The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 148

"Then we went back, didn't we just be touched by the God of fire?" Chen Dadao.

"What are you afraid of? The reason why he chose the wild mountains to solve you is that he was afraid of being found out by others. With so many eyes of the drag racing party, but not all of his confidants, how dare he move you in broad daylight?" Lin Feng Road.

"It makes sense!" Chen Daxin said that I was really surprised by this time.

Moreover, the headquarters of the drag racing party has many brothers of its own.

"Thank you for reminding me Chen Dadao.

"By the way, where is the headquarters of your drag racing party? Give me the detailed address! When I have time, I'll also visit it! " Lin Feng said.

"I'll send you the detailed address information later!" Chen Dadao.

"Good!" Lin Feng said: "nothing, I'll hang up first. You and Chenchen will go back first. Remember, you must protect Chenchen. If he has an accident, I'll go all out for you."

"Certainly! I won't let her have anything to do with it! " Chen Da said.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng called the mouse and said, "I'll go to the headquarters of the drag racing party. I need to deal with something. When I come back in the evening, I'll find you to drink."

"OK!" Said the mouse.

Wei Yichen here, driving back to the headquarters of the drag racing party.

The headquarters of the drag racing party is located in an abandoned factory building in the eastern suburb.

In fact, this is not an abandoned factory, because it has been renovated by the drag racing party.

The courtyard is thousands of square meters, surrounded by high walls and power grids. On the walls are all kinds of dark graffiti, which is very cool.

The courtyard is all flat asphalt road, which is full of all kinds of cars.

Abandoned tires are regularly placed in the corner of the yard. To the west of the main gate, there is a repair shop of more than 100 square meters, which integrates repair, renovation, car washing and beauty.

Around the courtyard, there are many half person high gasoline barrels. At night, the gasoline barrels will be filled with fuel to light a campfire, and the whole yard will be full of lights.

There is a four story building in the middle of the courtyard. The surface of the building is colorful and full of dark graffiti full of street atmosphere.

Wei Yichen's car soon drove back here. The car stopped at the side of the repair room. She and Chen Da came out of the car.

Instead of walking into the party's four story building, they found an open-air sofa in the spacious rest area and sat down.

Chen Da and Wei Yichen sat there for a long time before they were discovered by Chen Da's younger brother.

Seeing the elder brother coming back, many of Chen Da's younger brothers rushed up and said, "elder brother, I heard that you and Huoshen went to Lingyun mountain for a ride today? Who won? Why didn't you inform us in advance? We really want to see it

Chen Da said: "don't mention it. We still want to have a good fight. As a result, the little flame has been thrown away by us. Ha ha ha!"

The four people did not see the God of fire.

"They are not back yet! Boss, you are a real cow A little brother praised.

But as soon as he finished speaking, in front of the courtyard of the drag racing party, rows of vehicles came in, and it was the God of fire that led the way.

Vulcan's motorcade all stopped and stepped down from the car.

Huoshen wears leather clothes and leather pants, and her style has been changed a few days ago. Her hair has been cut into a Mohican style, and the two sides are almost shaved off. A pinch in the middle is also dyed fire red. Her eyes have a pair of black sunglasses. It looks very cool.

He saw Chen Da sitting on the sofa next to the garage. He was very angry for a while and walked towards Chen Da.

"Chen Da, what are you running for? You came back before we finished the game. Did you give up? " The God of fire came to Chen Da and asked.

"I give up? Ha ha Chen Da sneered: "don't forget, it's my car that left you far behind!"

"Is it? Is there such a thing? Why don't I know? " The God of fire said, "I only heard someone say that you took a shortcut and came back from the path."

"I have never seen such a shameless person as you have ever seen before." Chen Da said.

"You don't want to be shameless The God of fire will lift the table.

"Ah, ah, ah, both of them are the main candidates of the drag racing party. Are they so broad-minded and magnanimous?" At this time, an old man came out of the garage.

The old man was gray and looked more than 60 years old. His feet were sloping and he limped over.

"Mr. Sima, you want to meddle again, don't you?" Said the God of fire.

"Why, it's useless to abandon our old friends? I tell you, if you have the ability, you will kill several of us, otherwise, you will act in accordance with the rules for me! " The old man at the foot of slope, who was called Sima old man, was angry.

The God of fire took a deep breath and said nothing.

Sima Yufeng is one of the founders of the racing party. When they were young, Jincheng was still an unknown town. At that time, they started racing with motorcycles.

With him are Liu Bo and Wang Bo. It's all old people.These old guys have devoted their whole life to the cause of racing, so that they have no children in their old age, and they can't race any more when they are old. So they start to repair cars in this racing party, and they won't leave their beloved racing business.

Although they are old, they used to be masters of racing, so that the records kept by three people have not been broken.

Therefore, the three old guys have high prestige in the drag racing party, just like three gods and three totems.

Like a parliamentary organization, they do not have the power of management, but have the power of suggestion and supervision.

With these three old guys in, even if the drag racing party has been fighting for so many years, no one can directly monopolize the whole drag racing party, because these old guys have made rules for a long time. As long as they are alive, they will urge the younger generation of the drag racing party to act according to the rules.

These old guys know a truth: only when there are multiple forces competing together can we make progress. If it is monopolized by one power, it will be over sooner or later.

There are a lot of forces in the drag racing party, which leads to people competing for the limelight and doing things for the community. Only in this way can the community flourish and become better and better. If it is monopolized by one force, one leader dominates, and one person speaks all bows down, then the drag racing party will go down sooner or later.

For this reason, the three old guys set rules for the drag racing party. They elect a representative every two years. As the leader, he will lead the major events of the drag racing party, and the leaders of other forces will assist.

Therefore, these old guys stick to this system, which makes the drag racing party allow the existence of multiple forces. Without these old guys, I am afraid that Chen Da's power would have been run over by Huoshen, and Huoshen would have been the king of drag racing party.

So these three old guys are the hindrance of Vulcan. Why didn't Vulcan engage these three old guys?

Because these three old guys are not alone.

Because the drag racing party has been established for many years, there are a number of old drivers. Some of them are old and don't like to leave the racing business. These three old guys will take those people to the maintenance department.

There are now dozens of people in the maintenance department, all of whom are under the hands of three old guys. They are all senior veterans of the drag racing party. They are also deeply loved by the younger members of the drag racing party. They often exchange their experiences with people who repair cars and so on. They benefit a lot.

Therefore, if you rashly attack these old guys like Taishan Beidou in the drag racing party, it is easy to arouse public indignation.

That's why the God of fire endured the anger in his heart and did things according to the previous rules.

However, today is the big day of the election. Huoshen is not in a hurry for a moment. He will crush Chen Da in any aspect. It is natural for him to be the leader. When he is in charge, he will get the power in his hands, and then he will slowly engage in this group of old men, and then slowly torture Chen Da.

Thinking of this, he said, "well, Mr. Sima, I'll give you this face. I won't see Chen Da in the same way. However, the election will start today. According to the previous rules, I will have three rounds of PK with Chen Da. So, stop talking nonsense and continue PK!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!