The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1403

Mie said, "it is these people who have desecrated your holy land. I think they should all be put to death."

"Hold on!" "There must be a reason for them to do so. Lin Feng will not desecrate the Holy Land in order to rob the artifact. He has come for the precious jade inherited by his family."

She said, she looked at Mie: "although you are right, but I don't think you are the successor of the heart of blood jade. You secretly disguise as Lin Feng's Apprentice. This is actually a very insidious thing. I think you are not a good man. Lin Feng must have his own good intentions!"

"Don't be so bloody!" Mie said, "I've always been protecting the holy land, and I've spent a lot of money to hire the black armour army to help."

The leader of the black armour army said, "we can't turn a blind eye to the fact that Lin Feng is here to desecrate the holy land."

"So, these people must be killed!" The extermination points to Qingfeng and others.

"No!" "They are my friends. I saw their qualities along the way. They are all intelligent and just people. I don't believe they are bad guys," Al said

"You don't believe it, ha ha, I don't believe it yet, but that's the truth! Lin Feng has been in the pagoda for a long time. Maybe he has died in it. After all, the holy land of gods can not be desecrated by others! " Mie said, "so this group of people have to die, none of them can stay!"

Then, he looked at the leader of the black armour Army: "do it

The leader of the black armour army called the executioner to end Qingfeng and others.

Qingfeng and others can resist, but in the face of so many masters, their power seems to be somewhat insignificant.

At this time, a voice came: "who dare to move these people? They are the distinguished guests of our Heavenly Kingdom

The army of the dead came, and the king of the dead cried out in the skeleton battle.

"Another meddler The black armour army was indignant.

And one side of the troll clan after seeing the undead clan, immediately in the heart of anger.

"These people, they must be killed!" said the troll king, Randall

The VIPs of the dead are their enemies. The troll will never allow these people to live in the world.

For a moment, the opposing sides became two lineups.

One is the black dragon army, the blue dragon army and the troll led camp.

One is led by the undead, the Earth Spirit, and the elves and fishmen.

The smell of gunpowder became thick again, as if war was about to start.

However, at this time, a word of extinguishment completely ignited the fire of war.

He said: "you are all the creatures of this continent. It is ridiculous that the holy land on the mainland is desecrated and even helps the enemy to speak. Is it really ridiculous that the holy land of this continent should be maintained by an outsider? You are so disappointing to your gods

With his hands folded, he knelt on the ground and bowed to the Pagoda: "gods, I'm sorry, but I can't protect the peace of your fertile land. I'm sorry!"

Killing this hypocritical manner immediately angered the orcs.

The orcs are all straightforward, and they shout out: "kill these people. If anyone is against us, kill all of them!"

With that, he picked up his Tomahawk and ran to Qingfeng and others.

Qingfeng and others are also opening their posture, ready to face.

At this time, the voodoo tribe stood up to compete with the half man.

They are old friends.

Although they are of the same race, they have different beliefs, which leads to enemies.

The war between the two tribes burned all over the hall in an instant.

Bureau demons, black dragons and blue dragons joined the battlefield in an instant.

Seeing this, the spirit and the Earth Spirit also raised their swords and rushed into the battlefield.

A great war is inevitable.

These races have long had resentment, and today's extinction is just a fuse. Finally, it is the hatred between these races that ignites the flames of war.

For a time, Xuantian land became the battlefield, and the fire of war from Xuantian Lake instantly burned all over the whole continent.

Xuantian lake is also a sea of people.

Kill, howl, interweave and play.

In other parts of Xuantian continent, some scattered troops also directly killed enemies.

In an instant, the fire of war spread across the whole continent, and the news spread from the goblin's mouth to every corner of the Kunlun continent.

Everyone knows that this is not only a fight for dignity, but also about the survival of the race.

There has been no battle for a thousand years, but this battle, which has accumulated a thousand years of gratitude and resentment, is very tragic.

On the battlefield, flesh and blood are flying.

Qingfeng and mice and others, quickly protect Shangguan Ruoxue and others.

But they are still in danger, and the situation is getting worse.

Because Mie launched part of the black armour army and attacked Qingfeng and others.

Only by killing this group of people can he become the guardian of the Holy Land in a proper way, and he will not be ostracized by the local race.Then, steals the blood jade stone secretly in the person does not know.

Therefore, his task is to kill the remaining troops of Lin Feng.

However, when the great war was in full swing, a voice came from the sky.

"Your ancestors don't want to see you like this!"

With the sound, a dazzling golden light shoots out from the pagoda, and a figure with flowing light all over the body escapes from the golden light and slowly floats in the air.

And they looked from afar, but they did not know who it was.

However, the appearance of this figure, but let the anger of the battle melt some.

Everyone was surprised to see the appearance of God like figure out of thin air, which was sacred.

The figure floated in front of the crowd and fell slowly.

Suddenly, Qingfeng and others were ecstatic.

Even, Shangguan Ruoxue wept with joy.

Who else would this man be if he wasn't Lin Feng?

Lin Feng's figure fell from the sky. He was wearing the crown of the God King. His body was filled with the anger of the burning sun. He was holding the casting of SASS and wearing the heart of blood jade.

This is already half an ancient god's disguise.

Moreover, Lin Feng's energy is extremely strong, falls on the ground mountain, the people around dozens of meters are forced to retreat instantly.

"Lin Feng, you stole the artifact. Look, he wears all the things of the ancient god on his body!" Exclaimed Mie.

He was very surprised. He thought that Lin Feng would die in the pagoda. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng came out alive and wore a artifact.

He quickly set fire to Lin Feng and shifted everyone's attention to Lin Feng.

And all the creatures in this room, after seeing Lin Feng's costume, also produced a strong hostility instantly.

Sure enough, this man went to the pagoda and stole all the things from the pagoda. It was disgusting.

"Kill the thief and take back the artifact!" Exclaimed Mie.

Although Lin Feng is wearing artifact, he thinks that with his ability, he will be lost by these creatures in an instant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!