The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 142

As soon as Lin Feng's voice fell, he saw the video on the big screen switch again. At this time, the picture switched to the backstage of the hall of the venue.

There is time in this video, just before Cao Dehuan announced that the bidding meeting was suspended.

In the video, Cao Dehuan hurried to the backstage and found a table to sit down. After a while, Shen Mao followed him.

They found a hidden place to sit down and began to plot.

But the black technology of mice is not built. Before they go there, they put bugs around them, and there is a mini flying pinhole camera in the sky.

They went to that hidden corner, and the mouse remotely controlled the camera, flew into the corner, like a fly, landed next to them, and started shooting.

Naturally, they didn't pay attention to the small camera. They thought it was a flying insect and didn't pay attention to it.

In the eyes of the real people, the real plot.

The sound is also very clear.

From the beginning, they were afraid that things would come to light, they began to discuss, to they turned against each other and threatened each other, and finally planned a plot. Want to kill Lin Feng, and clearly said this time let Shen group win.

All this is clear at a glance.

People in the industry have widened their eyes, such wonderful things, they do not want to miss a moment!

Media reporters are racing against the clock to shoot.

"It's over, it's all fucked up!"

Cao Dehuan's heart was cold, like falling into an ice cellar, and he collapsed on his chair in despair.

But he seemed to be dying. He suddenly rushed to Lin Feng, fell down on his knees and said, "Lin Feng, please forgive me. You should tell the media friends that we were acting. Don't take it seriously!"

Cao Dehuan almost broke down. He had lived for so many years, from green years to now he had no hair, so he got this position and achievement. However, today, he was defeated. His dream of a better life was out of reach. Facing him in the future, it was iron windows and iron fences. He was afraid, and he did not dare to face it.

Even now, he didn't know what to do. He even let Lin Feng tell the media that it was acting!

It's so childish!

When you commit a crime, you are lucky. When you are caught, you will know regret and fear. Most people are smart and self righteous.

Seeing that Lin Feng was not moved, Cao Dehuan hugged Lin Feng's thigh and said, "Lin Feng, you are my father, grandfather! ancestors! Please tell the media friends that you were filming just now, and Shen Mao and I were acting and playing! Please...

"get out of here Lin Feng kicked Cao Dehuan to the ground: "if I have a son like you, I'll kill myself! I can't afford to lose that man

But Cao Dehuan, like a piece of meat, immediately got up and hugged Lin Feng's thigh again and said, "I'm wrong. I shouldn't abuse my power for personal gain. I shouldn't suppress Dongsheng Group. I really know I'm wrong. Please, please forgive me. I have a son and a daughter who is in high school! They need me! "

"When you hurt that girl, did you think that girl was someone else's daughter? And the handsome boy, he is also someone else's son! You think of your own children at this time, but when you do harm to others, have you ever thought that they are also the heart of their parents? You scum, if I forgive you, heaven and earth will not allow me to wait for the punishment of law

Lin Feng said, with a strong foot Cao Dehuan dig fly out, directly hit the big table of the judging platform.

When the table was hit, the sign on it fell off and hit Cao Dehuan's head. It said, "chief judge, Cao Dehuan!

And this moment, those words, it is so ironic!

The media reporters took photos and recorded videos crazily, and surrounded by cameras and flashlights, Cao Dehuan realized that he was finished, really finished, and his life was ruined!

At this time, however, Shen Mao was already at the end of his mind, but there was still a last trace of struggle in his heart. He pointed to Cao Dehuan and said, "he ordered me to kill Lin Feng. He said that he let me kill Lin Feng. He said that Shen's group won. I was bewitched by him. I was wronged."

"What are you, dogs biting dogs?" Lin Feng rubbed his buttocks and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from another buttock pocket and said, "you brute, you have eaten so much paper, but I have one left!"

He opened the paper and showed it.

Above, it is the details of every time he paid to Cao Dehuan, also known as the detailed evidence of bribery.

"This Lin Feng, unexpectedly still left a piece!" Su Jing almost laughed at Lin Feng.

She thought that Shen Mao had eaten all the details of Lin Feng's bribes. She didn't want this guy to give back the chicken thief's hand!

Ye Yuwei shakes her head and smiles bitterly. This time, she is deeply convinced by the small security guard.

This is what Lin Feng called the human society, and this is Lin Feng's method.

He felt that after graduating from Zhouli University and returning home, she was always teaching others. She was always ahead of others and others were following.But today, she was taught a vivid lesson by Lin Feng.

She took it!

This man, with enchanting charm and wisdom, for the first time, she obeyed like a man!

As it turns out, only Lin Feng can manage this.

At this time, Shen Mao's eyes were red. He looked at the note in Lin Feng's hand, and rushed to grab it.

Lin Feng a flash, Shen Mao on the air.

He grabbed Shen Mao's back trouser waist and pretended to say, "Mr. Shen, be careful of falling down!" But on the hand, it is to pull hard.

"Click!" The belt broke, the pants were pulled off, and a small bright red trousers head leaked out.

"Oh, dear!" Shen Mao tripped over his pants and fell on the ground. On his bright red trousers head, there were two big words on his buttocks: come on!

"Well, I suspect you don't change your underwear all year round." Lin Feng shook his head and sneered: "Dongsheng mining opened, you wear this pants, when to change ah? Brother Dei

"Lin Feng, you can't die easily!" Shen Mao saw that he was disgraced and lost his hair. He didn't care about anything. He directly scolded Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng ignored him and said to the media: "after you have read the inside information, do you think that Shen's group can still be the winning enterprise? Is he qualified to cooperate with the government? "


"Of course not!"

