The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1396

Lin Feng laughed: "there is a saying in our human world that all roads lead to Rome. In fact, every road can lead to the place where the treasure is hidden, but you think the poisonous snake is too powerful

"It's just a problem. It's meaningless for you to solve it, but if it's realistic, I'll tell you how to solve it!"

"That is, let your people, wearing the most strict armor, choose any road, you can reach the destination!"

"Is that the answer?" Turing was obviously not satisfied with the answer.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "yes, this is the answer of mankind! Because I found that most of the time, the Earth Spirit is studying some nothingness, setting up many puzzles for itself and setting obstacles in the virtual world. This is a very stupid way. So, please move these problems to the display, and you can easily solve them! "

"There's a point!" Tu Ling began to agree.

Lin Feng continued: "what's more, this question doesn't say that I have to avoid poisonous snakes. What you ask is which way I should choose to get to the place where the gems are hidden. Therefore, the question itself is very easy to answer. Every road can be reached, as long as you are prepared to protect the snake!"

"Man is indeed the most flexible race." Tu Ling sighed.

"Ha ha, thank you for the compliment!" "Can I go to the upper floor now?" said Lin Feng

"Yes!" Said Tu Ling.

However, Lin Feng suddenly felt that he had gone up like this and seemed to have lost something.

Each layer got a little reward, which made him have a leap forward.

This layer can't be wasted!

Lin Feng said, "by the way, I would like to ask you. As a God, you are also a highly respected legend of the Tuling people. Can I ask your name?"

Tu Ling said, "steel beard, hammer!"

"Ah? Are you the steel beard hammer? " Lin Feng said, "so the greatest city of the Tuling people is named after you?"

"Exactly, I built it!" Said the hammer.

"Your faith is the iron hammer Lin Feng said.

Having been to the iron hammer fortress of Tuling, Lin Feng also has some understanding of the ethnic group of Tuling.

In particular, along the way, Al often talked to Lin Feng about his race. Lin Feng was familiar with the name of steel beard and hammer.

Steel beard hammer, can be said to be the first king of the Tuling people, just like the first emperor of the United seven countries in the human world.

And the strength of steel beard is that his leader, the Earth Spirit, has found the magic weapon for their survival.

Underground gems.

He was the greatest geological prospector. He found the largest gem deposit in this continent, and built the greatest city of Tuling, manjiyaosai.

Then the descendants of Tuling became more and more rich.

Relying on this gem vein, the Tuling people are more and more powerful.

Therefore, without the steel beard and hammer, there would be no Tuling people today.

This gentle old man is indeed worthy of respect.

Lin Feng said: "today's Tuling people have strong troops, and hammer fortress has been renovated several times, more luxurious and beautiful, and defense is also solid!"

"Oh? Have you ever been to hammer fortress Iron hammer looked at Lin Feng curiously: "Turing generally doesn't let foreigners enter the capital, because there are too many secrets and wealth in the capital. How did you get into the iron hammer fortress? Sneak in? "

"Of course not!" Lin Feng said, "I'm just going in, and I'm still the best friend of the Tuling people."

"Of course, if you are not the best friend of the Tuling people, you can't enter the iron hammer fortress!" The hammer said, "it's just my curiosity. Have you ever made any outstanding contribution to the Earth Spirit?"

"Of course Lin Feng said, "I have saved the three princes of King Tuling. Is this counted?"

"Oh, you are a good man The hammer said, "the prince of Turing is the hope of the Tuling people in the future. What you save is their hope, which is very good!"

Lin Feng continued: "this is just one of them, in fact, the more important thing is that I stopped the big attack of the Bureau demons!"

"At that time, the troll clan had already come under the city, and they had brought very powerful human magicians. The Earth Spirit must have suffered a great loss. They have coveted the Earth Spirit's gem for a long time!" Lin Feng said.

"Ah? And that kind of thing? " The hammer slapped on the table: "what is a troll? Is it Warcraft? Or a new race? How dare a race I have never heard of dare to fight against us natives

Lin Feng said, "Oh, maybe you don't know much about a period of history. In fact, trolls are a derivative race of human beings. You can also regard them as human beings. They live in a land of curse and lack of materials. They have always wanted to rob the land and gems of the local people. When they came to the city, they just caught up with me, so I persuaded them to retreat!"

"You alone? Have they been dissuaded? " The hammer didn't believe it."Of course "I'm alone!" said Lin Feng

"How can you prove that what you said is true?" The hammer said, "man likes to talk big."

Lin Feng said, "it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. I'm not going to explain anything. By the way, the current three princes of the earth spirit are on the Bank of Xuantian lake. At this moment, he is looking far away from here. If I have a chance, I can bring him to you to let you know the current situation of the Tuling clan."

"What? The descendants of Tu Ling came here? " The hammer was surprised and said, "the Earth Spirit is a very regular race. It is easy for us not to set foot on other people's territory, let alone explore unknown territory. We cherish our own lives."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "the three princes also cherish their own lives, but with me at my side, he felt safe to go anywhere, so he followed me."

Lin Feng is a little boastful, but the hammer analyzed it and believed it.

"Oh, no wonder! No wonder he came so far The hammer said, "it seems that you really have some skills."

Lin Feng said with a smile: "if you don't have some skills, do you think I can come to the fifth floor to chat with you?"

In this way, the hammer is like a flash!

"Yes! You're on the fifth floor At this time, the hammer carefully examined Lin Feng again.

He found that Lin Feng's clothes did not wind automatically, and a strong energy swam back and forth, very strong.

"What a powerful energy fluctuation, not worse than me at all!" Said the hammer.

Thank you "Do you believe it now?" said Lin Feng

"Well!" The hammer nodded. Then he said excitedly, "by the way, you didn't mean to send my descendants to see me?"

"Only when I get to the top floor and get what I want!" Lin Feng Road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!