The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1404

But this time, he really underestimated Lin Feng.

Orcs and trolls are also particularly envious when they see Lin Feng.

Only queen Lanxi, after long days of missing Lin Feng, met again, and her heart was filled with love.

But, Lin Feng appears in this way, really let her also can't understand.

It was said that he only took back the heart of blood jade. Why are all the artifacts on him now.

However, Lin Feng's first glance was to see the end.


Lin Feng's eyes twinkled with incredible light: "how did you come here?"

The mouse cried out: "boss, don't believe him, he is to kill, pharmacist is to kill!"


Lin Feng was stunned. Is the pharmacist killing?

Mie laughed and said: "yes, I am Mie. Lin Feng, your girlfriend is also in my hand, so you should hand over the artifact quickly, or I will kill your girlfriend together!"

Lin Feng didn't expect that his brother who lived with him day and night was destroyed.

It's a bit of dog blood!

However, Qiu Shen is like the sea. We were friends at the beginning, but if you wear a mask, I will not give you half face.

Lin Feng said: "out, so many years, you have caused my whole family to fall apart. I want to make a general account with you."

"You thief, why should you settle with me? You are a bad guy!" Mie shouts.

Orcs and trolls could not help it. They cried out, "this forest peak desecrates our holy land. It's a member of the Kunlun continent. Let's kill this scum with us!"

All of a sudden, the crowd was excited.

The elves and the dead are equal to the friendly race of Lin Feng, and they don't know how to deal with the scene in front of them.

The fact is in front of us. If you just take the heart of blood jade, we believe you are contributing to the family.

However, you still have so many artifacts. Who will believe you?

However, the next second, Lin Feng said: "please do not blindly believe in any nonsense, I represent the supreme dragon to talk to you!"

"Fart, if you talk like crazy, be careful of thunder!" "Big guy together, kill him!" he said

Orcs and trolls are already red eyed. Now, taking advantage of so many allies, it's not pleasant to go up and bring about the results of Lin Feng.

If Lin Feng is released, Lin Feng will become stronger in the future, and they will not be rivals any more.

However, what they did not know was that Lin Feng was already strong at this time.

The king of troll trump rushed forward and led four or five elite trolls. The huge hammer smashed at Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng just a smile, did not even move his hand, just listen to a bang, a few trolls instantly by a strong air shock fly.


Everyone is stunned. What's the situation.

The orcs don't believe in evil. The orc leader is quite hammer, and his younger brother died in Lin Feng's hand. Therefore, he and Lin Feng's hatred can be said to be inseparable. He swung his axe at Lin Feng and chopped it.

The next second, Lin Feng just gently raised his hand and listened to the "when" sound.

The powerful axe, slashing on Lin Feng's hand, sparks splashed everywhere, but did not hurt Lin Feng Fen Fen.

Instead, Lin Feng held the sharp edge of the axe in one hand and pulled it gently.

The orc's huge body was thrown into the air like a chicken raised by Lin Feng.

"Go back

Lin Feng said, a kick to the fallen man hammer, man hammer was kicked directly fly, rolled back into the team, will just rush up the other half of the people on the ground.

Man hammer mouth spit blood, a face can't believe looking at Lin Feng.

Just a few days, why is the other side so fierce?

And to see the destruction of this scene is also a panic in my heart.

Is this still Lin Feng?

Is it that the power of artifact is so powerful that Lin Feng, a small cultivator, also has the ability to compare with the beauty God?

Just as he was thinking, Lin Feng came to him.

"Let your men catch him! I can pay as much as you want, I can afford it! " Mie quickly said to the leader of the black armour army.

After seeing Lin Feng's ability, the black armour army is also very guilty of murmuring.

However, they think that normal people can not make much progress in so many days. His ability must be attributed to these artifacts.

The black armour army now has a large number. As long as they go together, they will surely defeat each other.

So the leader of the black armour army shouts, let everyone come forward together and kill Lin Feng.

The black armour army killed the red scorpion and King Kong before, to Lin Feng, they are the biggest enemy.

So Lin Feng looked at the black armour army in the eyes, showing a stream of scarlet and murder.

"Die to me!"

Lin Feng angrily drinks, brandishes the hot sun's anger, the flat ground brandishes a whirlwind.Those who just rushed up the black armour army, were immediately hit and fly.

After landing, they spit blood one by one and die.

This time, however, shocked the black armour army and the black dragon army behind it.

"Give it to me, all to me!" The leader of the black armour army yelled.

There are still many people left in the black armour army. They rush to Lin Feng again.

However, Lin Feng suddenly leaped up and threw his sword to the ground again.

The sharp and strong aura turned into sharp blade and stabbed at the ground.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!"

The hard armor of the black army was pierced instantly, killing and injuring.

People were shocked.

That's great.

Two moves will kill more than half of the black a army.

At this time, Lin Feng's eyes are scarlet, and his heart is like a knife when he thinks of the red Scorpion King Kong.

"You all die for me!"

Lin Feng, like a god of death, ran towards the leader of the black armour army.

The leader of the black armour army retreated one after another and yelled, "stop him, stop him!"

However, Lin Feng, a phantom, came to the head of the black armour army. His sword blade pressed against the head of the black army and said coldly, "I'm sorry, you chose the wrong enemy!"

"Can you spare me?" Asked the black armour leader.

"No!" Lin Feng said, move on the hand, the head of black armour army is different, head moved home.

To die, the head of the black armour army was filled with fear.

The leader of the first black army is a strong general of the black dragon army. He died, and the black dragon army was very sad.

The leader of the black dragon Army rode a flying dragon to Lin Feng.

"You dare to kill my soldiers, my black dragon army and you are irreconcilable

Lin Feng sneered: "you say so now, where did you go just now?"

"I didn't expect you to be so ruthless The leader of the black dragon army said: "soldiers, listen to my orders and prepare to fight!"

All the soldiers of the black dragon army immediately raised their swords to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't want to waste time on it. He raised the token given to him by longzu and said, "can't I speak well?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!