The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 143

Lin Feng a look, is the news from the mouse.

The mouse even asked for help. The mouse was in the background just now. It was so close to himself that someone dared to attack him? I don't care about myself at all!

Lin Feng didn't take care of this matter any more. He squeezed out the crowd and went directly to the backstage.

However, ye Yuwei found that Lin Feng suddenly went backstage. She felt something was wrong and said to Su Jing, "Mr. Su, I'll go to the bathroom first!"

She also went backstage.

As soon as Lin Feng arrived at the backstage, he found several strong men tying the mice with ropes.

Lin Feng is very familiar with those strong men. He has just met them. They are the strong men who rob the note.

"What are you doing? Do you want me to grab the note again? " Lin Feng took out a crumpled piece of paper from his trouser pocket: "if you want a note, you can tell me, I have plenty, but don't embarrass my brother? My brother is not a note

"Don't talk nonsense!" At this time, there was a man, Shen Mao.

Shen Maogang just took advantage of people's inattention and slipped to the backstage. He heard that Lin Feng always mentioned the name of mouse. He knew that there must be someone behind the scenes to cooperate with Lin Feng, so he came backstage to catch the mouse!

"Oh, it's you. I knew you didn't mean it! Mr. Shen, you should forgive others and forgive others. If you are cruel to others, you will end up miserable! " Lin Feng said with a smile.

But the fool can hear, Lin Feng's words, with a full of threats!

Shen Mao's face was ferocious and his eyes were scarlet and said: "you are bad for me. You expose me in front of the media. Who gave you the courage to fight against me? If you have ruined my reputation, I will tell you that you will never come back. Today, you and your friends will never get out of here! "

Shen Mao is very cunning. He orders people to find the mouse hidden in the background, and then deliberately gives the mouse a chance to send a message for help to Lin Feng. He leads Lin Feng over and kills him.

Then, spend a large sum of money to deal with the media, bury the farce with money, so as to hide it from the sky.

This is not the first time that he has done this. Those media reporters work hard to earn hard money. As long as he blockades today's meeting hall, negotiate the price with the reporters on the spot, and then let the bodyguard threaten other people in the industry, this matter can be changed from a big thing to a small one.

So a lot of times, the corruption in Jincheng is blatant, and there are not a few people who report it. But how can they report it and there is no news?

Among them, most of them are so!

Therefore, it seems that Shen Mao is at the end of his tether today, but for Shen Mao, who has always been ruthless, he doesn't think it is a hopeless situation. As long as you kill mice and Lin Feng, and control the people on the scene, you can stabilize the situation.

After all, today's bidding meeting is not open to the public, and the outside world will not know what happened inside.

"Lin Feng, it's you who are responsible for your own fault and implicated your brother. Today, you two died here. No one else is to blame. Just blame yourself for too many things." Shen Mao waved his hand: "you give me, kill him! Don't leave anything alive! "

"Ah -" those strong men did not come forward, but they heard a cry behind the curtain.

It was Ye Yuwei who was frightened by those strong men and called out.

Since she can't hide, ye Yuwei turns around and runs outside.

But a strong man with a quick eye and a quick hand grabbed Ye Yuwei in a few steps, and covered Ye Yuwei's mouth with his hand.

"No talking!" That strong man road.

"Oh, well!" Ye Yuwei struggled, but to no avail.

"Boss Shen, are you stingy? Do you not let go of women Lin Feng said.

"Let your mother down!" Shen Mao roared: "nobody wants to leave today. You all have to die for me!"

The reason why Shen Mao is so confident is that the strong men he hired this time are a group of ruthless people.

They are a bounty organization made up of veterans of special forces. This organization makes money by working for others.

The people in this organization have experienced the test of life and death on the battlefield, and they have rich practical experience, which is not comparable to those so-called martial arts experts.

It can be said that these people are full of weapons, and every step is a killing move.

They have no faith, they have no scruples. As long as they can kill people, they do everything they can.

Shen Mao once hired them to assassinate an enterprise boss. As a result, one of these people directly went up and kicked the boss in the crotch.

