The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 147

I saw that mobile phone suddenly black screen, and then, like crazy, the screen began to jump out of some messy code!

"Sleeping trough! What's the situation? This cell phone is not poisoned, is it? " Chen Da panicked.

If it's poisoned, they're useless!

Because the phone has been cut off at this time, I have to watch the mobile phone perform by itself.

That mobile phone a circle of random code, and then began to appear a pile of English, the middle shows a circular pattern, is the loading pattern.

A whole circle, the mark is 100%, now the pointer is loaded to 20%.

English gibberish continued to jump on the circular pattern, and the circle began to try to load towards the full circle. At the same time, a female voice electronic voice report:

"thirty percent (30)... Forty percent (40)..."

loading is 10 percent of the times. The girl's electronic voice is like a robot, broadcasting without emotion: "eight." Percent (80)... "

" hurry up, please! " Chen Da saw that the car behind him was about to hit again. He closed his eyes, folded his hands and prayed.

"Don't worry, please wait patiently, thank you!" Girl's electronic voice can even reply.

It seems that there is an AI robot in this mobile phone!

The robot said again, "ninty five percent (95)! Ninety six percent (96)... "

" your sister, why did you count one by one Chen Da looks at the mobile phone excitedly.

At this time, the God of fire in the back held a machete, in the sallin S5 sports car behind, holding a loudspeaker and shouting: "Chen Da, do you think you can run away? Stop the car before we knock you over! Ha ha ha

Along with his voice, other vehicles also catch up with them. In the car, the boys of the drag racing party, shaking their colorful clothes and bright sticks, howl and howl in their mouths, getting closer and closer to Wei Yichen's and Chen Da's CCR sports cars.

"Damn it! These sinister villains Chen Da is almost red eyed.

At this point, the female voice robot said, "one hundred percent (100), integrations, debug completion.". "All devices can function properly, good luck to you, by bye!"

"Doesn't this guy speak Chinese? Why always drag English? I don't read much. What does he mean by these words? " Chen Da can only speak simple English. In the last few words, he only understood goodbye. It can't be said by robots. You can't save goodbye, right?

Chen Da looks worried.

Wei Yi Chen is a face of high spirited, loud voice: "his words mean that we can take off!"

With that, her hair swung back, and her face was full of confident smile. She quickly broke the gears in her hands and stepped on the accelerator with one foot.

"Boom --"

the CCR was just like a soft foot lamb, and in an instant, it was like a lion waking from sleep. The noise of the motor that should have been in the sky broke out in an instant, deafening.

The exhaust pipe at the tail of the car instantly spurts out a burst of red fire. The whole car is like a tiger coming out of the cage. It is completely free from the shackles. The car body is like an arrow from the string, and it flies out suddenly. It is like a red lightning bolt on the ground, and it flies forward rapidly.

"Lying trough!" Chen Da didn't pay attention to it, but suddenly accelerated, which made his body fall back rapidly. He had a strong sense of pushing his back. He almost stuck him with the seat back.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo."

Wei Yichen roared with excitement and stepped on the accelerator like a crazy racing driver. Her hair was full of beautiful hair and she swung straight to the back, with a beautiful face shining.

For a moment, Chen Da also understood.

It turned out to be the mobile phone. The car was repaired and its original performance was restored. So Wei Yichen stepped on the accelerator and the car flew out. In an instant, it was far away from the back.

Wei Yichen did not relax at all. He took out a pair of light blue sunglasses from his pocket, put them on his face, looked at the front, and said aloud, "let them eat exhaust gas! Ha ha ha

Then, like a meteor on the ground, the car galloped forward.

Seeing the CCR speeding up, the driver on the back of the Vulcan said, "boss Vulcan, they've accelerated!"

"Hum! No matter how fast they speed up, they can't escape from my palm! Because I've already limited their stride speed and throttle ahead of time The God of fire said with confidence.

"No, big brother, look!" The driver pointed to the front.The God of fire looked at it carefully and found that one of them had not paid attention to it. The other side had already opened himself up for a long time.

"You and him, chase me!" The God of fire angrily said, he thought it was the driver's problem.

If it wasn't for the driver who was driving, with the temper of the God of fire, it would be a kick to go up. It's like rubbish. If the other car was tampered with by himself, you could still be left so far behind. Are you still a member of the drag racing party?

"Big brother, no, I've driven as fast as I can!" The driver cried.

As soon as Huoshen looked at the speedometer, he was immediately excited.

Speed 280 per hour is indeed the top speed on this kind of highway, but why is it still thrown out so far?

Are they faster than 280?

Should not ah, I have secretly changed their operating system, the maximum speed should be less than 200 ah!

Huoshen's eyebrows twisted quickly into a pimple: "can Chen Da and that little girl repair a car? But it shouldn't be. The car has to be stopped for repair. How can I repair it when I drive it? "

"Shit! Damn it The God of fire roared and yelled with a megaphone: "you can't let him run. Go after me with all your strength!"

The car next to him accelerated to the front.

However, no matter how much power they drive, they are just pulling away from the front.

At this time, Huoshen's mobile phone rings, and Chen Da sends a voice message.

When he opened, he listened to Chen Da's five tone incomplete singing: "can't you catch up with me? La la la la la la, no way, I am so strong, la la la la, we have the God of the car, small flame, eat shit you

"I grass NIMA!" The car spirit of a mobile phone fell into the car, eyes are almost out of fire.

"Big brother, don't be angry!" Said the driver next to him.

"Shall I rest you?" The God of fire cursed.

The driver did not dare to speak. Although the car in front of him could not be seen, the driver still did not dare to slow down, pretended to be able to catch up, and continued to accelerate the chase.




looking at the car behind, Chen Da finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yichang, good job!"

Wei Yichen a smile, "is my eldest brother good kind!" After thinking about it, he added: "you are also very skinny. You even gave Huoshen a voice, which made him angry. Ha ha! Give me five!”

"I understand that sentence!" Chen Da laughed, raised her hand and gave Wei Yichen a high five.

"Pa --"

"Yeah -" they cheered.

And then look at Wei Yichen, it's so cool!

Long legs back and forth between the accelerator and clutch, behind the sunglasses can be seen his confident eyes.

That glasses, is a kind of deceleration eyes, can let their eyes adapt to the speed of the surrounding objects, not dizzy.

"Sister, you can!" Chen Da said, "to be honest, I haven't taken such a fast car yet."

With that, he pointed to the reversing mirror: "they are all lost by you, ha ha!"

Wei Yichen said: "as long as we can give full play to the performance of CCR, we can get rid of them, minute by minute! Just, where are we going now

"Well! I don't know, or ask the God of cars Chen Dajian mobile phone has returned to the previous state, he picked up the phone, found the call record, and called Lin Feng again.

"Car God, you're so amazing!" Chen Da's first words are praises. Today, the God of chariots saved his life!

"Hahaha, it's a small thing. It's all thanks to the mobile phone. What about? Now you've got rid of them? " Lin Feng asked.

"To lose is to lose, but where should we go now? Vulcan will not let us go Chen Da said.

Without thinking about it, Lin Feng replied: "the most dangerous place is the safest one! You and Wei Yichen will go back to the base camp of the drag racing party , the fastest update of the webnovel!