The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1405

The token was brilliant.

The crowd fixed their eyes on the token, and were immediately impressed by the smoothness.

And those who are closer to the token also see the words on the token: "dragon emissary!"

"What? Is he the Dragon messenger

The people of the dragon clan were extremely surprised.

At this moment, however, a halo was projected on the token, and a colorful dragon appeared in the air.

"My dear people, I wonder if you still remember me! This human is the Dragon emissary I bestow. He can represent my will and lead the dragon clan. Please don't question him. He has this ability! "

"This man and I should take the initiative to make friends with him, and I believe that he and I should be able to bear the heavy responsibilities of God's heart."

"If someone resists him, it's against me. The dragon clan can't betray it!"

The voice of the dragon people came out.

The dragon clan put a trace of its own remnant soul into the token. At the moment when Lin Feng lit up the token, her spiritual consciousness came out and read out his decision to the public.

"Dragon ancestor!"

"That's really the Dragon ancestor. I saw the Dragon ancestor!"

All the people of the Dragon nationality knelt down and worshipped.

Those dragon soldiers who still hold the blade on the battlefield also immediately throw down their weapons and kneel down in the direction of Lin Feng.

All over the mountains and fields, a piece of the head down, very spectacular.

Lin Feng asked people to put down their weapons and said, "on behalf of the will of the Dragon ancestor, I will unify the dragon clan. Please shake hands and make peace with each other."

The leaders of the four Dragon legions should not violate the will of the Dragon ancestor.

Originally, they thought that the Dragon ancestor had disappeared and would never appear in this world again. Unexpectedly, there was a spirit consciousness of the Dragon ancestor on this pagoda.

The four leaders of the dragon clan, as if they had done something wrong, hung their heads and shook hands in succession.

Even if they don't shake hands and make peace, I believe the Dragon soldiers will not agree.

The position of the Dragon ancestor in the dragon clan is unmatched.

Seeing this scene, Mie was shocked.

When did Lin Feng become the Dragon emissary?

With this identity, isn't he going to walk horizontally in this continent?

Suddenly, I felt something was wrong.

However, the orc chieftain man hammer was blinded by the flames of revenge. He was determined to avenge his dead brother and refused to recognize Lin Feng's status.

What's more, you are the Dragon emissary, but you have a higher status in the dragon clan. I'll give you a little face as far as possible. What's the relationship between you and me orcs?

One side of the troll is also very angry, his door from the beginning wanted to kill Lin Feng, to now also did not achieve the desire, but they are not willing to stop, like orcs, still want to kill Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng is not as easy to deal with as they think.

Lin Feng suddenly let out a roar. The roar was like the cry of ancient orcs on the battlefield.

Then an old voice came out.

"I'm the orc God of war. Are you ok?"

This is a little bit of the opening of the second, first let everyone be stunned, and then immediately reacted to it.

"Orc God of war, isn't that the orc God?"

Look at Lin Feng's appearance, it's not pretend.

At this time, Lin Feng's lips moved, and the orc's voice came out: "I take this young human's body and say a few words to you. This is my final statement. After that, I will no longer exist. Therefore, my people, you must remember it!"

"God of war!"

The orcs suddenly look forward to the color, have one knee kneeling, head buried in the knee.

The belief of orcs is stronger than any other race.

The worship of the God of war is more exaggerated than the worship of the Dragon ancestor of the dragon people.

"My people, I'm really glad to see you with my own eyes again." Orc warlord said, "but, as the young man said, the number of orcs is too small, which is my biggest worry! Before I mistakenly passed down a tradition to you, orcs will always use force to conquer others, do not use magic! But now it seems that this is really the wrong decision! "

"So here, I solemnly withdraw my tradition, and I propose that orcs should accept all new things, including magic, and even we should regard magic as a means of fighting in the future. If anyone dares to disobey this order, he will be the biggest scum of the whole clan!"

"Long live the God of war!"

When the chief of the voodoo tribe heard this, he was almost moved to cry.

How many years, finally, someone began to prove for themselves.

What's more, it's the most legendary god of war among orcs.At last, the orcs feel qualified.

"From today on, let the orcs carry forward this tradition and believe that we will become a very strong race on this continent!"

The orc Warlord's voice is getting weaker and weaker.

"Goodbye, my people, I love you forever!"

The orcs of the voodoo tribe were filled with tears.

However, the orc tribe leader, manhammer, is still filled with hatred.

When the voice of the God of war disappeared, he was furious and ran towards Lin Feng: "God of war likes to listen to you. I don't like it. I'll kill you today!"

However, before he reached Lin Feng, he was directly pushed by another ORC.

The orc stepped on the hammer's face, picked up his axe, and said to him, "you are not worthy to be a chief!"

"Yes, he is not worthy to be a chief!" The other orcs also raised their arms.

"How dare you oppose me?" Manhammer was drinking at the young ORC.

The young Orc raised his axe and yelled, "I will not only fight against you, but also become a new chief today."

Then, an axe fell and the head of the hammer was different.


The orcs raised their hands and cried.

The young Orc came to the head of the voodoo tribe, shook hands and said, "hard work, we welcome you home!"

Then, two Orc chieftains, Qi Qi, came to Lin Feng and knelt down on one knee and said, "thank you for bringing the will of God of war. The God of war is right. We should not follow the old rules. We should change. Thank you. We will unite together in the future, study combat techniques and magic, and start to learn trade and so on."

"Well, that's the smartest thing to do!" Lin Feng nodded.

The trolls panicked when they saw all their companions surrender.

However, Trump and Lin Feng have a bridge, he can not reconcile with Lin Feng.

"Since you all believe in him, I don't believe it. The people of trolls will fight him to the end!" Exclaimed trandel.

When the undead saw this scene, he was no longer reserved. His opponent's undead cried, "protect Lin Feng and kill the troll!"

In an instant, the undead and Troll fight together. , the fastest update of the webnovel!