All of a sudden, the chicken broke its eggs, rolled his eyes, and died.

That's what they do. They're cruel and unruly.

Therefore, Shen Mao can rest assured that these people are here.

He sat aside, cocking his legs, "take that woman over to me!"

The strong man put Ye Yuwei's hands on his back and pushed him to Shen Mao.

"Shen, if you do this, my boss will kill you!" The mouse is kind enough to persuade Shen maodao.

"Shut the hell up!" Shen Mao took out a knife, slapped it on the mouse's face and said, "don't scare people. It's you who die today, not me! If you go there, blame Lin Feng. If he doesn't offend me, you won't die! ""Bah -" the mouse spat at Shen Mao: "you are funny! Rubbish

"Sleeping trough! Are you still playing hard with me when you're dying Shen Mao was furious.

He swung his fist, "bang" a punch in the belly of the mouse, the mouse pain grunt.

"Shen Mao -" when Lin Feng saw this scene, his playful expression suddenly disappeared, and then became extremely cold, just like the expression of an executioner when facing the death penalty.

Shen Mao was so frightened that he didn't know why he was so scared. But he calmed down and said to the strong men, "why don't you kill him?"

In fact, those strong men also wanted to be on it just now, but they were also suppressed by Lin Feng's eyes.

They have a tacit look at each other. No matter how bad the battlefield is, they are not afraid of it. But today, Lin Feng's look makes them shiver to the heart. What a terrible look is this?

People all have instinctive reactions, and this group of people instinctively feel that this person in front of them should be very difficult to deal with.

This is like a group of wolves. When facing wild boars and coyotes, they are unscrupulous, but there is a lion and a tiger on the opposite side. Every move reveals the domineering power of the king, and their momentum is greatly reduced.

It's just that if you collect money and help others to eliminate disasters, if you take Shen Mao's money, you have to do something for others. Otherwise, if you have a bad reputation, where do you go to pick up the Commission task in the future?

The strong men looked at each other. After years of cooperation, they had a tacit understanding with each other. They opened up their posture one after another, yelled, and rushed toward Lin Feng.

This is the greatest respect they give to their opponents. When they have never faced one person for so many years, several people have joined hands.

But today, they are aware of the danger.

However, Shen Mao couldn't understand or understand this feeling. He just felt that all the strong men were over 1.80 meters tall, and their strong arms were thicker than ordinary people's legs. One of them could hit ten. Could you handle Lin Feng?

Ye Yuwei is also a burst of panic, did not expect to go backstage, but fell into the hands of criminals, but she did not think of herself, but worried looking at Lin Feng, Lin Feng, this is not the rhythm to be killed by these strong men?

However, the next scene is unexpected.

Seeing that the strong men had not rushed up, Lin Feng was suddenly in a dilemma. He stepped on the stool, jumped up high, and burst into a drink: "eat me, bully the heaven and dominate the earth!"

The voice just fell, a leg fierce split down, such as a record of gold iron bar, with the wind, directly hit a strong man's head.

That strong man is the one who took the lead in robbing his note.

At this time, the strong man saw Lin Feng split his leg, and quickly crossed his hands, facing the upper block.

The sound of "bang" was a dull sound of bone and flesh collision. The strong man was forced to kneel on the ground, his arms were bent in a strange arc, and his arm was suddenly broken.

"Ah -" the strong man howled miserably and lost his fighting power in an instant.

People around the scene were terrified.

Such a strong arm, he was a cleave, unexpectedly broken? How much power does it have to be?

At this time, Lin Feng picked up the note, called on the strong man's face and said: "you like the note, take it!"

Then a kick in the chest of the strong man, the strong man will fly several meters away!

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

The men did not want to fight, they all withdrew and hugged the strong man.

The strong man coughed and a mouthful of old blood gushed out.

"Big brother -" cried the other strong men in panic.

"Don't worry, I don't use much strength. He can't die, but his ribs and forearms are broken. They are long and strong, but they're not beaten. It's boring." Lin Feng joked.

Ye Yuwei was stunned by this scene!

