The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 140


Listening to Cao Dehuan's words, Su Jing was shocked.

Lin Feng this just a little bit to turn the situation around, a slap was he shot dead, it is too hateful.

However, Su Jing and ye Yuwei have really seen Lin Feng's ability. They believe that if given more time, Lin Feng will definitely have the hope of turning the tables.

It's a pity... Alas!

Su Jing bowed her head and sighed. Her eyes were filled with loneliness and sadness. Dongsheng Group's last glimmer of hope was also shattered.

Ye Yuwei went to Su Jing, patted her on the back and said, "general manager Su, don't be sad. Your health matters. As long as we are all in good condition, sooner or later we will have a better day."

"Ha ha ha ha!" When Shen Mao appeared quietly next to Su Jing and ye Yuwei, he laughed recklessly, then lowered his voice and said in a provocative tone: "you have collected a lot of evidence, you have two sons! Unfortunately, what's the use? It's not in vain

"Shen Mao, you can be as proud as you like, but one day, my Dongsheng Group will make a comeback!" Su Jing clenched her teeth, and her pretty face turned red with anger.

"Tut Tut, why can't you afford to lose? Oh, by the way, didn't I just say that I want you two to accompany me for one night. You can rest assured that I have imported super powerful medicine, which can definitely make you both want to die. If you are cheap enough and the master I serve is happy, I may reward you with some business! Hum Shen Mao sneered at him.

"You are filthy

"Pa --"

Ye Yuwei gives Shen Mao a slap in the face.

She really can't look down. Su Jing is in her heart, just like a sister. He can insult herself, but he can't insult Su Jing.

"Shit, you're so good at it!" Shen Mao reaches for ye Yuwei and hits him.

"No!" Su Jing steps forward and grabs Shen Mao's arm.

However, Shen Mao's strength is obviously much greater than Su Jing's. He easily shakes off Su Jing's arm and fans toward Ye Yuwei.

Su Jing reeled and watched her sister face slapped.

However, when Shen Mao's hand was about to touch Ye Yuwei's face, "pa", his wrist was held by one hand.

It's Lin Feng!

"Lin Feng!" Ye Yuwei is stunned. She didn't expect Lin Feng to step forward at this time.

"Do you dare to beat the people of Dongsheng Group? Do you pay attention to me as a security guard Lin Feng asked: "the duty of security guard is to protect the safety of employees. You even ignore me, the super handsome security guard, and dare to attack such a beautiful person in our company. Are you looking for a fight?"

As he said this, Lin Feng waved his hand and the back of his hand made a crisp sound. He took it out on Shen Mao's face, and the five fingerprints on his face were clearly visible.

Those who understand know that slapping the palm of one's hand and the back of one's hand with the same strength should be several times as hard as the former.

Although the palm and the back of the hand are all meat, relatively speaking, the back of the hand is still full of bones. If you smoke it, it hurts the dead!

Shen maotong grinned and his teeth were a little loose. He burst out and said, "do you dare to hit people? Somebody, kill him for me

"Stop it!" Cao Dehuan yelled: "this is the bidding meeting. Do you have any rules? Do you take our bidding seriously? "

Shen Mao didn't say a word and touched his face.

How angry he was! This can be good, he said a few words, the results of the two slaps, but also left a woman to beat his own criticism, really his mother's loss home!

Seeing the media holding up their cameras one after another, Shen Maoqi scolded: "what to shoot? Why don't you go back to shoot your mother?"

However, those media reporters are not vegetarian. They still take photos, and Shen Mao's glasses flash with flash lights. Shen Mao is angry and wants to attack those reporters.

At this time, Cao Dehuan stopped him and said in a low voice, "if you give me a fixed point, if you can't bear to make a big plan, you will be given the score immediately. Today you are the winner. Don't delay the business because of your anger!"

It's not easy for Cao Dehuan. He is also choked by Shen Mao's anger. He says that young people are really reckless, so they are easy to get ahead. In such a multi-media reporter, you dare to reach out and hit a woman. If you don't change your temper, you will surely suffer a lot in the future!

But after that, Cao Dehuan couldn't control it. Today, he can't allow the boy to be angry and ruin the matter!

When he said this, Shen Mao was suddenly sober.

Yes, I am the winner. How can I be so angry!

Shen Mao looked at Lin Feng casually and gave him a middle finger. He moved his lips a few times and put a mouth: "you are loser! (you're a loser) "

in the eyes of Su Jing and ye Yuwei, it's so angry that she doesn't decline!

However, what can we do? The overall situation has been decided, and there is no hope of turning the table!

However, at this time, but listen to Lin Feng said: "old Cao, in order to avoid your scoring is not fair enough! Before you and your jury score, I think it's necessary for me to show you another set of materialsLin Feng said, but also take out the pocket!

This action is the one that Cao Dehuan and Shen Mao are most afraid of. As long as they do this, they will surely come up with a crumpled piece of paper, which is filled with their crimes.

Cao Dehuan immediately indicated to Shen Mao that they had reached a consensus just now. As long as Lin Feng wanted to take evidence, Shen Mao would send someone to stop him.

At this time, four or five big and three strong men suddenly appeared in the crowd and directly said to Lin Feng, "I've seen your boy's bad eye for a long time. Brothers, go ahead and hit him for me!"

Those strong men had a clear goal. At the same time, their first goal was toward the note in Lin Feng's hand.

Lin Feng quickly said: "Hey, hey, brothers, don't get excited. I'm a civilized person. If you have something to say, you need a note. Just give it to you. Don't do it. I'm afraid of pain!"

"Hum!" The strong man snatched the note. There were only three words on it. You are a pig!

"You..." the strong man's face was muddled and angry. What did boss Shen want us to do? What's going on here?

Because Shen Mao only told them to stop Lin Feng from taking out the paper and U-disk and other items, as long as they took them out, they snatched and destroyed them on the spot.

But he won't tell them exactly why.

Seeing that the task had been completed, those strong men wanted to go back.

At this time, Lin Feng took out a crumpled note and said, "what, please see...

" do you dare to cheat? " The strong man turned back and ran for the note again.

"You love notes so much! Here you are. I'll kill you back. You scared me to death Lin Feng glared at the strong man and threw the note to him. There are still three words on the note this time - is it fun?

The strong man's brow twisted into a knot in one's heart. Boss Shen paid a lot of money to hire himself, so he would accompany this fool to grab this kind of retarded note to play?

The strong man was so angry that he said to Lin Feng, "Stinky boy, you don't play tricks!"

"Lin Feng said:" you must accompany me to play, but also blame me to come, speak reason? "

Then he drew out a piece of paper.

The strong man snatched it.

On the note, there is a sentence written on it this time - if you want to play, I can accompany you all day!

At this time, the strong man can conclude that the boy may have some mental problems and can't be consumed any more. It will be bad if the media takes pictures of them making trouble!

They have never received such a wonderful task, but they are not fools. They play with a mental patient and are photographed by the media. How can they mix in the industry?

At this time, Lin Feng took out a note again. Those strong men were already immune and left without looking. There was no time to play with this psychosis again!

However, Lin Feng smoothed out the note, patted it directly on the table, and said, "dangdangdang, the fierce material you want is coming!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!