The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1398

"Oh, why be so impulsive?" The goblin said, "it's not easy to walk in this world. Why put yourself in it at last? This big fool is really stupid!"

Lin Feng smile: "listen to you this meaning, want to give me direct release, right?"

"Yes, I decided to let you go!" The goblin said, "we merchants never sell at a loss."

"Well, thank you." Lin Feng said, "but I also have a habit all the way. I never pass by empty. Do you think you can send me something?"

"For what?" The goblin was a little surprised: "I can tell you, you don't want to push forward. You don't want to move any of my treasures. If you move my things, I won't let you pass by me easily!"

"Sure enough, goblins are obsessed with money." Lin Feng said with a smile, "I don't want your treasure. These things are not worth a cent to me!"

"What do you want?" Said the goblin.

"I want this!" Lin Feng pointed to a small token above the table in front of the goblin.

"Oh? This one? " The goblin said, "this is our goblin's noble token. What do you want him to do?"

"The last time I took the goblin caravan, I saw this kind of token. This token represents a very high status. You can take any means of transportation freely in the secret place, and the accompanying people will also be treated like this!"

"Most of the secret places are the caravan of goblins, and most of the vehicles are controlled by goblins. So if you want to get to every place in the secret place quickly, it is necessary to take the transportation of goblin!"

"So, I want this privilege!"

Lin Feng said.

"Young man, you have a good head The goblin said, "but you may not know that every token has a level, and my token is the highest level. How can I give you such a valuable thing?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "then I would like to ask you, do not give me, do you keep useful?"

"Self admiration!" Said the goblin.

"Well, then I'll have to do it!" Lin Feng took down the anger of the burning sun behind him and said with some threatening tone.

"Oh, how can a young man be so irascible? Let me think about it!" Said the goblin.

Lin Feng wants to laugh in his heart. He knows that goblins are not good at fighting, and this spirit is not as good as other gods.

The reason why he was worshipped by goblins and became a legend of goblin race must be that he is very smart and has a good money making mind. A goblin who can fight will not be regarded as a legend by goblins.

So the force value of Lin Feng can crush him completely.

So Lin Feng did this, in fact, is to scare him, and Lin Feng did not want to start with him.

But the goblin had no idea. If the young man in front of him really started, he had no chance of winning.

Goblins are the smartest race. They're good at analyzing the pros and cons.

He knew clearly that he must not be Lin Feng's opponent, because this guy killed all the way from the bottom, and there was no scar on his body. What a terrible strength!

What's more, just now the troll howled in pain on the next floor. He listened to it very well, so he didn't dare to fight with Lin Feng. What he said just now was also some words to frighten him. In fact, he had no strength to speak of.

At least, there is no fighting power.

After thinking for a few seconds, the goblin immediately said, "well, I'll give you this token, but you can't ask for anything else. Is that ok?"

Lin Feng smiles. The goblin is really suitable to be a businessman. He can bargain and stop loss in time.

"Well, I'm not a greedy man. I just want you to do it!" Lin Feng said.

Taking the token, Lin Feng said goodbye to the goblin happily, and then came to the eighth floor.

This eighth floor, suddenly let Lin Feng feel a medieval Western European wind.

This floor is very wide, and there are even horse training ground and arena.

At this time, a woman in armor was fighting with a centaur.

Yes, it was a centaur indeed.

He has the body of a horse and four legs in his lower body.

The upper body is a strong human man.

The two have not disturbed the battle because of the arrival of Lin Feng, and are still in an orderly exchange of views.

Lin Feng is to stand aside, carefully watching the fight between the two.

The woman is very brave, a move in one form is extremely fierce.

And the Centaur is not weak, occasionally defensive as the main attack.

It's hard to separate the two from each other.

Lin Feng coughed twice and said, "cough, please have a rest. Can you give me a convenience?"

the Centaur took a step backward and said to the woman, "princess, is it not polite to continue our duel?"

The woman looked at Lin Feng and said, "if you want to pass through here, beat me!"The Centaur looked at Raymond Lam with a little sympathy and said, "no one has ever beaten her before her royal highness, so she has always been single."

"It's a bit informative Lin Feng said, "so? Shall I defeat her or marry her? "

"Presumptuous!" The woman said, "you men are useless things."

"You are very beautiful, but your temper is a little strong. In this case, I will help you calm down the restlessness in your heart."

Lin Feng said, directly jump in the field, pull open the posture to start a duel with the woman.

The Centaur flashed aside and looked at the scene with a smile.

Finally, someone came to take over. He could not be tortured by the princess all day.

The princess took up the sword in her hand and said, "the sword has no eyes. Don't be lucky. Take out all your skills."

Then he stabbed Lin Feng with a sword.

Lin Feng directly wields Sasaki's casting to block the princess's attack. Then, suddenly, he sends out energy from the back of the shield. He catches the shield as a medium and radiates directly from the front of the shield.

It was like a sudden explosion of a shield.

The princess was shocked by the force.

Lin Feng can't do it. He's too heavy on women. It's not his style!

He flew over, controlled the aura, held the princess directly and fell down slowly.

"I'm sorry, I was rude!"

The Centaurs beside this scene are in a daze.

The princess was solved in one move?

Besides, this man is so gentle!

The princess didn't expect that she couldn't even catch a move from the other side.

He felt a strong force on the other side's shield that she could not resist.

But she is also the princess of the kingdom of heaven, the largest kingdom of mankind, and the greatest female warrior of mankind. How could he lose so easily to another human?

"Take down your artifact. It's not fair to fight like this!" Said the princess. , the fastest update of the webnovel!