The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 146

"Have we been fooled? What do you mean Lin Feng asked.

There was a lot of noise on the other end of the phone, and then a man answered the phone: "car God, it's me, I'm Chen Da!"

"Well? How are you all together? Say, what happened Lin Feng asked.

"Car God, Wei Yichen and I were caught in the treacherous plot of Huoshen. Today was originally a general election of our drag racing party. As two candidates, we were going to have a race. When Huoshen selected the track, Huoshen sent someone to ambush us and wanted to kill us. Now Wei Yichen and I are in the car and are being chased by a group of them. Once we catch up, we will die in the wild mountains It's in

Chen Da said that he was out of breath. It seemed that the situation was really critical. He was so afraid.

But fortunately, there is a mobile phone from Lin Feng, which is the birthday gift he gave to Wei Yichen that day. This mobile phone is not as simple as an ordinary mobile phone. Its signal device is 50 times stronger than that of a normal mobile phone!

Otherwise, the wild mountains and mountains, their mobile phone is bound to have no signal, can still call out?

"Do you all like to ride with a co pilot? Why are you two together? " Lin Feng asked on the phone.

"Oh, chariot God, we've been caught in a trap. Don't ask about this. We're going to be overtaken by others! What to do? " Chen Da said eagerly.

"What kind of car do you drive?" Lin Feng asked.

“CCR!” Chen Dadao.

"Konisek CCR?" Asked Lin Feng.


"Konisek CCR is known as the Nordic ghost. This car is equipped with a 4.7L V8 engine. The acceleration time of 100km is only 3.2 seconds. The maximum speed of the car is 395kmh, and the maximum speed of ordinary F1 racing cars is only 300kmh." Lin Feng said: "you drive such a super sports car, the speed is like a rocket, but you are afraid of being overtaken? Is there a mistake? "

"Car God, I found you really know cars well!" Chen Da exclaimed.

"Nonsense, my boss doesn't know how to call a car God?" Wei Yichen in a side way: "say the point ah!"

However, as soon as her voice dropped, she suddenly exclaimed "ah --"

then, Lin Feng heard a car crash at the other end of the phone.

"Crash?" Lin Feng asked.

"Well!" Chen Da flustered: "they caught up with our car, just hit the back of our car!"

"What kind of car do they drive?" Asked Lin Feng.

"There are all kinds of cars, but the best is the Salin S5!"

"That's more than one level away from you? How can you be overtaken? " Lin Feng said: "I know the skill of morning morning morning. Although it is far behind me, it is more than enough to deal with ordinary drivers."

"Boss, I don't know why. I just can't drive this car fast, and I can't step on the accelerator to the end! What to do? " Wei Yichen yelled anxiously. Then, it seemed that he was hit again. He screamed again: "ah --"

Lin Feng frowned and thought for a moment. In only a second or two, he made a judgment: "your car must have been tampered with, the control device has been changed, so the speed can't be raised at all!" Lin Feng Road.

"What about that? Boss, they catch up with us. We are doomed to die. There is no monitoring in the wild mountains and mountains! No body can be found after death Wei Yichen shouts.

Chen Da said, "Oh, what's the use of saying these things now? The God of chariot is not a God. He is so far away from us. What can we do?"

Chen Da was a little desperate. He summoned up his courage and said to Wei Yichen, "Yichen, I'm sorry for you. I shouldn't take you to the competition. Later they catch up with me. I'll fight with them. You don't have to worry about me. Just drive and run!"

Then, he said to the phone: "car God, remember to call the police, we are on the Lingyun mountain Panshan road! Specific road section, I take time to send you positioning! "

"Hold on!" "I haven't said anything yet. You seem to have told me the future! What's the hurry? "

"But what can I do if I'm not in a hurry? Now that the car has been tampered with, we have been overtaken by the Vulcan gang. This mountain road is remote, and there are almost no people. We are dying! " Chen Da's voice trembled.

"How can you die with me here?" Lin Feng shouts: "you turn on the phone hands-free, I'll talk to Wei Yicheng!"

"Alas Chen Da sighed heavily. He didn't understand that it was now. Where was the confidence of the God of vehicles?

But out of respect for Lin Feng, he did so.

At this time, listen to Lin Feng said: "morning, do you remember, I said, I do your boss, I will always guard you, no matter where I am, as long as you need me, a phone call, I will immediately come to your side, shelter you from the wind and rain, for you to hold up a day!"

"I remember!" Wei Yichen choked and his eyes were moist.

"Well, Chenchen, I will be responsible for what I said. Now, do as I say, Chen Da, please cooperate with me!" Lin Feng said."Car God, tell me!" Chen Da said anxiously.

"Open the back cover of your mobile phone. There is a USB interface in the back. Take it out and plug it into the car console!" Lin Feng Road.

Chen Da quickly opened the back cover of the mobile phone. There was really a USB plug. He quickly followed Lin Feng's advice.

"After plugging in, open an app software called Rubik's cube." Lin Feng Road.

"Open it!"

"OK, next, in the input field, type in five words:" Lin Feng is here! " Lin Feng Road.

"Chariot, that's four words!" Chen Dadao.

"If there is an exclamation mark, the exclamation mark is also a word!" Lin Feng forcibly explained.

"Chariot, exclamation mark is only one character, half a word!" Chen Dadao.

"I said," can you ignore the details? Do you know you're going to belch Lin Feng wants to kick Chen Da.

"Oh, no, no, no!" In the process of dialogue between Chen Da and Lin Feng, he gradually became less nervous, and felt that as long as Lin Feng was there, there would be a strong sense of security, so he played a joke with Lin Feng.

Wei Yi Chen is in the side concentrate on driving, but tears are from the corner of his eyes, this is the tears moved.

The eldest brother is too kind to himself, even better than his father. She secretly swore in her heart: "boss, you swear to protect me all my life. I will be your younger brother all my life. Even if one day you don't like me, you have to drive me away, and I will follow you silently. Even if you can only watch from a distance, I will always depend on you!"

Wei Yichen pursed her lips and said in her heart, "boss, I love you!"

At this time, but listen to Lin Feng said: "then, in the password field input password, is morning morning morning's birthday!"

Wei Yichen comes back to her mind, and her heart is warm again. The boss is really interested in using her birthday as a password. She quickly reports her birthday.

Chen Da input into the mobile phone, at this time, an amazing scene happened! , the fastest update of the webnovel!