The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1395

Two headed barbarians are dying.

Although they can be transformed into entities, they can also catch some external things to form entities.

So these spirits themselves have no substance.

Even if the energy is absorbed, they don't appear to be dying like the real creatures.

They are just weak, their shadows are illusory, and their spirits are slightly unstable. It seems that they may disappear at any time.

"Are you satisfied?" Lin Feng joked: "if not, we can continue to practice!"

"Human beings, we will bow to the wind!" Red hair head said: "we have never seen such a powerful human, you are the first, we are convinced!"

"Well, I'll give you a break." Lin Feng finished, then turned to go up.

God can only be the existence of the legendary belief of each clan.

Lin Feng defeated the God and absorbed his energy, which made him feel great.

Moreover, after these layers, each layer, Lin Feng's ability has been greatly improved.

Moreover, this ascension will be more and more enlarged on the basis of Lin Feng's five gods.

In other words, Lin Feng's promotion is not 1 + 1 equals 2, 2 + 1 = 3!

It's 1 * 2 = 2, then 2 * 2 = 4!

It's doubling in growth.

It's like the snowball effect of humans.

The snowball is getting bigger and bigger.

Soon, Lin Feng came to the fifth floor.

The fifth layer is very bright.

All around here are inlaid with gemstones and night pearls, which make the whole layer as bright as day.

This is the only one that makes Lin Feng feel comfortable.

At this time, in this spacious pagoda, about 100 meters away from Lin Feng, there is a huge bookshelf.

There is a stone desk under the bookshelf.

I'm reading at a stone desk.

Tulin is a very studious race. They like to study weather, forging and geology.

In particular, he is more interested in the study of Geology and minerals.

At this time, Tu Ling was sitting on a stool, looking at a Book of geological exploration, very fascinated, as if he didn't realize the arrival of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng didn't want to disturb him, so he wanted to go around and go upstairs directly.

But when he came to the stairway, he found that there was a boundary.

At this time, Lin Feng remembered that each level had a boundary. Unless the gods in this layer were defeated or the gods actively released, the boundary would disappear.

So I can't get through here. If there is any noise, I still want to wake up the Earth Spirit.

It's better to come back and say hello to Tu Ling politely.

At this time, however, Tu Ling turned his back to himself and spoke first.

"If you're not in a hurry, wait for me for five minutes. I have the last page left in this book!"

Lin Feng was surprised.

It turned out that the Earth Spirit had already known that he had come.

"Five minutes is a bit long. I'll fight against every minute now, or three minutes, OK?" Lin Feng said.

"What a bargain man Tuling said, "OK, I'll try my best! After all, no one has come for a long time. It may be interesting to chat with you! "

Thank you

Lin Feng found a stool to sit down.

Tu Ling kept his promise and closed the book in three minutes.

He jumped out of his chair and turned to Lin Feng.

Tulin, also known as dwarf, is only half the height of a human being, so it doesn't seem to have any attack power.

But if you know about the Earth Spirit, you won't think so.

The Earth Spirit is a very brave and fighting race. Those who can become the God of the Earth Spirit must be Legendary Warriors.

Being gentle, he came to Lin Feng, jumped onto the opposite chair and sat down across the table with Lin Feng: "I'm sorry, I have nothing to entertain you!"

"No, I just want to go up!" Lin Feng said.

"Do you want to take away the crown of the gods?" Tu Ling asked, "or the heart of blood jade?"

"Yes "I want both!" said Lin Feng

Tu Ling's face became serious: "this can't be done. This is the thing of the ancient god, not a mortal can move at will."

"All right." Lin Feng said, "what if I have to get it? Is it about to start a big war with you

Tu Ling said with a smile: "young man, don't always think about solving things by force. In this world, the brain is always the most precious weapon!"

The Turing pointed to his head: "intelligent race, never want to use force to solve things!"

Lin Feng spread his hands: "I agree with you very much, but when I came to this continent, I may have met too many unintelligent races. Now I do as the Romans do!""Ha ha! You have a good sense of humor Tu Ling said, "if you want to go up, you have to solve a puzzle I gave you. If you can't, I will let you go. If you can't, you can only go back the same way!"

"Oh? Problem solving? " Lin Feng smile: "come on, it's hard to come, simple, no challenge!"

"Don't worry, this is the most difficult question I think!" Tuling said, jumped out of the chair, went to the bookshelf to find a book, and then came to Lin Feng.

"You see, this is a chart of stars and, at the same time, a map of gems." Pointing to a very complicated picture, Tuling said, "there is a star in it. Of course, you can also regard it as a shining gem. We want to get this gem. However, there are many poisonous snakes lurking on the road to the gem. Only one way can pass through. Please tell me which way can reach the place where the gem is finally buried!"

Lin Feng took a look at the picture. There are thousands of roads on the map, winding all over the page, and the people's scalp is numb.

Lin Feng asked Tu Ling, "have you solved this problem?"

Tu Ling shook his head and said, "no, I used it for a long time to find that there are poisonous snakes lurking in every road, so we can't get to the place where the gem is hidden! Even if it is regarded as a star, in the sky, with the idea of three-dimensional structure to construct a channel, the snake will still become a roadblock

Lin Feng admired the thought of this native spirit.

Such a mess of pictures, even look so seriously, and also enabled three-dimensional three-dimensional imagination, this brain is very smart!

However, the Earth Spirit is smart, and their intelligence is often ridiculed by human beings.

Just because they like to live underground.

Lin Feng said, "this question is very simple! I know the answer

"Ah? Do you know the answer? " Tu Ling was very surprised: "after a look, you will know which road is the way to the final destination?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!