The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 141

As the media were all sitting below, only Shen Mao, ye Yuwei and others on the top saw the content of the note at one glance.

The above is the bank transfer information, which is the money that Shen's group secretly transferred to Cao Dehuan.

Every transaction, what bank, when and how much money, clear.

And that piece of paper is dense and dense. At a glance, the money transferred should be a skyrocketing figure!

"How about it? Are you satisfied with it? " Lin Feng said with a smile.

Shen Mao's back felt numb. How could this guy get these again? Once this evidence is exposed, it will not be tantamount to the conviction of their bribery. It is a prison!

Shen Mao did not do it or not. He grabbed the note, threw it into his mouth and ate it directly!

"Grab it, that's evidence!" Ye Yuwei shouts to Lin Feng in a hurry. She can only place her hope on Lin Feng, because her strength can't rival Shen Mao.

But Lin Feng was not slow to smile: "Yo drink, this is the mountain delicacies, eat too much? You want a change, right? You want to tell me? I have more! "

Raymond Lam as like as two peas of a piece of paper, and a copy of the same copy.

Shen Mao grabs it again and continues to chew.

It's not for fun. Even if it's torn off and picked up and put together, they'll go to jail.

At this time, media reporters have found something wrong and have raised their cameras to shoot.

Don't you dare to take out a copy from the bottom of the table and put it on the bottom of the table

Shen Mao's face is green. He is too cunning!

However, his Shen Mao is cruel, sometimes he can be cruel to himself.

He grabbed the paper, put it in his mouth and chewed it!

"Well, you have made me poor!" Lin Feng spread both hands, that there is no note!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Shen Mao laughed: "Lin Feng, are you fighting with me? Are you cruel to me

"Lin Feng, why are you so careless?" Ye Yuwei is anxious to stamp her feet.

Take the note well, show it to the media, take a picture, they will be finished? Why do you have to go around? This is good, let others eat, there is no way to expose in front of the media!

She looks at Lin Feng with complaining eyes, and Su Jing is puzzled to see Lin Feng. Is this guy's brain short circuited at the critical moment?

Lin Feng looked at the eyes of the two people who wanted to eat people. He said quickly, "Oh, don't worry. Let me think about it. By the way, I have another one!"

With that, he took off his shoes, took out a note from his shoes and opened it, which was the record of their bank transfer.

Shen Mao suddenly felt nauseous, and his eyes were full of stars. He couldn't eat any more!

The next second, Lin Feng was "pa" and slapped the note on the table, shouting: "I don't believe you dare to eat? If your mouth is not afraid of beriberi, you will eat it! "

Shen Mao's throat knot moved a few times, gritted his teeth, and swallowed the note.

"Second Olympics! How cruel Lin Feng was praised.

But at this time, Su Jing and ye Yuwei's eyes were almost bursting with fire.

The evidence, again, was handed out by this guy.

Shen Mao retches a few times and tries to resist the nausea in his heart. He has never been so disgusted since childhood. This may become the shadow of his life.

However, he can only do so.

He also deliberately threatened Lin Feng: "you have, I dare to eat! But I tell you, today, you lost! Announce the result quickly Then he looked at Cao Dehuan.

Cao Dehuan didn't dare to neglect it. If he went down to point out what would happen, he directly announced the result: "100 points, Dongsheng Group, 85 points, Shen group, 86 points, Shen group wins!"

With that, the score of the two appeared on the big screen.

Cao Dehuan brought the jury, naturally listen to him at his disposal, this score is obviously a black box operation, don't look at the difference of one point, but a point is decided to win or lose, which is a lot of learning!

After that, Cao Dehuan also made a serious analysis and said: "this year's war situation is really fierce. Dongsheng Group narrowly lost by one point, but don't be discouraged. Come back next year. Maybe we will hold a bidding next year! Now, let's congratulate Shen group on becoming our designated partner again. Congratulations to Shen group! "

With that, there was no one clapping.

