Ha ha ha

"No, I don't need it!" Lin Feng said with a smile

"Well?" The God of fire is a little surprised. Does this boy treasure any good car?

At this time, Lin Feng pointed to the bicycle which was not far away, and said, "I'll ride that bike to compare with you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!