The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 145

The breeze is blowing, the sky is high and the clouds are light.

A few days of sunny days, let Jincheng people in a good mood.

Now it is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, but it seems that the arrival of autumn does not bring much coolness. On the contrary, because of the clear sky for several consecutive days, it seems that it is a bit hot.

However, this period of time for Shen's group is like the severe cold in winter and December.

Because Lin Feng provided Shen Mao with the materials of bribery and finally gave a piece of evidence of tax evasion by Shen's group to Xiao Li, a policeman.

Whether it is bribery or tax evasion, the amount is very large, which causes Shen's group to fall into a storm of public opinion for a time. The relevant departments have carried out a series of investigations and found many criminal evidences.

In order to continue his life by force, Shen Mao will face a long period of imprisonment and prison life.

And Shen's group also suffered a serious punishment, the company's scale extremely reduced, reduced to the second class company's situation.

In addition, Cao Dehuan was arrested for bribery, whoring, abuse of power and other charges, and was investigated several properties of Cao Dehuan, and in the capital of the United States there are two million villas.

Really answer that sentence - small officials are greedy.

It's amazing how much money you've made with just a little bit of power.

Cao Dehuan's dream of emigrating overseas was shattered. With his dream, it was the great dream of Shen's group in the spring and Autumn period.

Shen's group once wanted to continue to cooperate with the government in mining business, and then strongly suppressed Dongsheng Group to complete the task handed down by the big man. Then, it annexed Dongsheng Group and opened up the business in foreign markets, and made great progress all the way.

But did not expect, in the tender this matter capsized.

Not only did not suppress Dongsheng Group, but the business also gave up to Dongsheng Group. Even Shen Yunhai's favorite third son Shen Mao, also went to prison.

It can be said that Shen's group has encountered the biggest trauma in its history.

On the other side, Dongsheng Group is singing and dancing, jubilant.

After winning the cooperation project from the government and without the suppression of Shen group, Dongsheng mining industry soared to the sky. In a few days, business partners poured in, and the threshold was almost broken.

Su Jing and Tang Dongsheng are busy all day. The turnover of Dongsheng Group is increasing with each passing day. The former sluggish situation of Dongsheng Group is gone. It is booming and vigorous.

For this matter, the whole company of Dongsheng Group knows that Lin Feng is the credit.

On the night of the bidding, Tang Dongsheng specially contracted the third floor of the Dragon Tower to hold a celebration banquet for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was not polite. He went to eat and drink, and even played with the company's little beauties. He had a good time.

The life of Shen's group is not so easy!

When the boss knew this, he called him at the first time and gave Shen Yunhai a scolding.

"Didn't you tell me that things were done clearly?"

"Don't you say you're waiting to show me a good play?"

"What about your confidence? What happened? That's what you know? "

"You not only didn't bring Dongsheng Group down, you also fed Dongsheng Group, do you know? If you steal chicken, you can't eat a handful of rice. If you pay for your wife, you fool, you'd better not let me see it in Songjiang and get out of my sight, or I'll be rude to you! "

The boss didn't give Shen Yunhai a chance to answer back. He swore at him with a machine gun, and then hung up the phone, marking the end of the cooperation between the two sides.

The big man's falling into the well and killing the stone will undoubtedly make the Shen group worse.

Shen's group has a branch in Songjiang city. This time, the branch has to be withdrawn, because Songjiang city is a big man's territory and can't fight him.

However, what makes people wonder is that the boss has always done the right thing with Dongsheng Group, and it seems that he has a feud with Tang Dongsheng. No one knows why he hates Tang Dongsheng so much. Of course, the boss has always been very secretive, and few people know that he is secretly engaged in Tang Dongsheng.

The big man failed many times, but he failed repeatedly. This time, he couldn't help thinking deeply.

"Is there something wrong with my strategy?" The big guy is in the hot spring, a towel covers his head, only one mouth is exposed.

"There is no problem with your strategy! This is the most effective and convenient means! " The person on the side analyzed.

"Is it just because Tang Dongsheng has a Lin Feng beside him?" The big man said.

"In my opinion, it should be! Because all the forces you hired, including Xie Sanjia at the beginning, Lei Hong of the wolf society, and now Shen's group, have been defeated by Lin Feng! So in my opinion, it's Lin Feng's role! " The person nearby analyzed.

"It makes sense!"

The old man pulled off the towel, revealing a greasy and ferocious face. There was only one seam in his left eye. His eye turned white. He was blind, but his right eye was normal.

So he always wears sunglasses. When he opens the towel, he sees his younger brother looking in his eyes. He becomes angry: "do you and he don't want to live? If you look at me like this again, gouge out all your eyes and feed the dog! "As soon as this word came out, all the people around him lowered their heads, and no one dared to look at it.

The big man touched his left eye and said grimly: "Tang Dongsheng, I'm totally against you. Whoever helps you is against me, and I will never let him come to a good end!"




these days, Tang Dongsheng is busy with mining, Su Jing is busy signing contracts, director of public relations department is busy greeting customers, drinking and socializing, and sales director Ye Yuwei is busy talking about new lists, which makes the whole company prosperous.

However, Lin Feng suddenly felt very lonely.

It seems that the prosperity in front of me is out of tune with myself. It seems that my heart has been enjoying my own loneliness.

His loneliness, perhaps no one can understand.

In front of outsiders, he is always such a handsome, with ruffian smile, cynical man.

But behind his back, who knows, he often in the silent night, thinking about his parents, tearful.

This is a man who can only make people feel extremely strong, even terrible, flesh and blood, but also a strong and soft man.

Lin Feng put away his unknown side, facing the bright sunshine outside the window, and with a smile: "it's time to find a friend to have a drink!"

He pulled the mouse and Wei Yicheng into a group and sent a message to the group: "you two, do you have time? Have a few drinks with me

"Yes!" The mouse took the lead in answering: and then he added: "at my age, I don't have chicken feathers, but I have time to build hard!"

"You can be honest in a few years." Lin Feng said, "what about the morning? Why don't you speak in the morning? "

Weichen didn't find the news again.

What's the matter with this little girl? Isn't she guilty of the second party, the drag racing party and the mobile phone party? She drives and plays with the mobile phone, which is commonly known as the second party.

Usually Wei Yi Chen likes to hold a mobile phone, what news, Wei Yi Chen is the first to return, this time how did not move?

Lin Feng felt something was wrong. He asked the mouse, "have you seen the morning recently?"

The mouse said, "no, I've only been chasing my jade son recently. How can I have time to take care of her?"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes. The mouse really went after the man under the Golden Phoenix.

Lin Feng wants the mouse to find out where Wei Yichen is now, because she has never seen her since her last birthday.

However, he felt that it was not right. A girl might have some private affairs to do, so it would not be good to check.

He simply gave up the idea, and it's good to drink with the mouse!

But the next second, a number has been dialed. The number is Wei Yichen's mobile phone number sent by Lin Feng.

Listen to Wei Yi Chen in the mobile phone to say in a hurry: "boss, we were played!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!