However, too embarrassed, Cao Dehuan said again: "please congratulate Shen group!"

And then he took the lead in clapping.

The audience thought of the scattered applause!

As soon as the result came out, Shen Mao felt relaxed. He sat on the chair and looked at Lin Feng and others with a grim smile.

Don't mention more comfortable in his heart, Lin Feng, Lin Feng, you disgust me, disgust to the end, is not you lose? I know you have a lot of materials in hand, but I will never let you out of this door today, so the final winner is still me, still Shen group!Su Jing shook her head and sighed. Just now she felt hopeful, but in the end, she was cut off by Lin Feng!

What a success and failure!

Ye Yuwei bit her teeth and almost burst into tears. She glared at Lin Feng and complained: "why do you want to do those actions? Do you have a deposit? Come on, take it out

"It's no use!" Su Jing said: "the other party will not give him any more opportunities to show him. The bidding will be over immediately and the media reporters will also leave."

"But I don't think the bidding is over!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Why?" Su YILENG.

"Because, I am not satisfied with the result now!" Lin Feng overbearing said.

Su Jing was speechless for a while: "you are not satisfied, ha ha --"

sometimes, Lin Feng is too arrogant!

However, at this time, Lin Feng stretched out his right hand, hit a ring finger, and called out: "mouse, start working!"

As soon as the voice dropped, I saw that on the big screen, the image of the score just now changed.

A video began to play, is Lin Feng's first two videos of guangmen.

The first one, the man forced the woman, forced for a while, the woman did not agree, he stood up to give the woman a beating, angry head only a few hair are floating!

Although there is no face, we can see clearly this time, and we can basically confirm that the man is Cao Dehuan. The figure, the hair style and the voice of speaking are him!

Then, the first video was turned off, and the second video came on stage.

Light male a force force that small handsome boy, must roll the bed sheet with others, very disgusting!

And then for a moment, the man turned around!

"Stop -" cried Lin Feng.

Freeze frame!

A big greasy face appears clearly in the picture.

"Ha ha ha, do you know this man? Such a handsome Mediterranean hairstyle, romantic with a trace of wisdom, that two pieces of soft front breast, very sexy, especially this face of faking for private, incomparably coquettish, you see? Take photos quickly. There is no shop after this village! " Lin Feng laughed.

It was Cao Dehuan who was there.

This time, all the people below burst their nests and rushed to take photos.

Cao Dehuan suddenly like thunder, the whole person almost fell in the past!

However, when people are in despair, they will struggle for a while. Cao Dehuan is not willing to sit down and wait for death. He yelled angrily:

"that's my private life. I like men and women, and what's the relationship with you. If you steal my personal secrets, I'll sue you for violating my personal privacy!"

"You drink, you Yin and Yang people want to sue me? If you bully men and women and force them into prostitutes, are you still reasonable? " Lin Feng said.

"To tell you the truth, I'm a junior!" Cao Dehuan played shrewdly: "but what's the matter? I play with Xiao San. It's my bad character. I'm sorry to everyone. Please fire me. I'm not right in my mind! "

He knew that he could only do so now. He simply said that he had a junior and that he would not be expelled. He didn't want to do it, and he made enough money. This time, he helped Shen group win the bidding, and Shen group would not embarrass him.

Back in accordance with their original thought, the whole family emigrated overseas, no one knows him, with the money, chic life, how cool! It's enough to squander at will!

But Lin Feng was smiling and pounding the table fiercely. He yelled: "you two skinned faces. Up to now, you still play rogue. Do you think you can escape? You want to retire in a hurry. You want to go abroad with the hard-earned money of the hard-working masses, and then scold us for being merciless. Don't you think that if you cheat money at home and do evil at home, do you think it will be clean with a wipe of your mouth? The hardworking masses have earned more than you have earned with two mouths. You black heart moth, you will destroy the foundation of China. I have ten thousand ways to deal with people like you. Today, I will let you believe it! "

Said, Lin Feng again played a ring finger, and cried out: "mouse, change channel!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!