"I said their family must have a bad taste, this time, it was exposed!"

"Shen's group colludes with Cao Dehuan secretly. What a shame!"

"Shen's group store has been bullying us for many years. This time, it's finally capsized. It's relieved!"


shouting under the stage is totally a posture of people pushing against the wall.

At this time, Lin Feng said: "in the bidding documents of this bidding conference, I remember that there is one item: if a certain enterprise wins the bid but fails to cooperate due to some reasons, the second one will directly fill the position and become the partner of this bidding! Therefore, Shenshi group's secret operation, bribery evaluation, and bidding qualification should be cancelled. Then, Dongsheng Group won this time, and Dongsheng Group can cooperate with the government openly and honestly in this project! "

"Absolutely right!"

"No problem, Dongsheng Group has always been the best reputation in the industry!"

"I hope Dongsheng Group will not bully us like Shen's group in the future. Just give us a way to live!"

People in the audience are beginning to flatter!

At this time, the most excited are Su Jing and ye Yuwei.

It was as if they had a dream. It was so exciting.

In particular, Su Jing's tears are coming down. When Dongsheng Group was in the most difficult situation, it was Lin Feng who came forward again. This guy made her love and hate, but at the moment, she was more moved.

Ye Yuwei, seeing Shen Mao crawling on the ground, suddenly turns all her humiliation into anger and kicks Shen Mao's stomach: "don't you want me to accompany you? This time you should go to the prison and look for prisoners to accompany you. They are all hungry and thirsty. Get ready

"Poof!" Su Jing burst out laughing.

It seems that ye Yuwei is really angry. This can be said!

Since ancient times, Su Jing and ye Yuwei are very proud. They hold their heads high and look at Shen Mao lying on the ground like a mole ant. Their faces are full of ridicule, ridicule and disdain:

"aren't you very proud, Mr. Shen? Aren't you sure you're going to win? I advise you to be upright and upright in the future, and don't do the business of crowing and stealing. Because people are doing things, heaven is watching, and those who do evil will get bad results. "

"It's not that we don't report, it's not time!" Lin Feng added a few words.

"Absolutely right!" Ye Yuwei held out her thumb.

At this time, Lin Feng seems to be an anti-corruption hero, everyone began to focus on filming Lin Feng.

Everyone hugged and photographed from various angles, just like attending a star's press conference.

Lin Feng, as he had just entered the hall, put his scissors hand to the camera and said with a smile: "Hello! Take a good shot and capture all my looks

At the same time, he also waved to his colleagues off the field: "how are you, friends on the left?"

"Good!" They cheered.

"Friends on the right, are you hi?"


This time, everyone began to interact with Lin Feng.

Lin Feng turned to Su Jing and said, "look, Mr. Su, I think I feel like a star. Today, I'm really a star. I'll probably be in the newspaper tomorrow! But, I'm a low-key person. I'll ask you one thing. Please handle the media. Don't send my reports. All the credit is yours! Back to the photos taken by the media, send me in private, I will be the desktop of mobile phone, thank you

"If you have done something good, of course it will be on your head." Su Jing said.

Lin Feng waved his hand with a smile: "stop it, I don't like these. If you really want to reward me, let me be your close secretary. It's the kind of secretary that can be connected closely without two people!""When can you be serious?" Su Jing just wanted to praise Lin Feng, but she didn't say it. She was teased by this guy.

"I'm very serious, don't you say that we all have engagement, sooner or later, I'm not in a hurry. I think occasionally, I'll use several postures with you at that time? You are such a beautiful woman. You are so beautiful. If I don't change a few more positions to make you feel better, I'm sorry you are such a beauty! " Lin Feng Road.

"Lin Feng, if you talk nonsense again, believe me to slap you in the mouth?" Su Jing was really angry.

"Well, well, you are like a piece of stubborn ice! How cold it is Lin Feng yawned: "ah, how sleepy! I can't open my eyes. I have to go back to sleep. I have to find a bar to find a beautiful woman in the evening. Alas, my damned charm of nowhere will always attract a large number of adult heterosexuals to rush in, and I can't stop it! "

"Lin Feng, can you have a face? Today, I order you not to go anywhere. When the chairman comes back in the evening, we will hold a celebration banquet for you Su Jing said.

"You do your business, I play my game! No delay Lin Feng said: "I can attend the celebration banquet first, and then soak up my sister! There is food and drink, there is a sister, what is the pursuit of life! Tut Tut, wonderful, wonderful

"Lin Feng, you..." Su Jing didn't know how to refute it. In short, she wanted to cut him with a knife!

"Mr. Su, don't be angry!" Ye Yuwei pulled Su Jing's clothes from behind: "all capable men have capital. It's man's nature. Don't blame him!"

Said, ye Yuwei meaningful look at Lin Feng, that look and in the past cold eyes are completely different, even with a bit, blazing!

"Hey, hey, Mr. Ye, you know me. Let's have a drink alone when we have time! By the way, we can also have in-depth exchanges! Hey, hey, hey Lin Feng said.

Ye Yuwei, on the other hand, did not oppose it, nor did she agree.

Lin Feng laughs, turns to hit a ring finger: "mouse, retreat!"

But Lin Feng's mobile phone received a message: "boss, help me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!