The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1397

"Why do you want those things?"

"Because the heart of blood jade is a treasure inherited by my family, I must get it!" Lin Feng said.

"Oh, so it is!" The hammer felt wrong about Lin Feng.

"In that case, I will help you. I hope you can get what you want this morning and bring my descendants to see me." Said the hammer.

"Certainly!" Lin Feng secretly smiles in his heart. His old friend is very sensible and on the road.

The hammer took out a gem similar to a pearl and handed it to Lin Feng: "this is a gem that I have spent my whole life training, and it is also the most precious spirit stone of the Tuling people so far, because it is the purest spirit stone in this continent, and it does not contain any impurities. If you look at it carefully, you will find his powerful point."

Lin Feng took over Lingshi, and suddenly felt the burden on his shoulders was heavier.

"This gift is so precious that I don't think I can accept it!" Lin Feng gives the stone back to the hammer.

The hammer said, "young man, the things sent out by our local spirits are not usually returned. This is the reputation. Take it!"


Lin Feng thought about it and finally put the spirit stone in his pocket.

"Then I'll be obedient rather than respectful." Lin Feng said: "as for what you always told me, I will try my best to do it well."

"Well, thank you, young man!" Said the hammer.

Lin Feng bowed and left the fifth floor.

Just up to the fifth floor, Lin Feng found that he had several things to do.

Not only to find the soul of a man for the elf queen, but also to bring the orc's will to the orc tribe, and then bring the descendants of the Terran to the hammer.

However, these gods are really pitiful enough. Although they are respected by all ages, in fact, they are more lonely than anyone else.

People with stories, always in others inadvertently, silently bear all the vicissitudes that have brought.

Soon Lin Feng came to the sixth floor.

The sixth level gives people a sense of killing.

Lin Feng found that this layer, full of a thick smell of blood, a look at this layer in the middle of a wide seat, sitting a troll.

The troll was tall, ferocious and ferocious.

"To be able to come here, human, you are very strong!" Said the troll.

He was playing with a skull in one hand and a spear in the other.

"I'm going upstairs!" Lin Feng said, "thank you for making way for me."

Lin Feng passed by the troll. When he saw the stairway, he heard the sound of "whoosh". A long hair shot over and nailed it directly on the wall in front of Lin Feng.

"Where are you from, man?" The troll asked haughtily.

"I'm from outside the secret land!" Lin Feng said.

"Do you know the story of Tianchen Kingdom and Digang clan?" The troll looked at Lin Feng coldly.

Lin Feng didn't like the look. He said, "I know, but I prefer Tianchen kingdom. You trolls are an insidious and cunning race. I don't like it very much."

"Asshole!" The troll said, "do you know that I am the king of trolls and even rush to say such words in front of me?"

"Oh? Are you the king of trolls? I remember the name of the king of trolls is Randall? " Lin Feng said deliberately.

"They are all my descendants!" The troll said, "but it's no use talking to you so much. Human beings, when you come to me, your life will be reversed. I haven't had a new skull to play with for a long time. Your head belongs to me."

"Is it?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "I didn't want to pay attention to you. You have to find it by yourself. OK, then I'll just try my new strength. What degree has it reached?"

The troll directly came up and took off his spear. Without saying anything, he stabbed Lin Feng's eyes.

Lin Feng suddenly lifted up his true Qi, and in an instant the energy emanated from his body, and a strong energy came out of his body.


There was a strong wind all around.

Lin Feng didn't expect to release part of his energy, and he had already reached this level.

The first few floors are really in vain!

But at this time, the troll's spear towards Lin Feng's eyes, but the speed is getting slower and slower.

To reach the final distance of Lin Feng eyes only about one centimeter, stagnated.

No matter how hard the troll tried, the spear could not go any further.

"How could that happen?" The troll was shocked: "Why are you so powerful? Are you human? "

Lin Feng did not answer, but stretched out his hand, grasped the spear, and then exerted a little force.


The spear was broken at once.

Lin Feng once caught a troll, and such a huge monster was caught by Lin Feng and fell directly to the ground.

Lin Feng pressed one hand on the troll's forehead, and then used his previous moves to deal with two headed barbarians.In a flash, the troll felt his spirit and energy began to drain, and poured into Lin Feng's body.

Since Lin Feng met with this skill similar to star sucking, he found that the more he used it, the more comfortable he was now.

Now, his ability is far beyond these miracles, and it is very easy for him to absorb energy.

The troll was pressed on the ground by Lin Feng, unable to move. His energy dissipated little by little. His incomparable fear: "please, please let me go!"

"A God is a legend of a race. Legends can't ask for mercy. Once you ask for mercy, you're not fit to be a legend!" Lin Feng said.

Then, with his hands again and again, he sucked the last trace of energy from the troll.

"Ah --"

the troll screamed bitterly.

Without the bondage of energy, the spirit turns into a light spot all over the sky, and then slowly disappears.

"Just get out of my way? Do you have to do this? " Lin Feng had no choice but to smile bitterly.

However, absorbed the energy of this troll, Lin Feng felt that he was more powerful.

Then, Lin Feng came to the seventh floor of the pagoda.

This seventh floor is very luxurious.

Lin Feng felt that this should be the most beautiful and luxurious floor.

The surrounding walls are golden, and there are many shining gems in the corner. Entering this layer is like entering a world of money.

At this time, the figure sitting in a pile of gold coins and gems, after seeing Lin Feng, suddenly sat up.

"You.. You really came up! " Stammered the figure.

Lin Feng fixed his eyes and saw a goblin in front of him.

"You say that as if you knew I was coming up!" Lin Feng said.

"Of course I know!" The goblin said, "I heard the cry below just now. Do you want to kill that big fool?"

"He's dead already!" Lin Feng said.

"I mean, are you killing him?" Asked the goblin!

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