The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 144

"Lin Feng, you are so fierce!" Ye Yuwei took a meaningful look at Lin Feng.

Next, she saw that there was nothing wrong with her. She estimated that Su Jing needed her help in front of her, so she quickly walked out of the backstage.

Lin Feng watched Ye Yuwei twist his round buttocks and left. He could not help but praise: "tut Tut, this woman is really cruel. Go down with one foot, tut tut! But it must be very exciting to conquer this kind of woman

However, Shen Mao didn't have any idea at all. He was in despair. Is Lin Feng the great demon?

All aspects were crushed, and finally hired the most trusted killer team, or was crushed!

Shen Mao doubted his ability for the first time. Couldn't even a security guard fight?

At this time, Lin Feng had loosened the mouse's rope and said to the mouse, "brother is here. How did he do to you just now? You can take revenge."

"OK!" The mouse picked up the green cap on the ground and twisted it on his head, which was his signature decoration.

Then he bared his arms, rolled his sleeves, and spat into his palm. He grabs Shen Mao with one hand and punches Shen Mao in the stomach.

"Ah -" Shen Mao was knocked down again, and then the mouse was still not satisfied. He picked up the rope to wrap Shen Mao, picked up Shen Mao's dagger, and patted Shen Mao's face several times: "aren't you a damn cow B? You can't blame anyone else for coming to this point today. You shouldn't have been against my boss, do you know? "

Lin Feng can't help but smile at the way the mouse plays.

The mouse itself looks silly and cute. No matter how hard it is, it doesn't look like a cruel man.

What's more, this guy is totally in accordance with Shen Mao's script. It's really what Shen Mao does to him.

"Please let me go. I'll give you whatever you want!" Shen Mao endured the pain of the body and said.

The mouse scratched its head. What do I want? I don't want anything!

Oh, yes!

The mouse had an idea and said, "you really give it, don't you? Then I want a computer is too laggy, I used to play games too! Always crash, my teammates scold me, but it's not that I can't do it...

"rat! Why are you being bribed? Is there any bottom line Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said, "I'll buy the computer for you. Go and pick your mobile phone. I'll pay you back!"

"Shen Mao of grass mud horse, do you see? I don't need you to buy it for me, my boss can buy it!" The mouse scolded Shen Mao and gave him a slap. Then he took the mobile phone and went shopping on some treasure.

Shen Mao is mad with anger. It's me. You can't stand the temptation. Give me a damn slap, dead mouse!

Shen Mao was bad again. The little green cap retaliated and became more desperate. The heart said that I had become a piece of meat on the chopping board of others. I was to be slaughtered!

Lin Feng saw that it was almost the same now. Shen Mao was devastated by him. I don't know if ye Yuwei's foot just now kicked someone else down. His anger is over. Let's leave everything to the law!

Lin Feng took out the phone and called Shen man, a beautiful policeman.

"Hello, morning younger sister... Eh, why did you hang up with me?"

Lin Feng dials in the past again!

"No hanging up!" Lin Feng first gave a big drink, and then went on to warm Judo: "good morning, younger sister!"

"Lin Feng, are you full?" That way.

"What do you mean? I'm calling you. I have something important to say. I'll call the police. Come with Xiao Li. Here are two bad silver. Take them away Lin Feng said.

Shen man's goose bumps fell all over the floor. She couldn't stand Lin Feng's words like this. But when she heard that there were bad people, she still resisted to hang up the phone and asked, "explain the location, is the criminal's information clear?"

"There are two big pig hooves on the 10th floor of Zifeng building. Catch them quickly! One is Cao Dehuan, the other is Shen Mao! " Lin Feng said.

"Shen Mao!" Shen man is surprised.

"Yes, Shen Mao!" "Is there a problem?" said Lin Feng

Shen man pauses for a moment, but quickly says, "ah... That what... No problem, I will send someone to go there!"

"Don't you come in person? I miss you so much. Take me back to record my confession. I like your serious face. I also like your protruding and backward figure and your wet lips... "Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Go away -" Shen man directly hung up the phone.

"Well, early watch is bad temper!" Lin Feng mumbled and told the mouse to take Shen Mao out.

Shen Mao was brought to the front by the rats, and those media friends were crazy to shoot again.

"Lin Feng, I thought you were gone!" Su Jing was a little surprised!

"Don't you want to see me?" Lin Feng frowned: "then I'll go!"

"No..." Su Jing wanted to explain.

"No? Then you just want to see me, I know you like me, in front of such a multimedia friend's face, I also say one thing! As a matter of fact, President Su Jing has been short of a male secretary. Next, she may consider making me her secretary! " Lin Feng said."When will I..." Su Jing looked confused.

However, this was caught by media friends, and everyone asked in succession:

"why did President Su consider making this security guard a secretary? Is it because of his wise performance today? Is he brave enough to expose the truth of corruption? "

"Mr. Su, you have always been single. Would you consider looking for a man like Lin Feng to be your partner in the future? Or, directly consider Lin Feng as a partner? "

"I think Su and Lin Feng must have a secret and a strange journey! Mr. Su, how did you find Lin Feng

... ...

one by one, Su Jing could only stare at Lin Feng angrily. However, Lin Feng put her mouth to Su Jing's ear and whispered, "let me be a secretary, and I won't suffer any loss. You see, I'll do it for you today. You can be a secretary. I'll wait for you when I go home. I'll be very excited if I wear something interesting inside!"

With that, Lin Feng ran out of the crowd!

Su Jing was so angry that she said in her heart, "Stinky Linfeng, you are disgusting, you are a rogue and you are abnormal. You should be a security guard all your life, secretary. Hum, don't even think about it!"

Lin Feng whistled out of the Zifeng building, just met the police car.

It was Xiao Li who took the lead.

Xiao Li saw Lin Feng and rushed to Lin Feng.

"Oh, ah, Xiao Li, please make it clear to me that this is not my crime!" Lin Feng said.

Xiao Li said with a smile: "Oh, I know, I know, I just came to say hello to you!"

"Well? Are you captain Shen absent? " Lin Feng asked.

"Not here!"

Lin Feng was not willing to listen: "what's wrong with your captain Shen? When you arrested me, you were more diligent than anyone else. How can you change someone? She won't come. She just can't get along with me, right?"

"You think too much!" Xiao Li said, "is it inconvenient for him to come?"

"Why not?" Asked Lin Feng.

"Well, go back and find out for yourself! I can't tell you! " Xiao Li said mysteriously, "what, I'm going to catch someone!"

"Xiao Li!" Lin Feng called out: "Nuo, take this and don't lose it!"

Xiao Li took the paper from Lin Feng and asked, "what is this?"

"You go back and find out for yourself, I can't tell you!" Lin Feng smiles and turns his head and leaves!

Xiao Li looked at the words on the note, and the whole person was shocked. His mouth became wider and wider. , the fastest update of the webnovel!