Lin Feng unexpectedly, two feet kick that strong man down?

This security guard is a little fierce!

However, the mouse was smiling, and his face was rustling: "beauty, our boss is very powerful. Don't be afraid, just watch the play!"

At this time, the group of strong men were furious!

"Stinky boy, you beat my big brother and insulted us. If I don't kill you today, I will not be a human being!" A strong man was so angry that he took up a bench and threw it at Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng turned 180 degrees in the same place, turned around with his left leg, kicked it in the past, and burst out to drink: "the Dragon wags its tail!"


The stool was kicked to pieces, and the man was also knocked down by Lin Feng. In a moment, he lay on the ground, bleeding from his nose and seeing stars.

All of a sudden, the surrounding was shocked. Especially Ye Yuwei, whose beautiful red lips have become O-shaped, forgot to close them.

But the mouse cried, "boss, are you stepping back? You can kick people off with this kick? How can I kick and lie down? "

On hearing this, they were shocked again.The strength of this foot has been quite strong, even said to be backward? How fierce was it before?

But Lin Feng said, "how can I regress? It's just that I think, heaven has good virtue. We can't kill people like animals, so I only use a little strength! Oh, but I didn't expect to kick someone! "

Said, he walked forward two steps, said: "come on, you go together, I am a little sleepy, want to go back to sleep quickly!"

Lin Feng said relaxed, but those strong men were really afraid at this time and stepped back one after another.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I've arranged a trick for each of you. What monkeys steal peaches, lift their legs, and Mount Lushan's dragon bully hasn't been used yet. How about if you come or not and give me a chance to show it? I count down to three, ha, 3, 2... "

after listening to the rest of the strong men, they just feel numb in the crotch and tight in the chrysanthemum!

The monkey steals the peach and raises the Yin leg, naturally knows what is the move, Lushan ascends the Dragon hegemony? Is that in the game, a punch to fly that move? Thinking of this, those strong men touched their chin one after another, feeling that they had no courage to fight.

"1!" said Lin Feng

"Well, since no one has come up to die, please get out of the way. It's time for me to get down to business."

With that, he stepped forward to Shen Mao and raised Shen Mao, who was already trembling with fear.

Lin Feng's strength is very great, and Shen Mao is promoted to the middle of the air.

Shen Mao's two feet keep kicking and trying to break free, but it doesn't work at all.

At this time, but listen to a voice behind him: "what are you doing here?"

Lin Feng looked back and saw that it was a staff member. When they heard the sound in the background, they came to have a look.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "it's OK. It's OK. We're rehearsing. Today, there was a final martial arts opera. We're rehearsing this martial arts play. Do you think so? Mr. Shen? "

The last three words, Lin Feng said super force.

Shen Mao was almost scared to urinate, but he didn't want to let go of the vitality of life-saving. The staff of the morning meeting hall called out: "help... Help!"

"Oh, Mr. Shen, you are really involved in the performance. Mr. Shen, if you come back and shoot it, you will be awarded a little gold medal!" Lin Feng said to the staff with a smile: "Oh, it's OK. What he said about saving lives is also a line!"

The staff of the meeting room were dubious and seemed to want to stop it.

But at this time, ye Yuwei stood up and said, "it's OK. We are really rehearsing."

With that, he went to Shen Mao's back and said in a loud voice, "it's my turn to rehearse the next action!"

With that, he kicked Shen Mao's crotch from behind.

The pointed leather shoes she is wearing today, with the tip of the shoes warped, one foot hooked, and directly stuck in the right place.

"Ah -" Shen Mao howled like a pig. When Lin Feng let go, he fell on the ground and bowed into a ball. His face was flushed with pain and his veins were exposed.

"Well, I'm done with the rehearsal! That's one move Ye Yuwei said, to one side of the staff: "nothing good-looking, just rehearsal!"

When a beautiful woman arrives, she has a natural persuasion.

The staff looked at Ye Yuwei's bulging chest and said, "rehearse carefully, don't break things!"

With that, he walked away! , the fastest update of the webnovel!