The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1394

Lin Feng starts laughing.

Lin Feng's five gods, however, contain the icy breath of black ice beads.

No matter how high the temperature is, I'm not afraid. I can drop my temperature at any time. Even if it's burning around, it doesn't matter to me.

Because once the heat of the fire gets close to me, it will be swallowed up by my cold breath.

In the past, even if Lin Feng released the breath of ice, he was still afraid of fire and high temperature.

But now Lin Feng's ability is not the same, so he started the ice breath, the effect is better than before thousands of times.

Even if Lin Feng is in the hot magma at this time, he can also rely on the whole body of ice breath, to protect himself.

What's more, he has the protection of Sasaki.

The cast of Sasaki and this ice breath will form an unbreakable ice barrier.

Even if the whole pagoda was on fire, he was safe and sound.

And at this time, the red hair head is still shouting: "Stinky boy, you talk nonsense, I want to show you my power!"

The temperature rose again, and the rocks all around began to burn red.

Even if it's dark, God is not afraid.

Gods themselves are spirits. They can be transformed into substance or nihility, so they are not afraid of the change of environment.

Therefore, the gods at the bottom and the top will not be unaccustomed to the rise and fall of temperature.

So the two headed barbarians wantonly heated up, and even the whole pagoda was in a high temperature state. The water surface connected to the pagoda was exposed to white smoke.

This scene is also a throb of palpitations on the lakeside.

Why did the pagoda over there burn up again?

At this time, inside the pagoda, two headed barbarians sneered.

"Mortals, give up!" Red hair head laughs.

However, Lin Feng is a light smile, asked: "you have this skill, right?"


Two headed barbarians are stunned.

Isn't that enough?

How many people can resist such high temperature?

Even when they're alive, the temperature burns themselves.

But Lin Feng didn't get Shanghai at all. Instead, the place he passed set off a mist of water.

"Don't waste your energy. I've spent enough time with you. It's time to end now."

Lin Feng waved the anger of the burning sun, and his sword was shining with cold light under the freezing breath of ice.

He cut at the two headed barbarians.

The red haired head retreated to avoid the blow.

The left hand began to pick up the big knife on the ground, two heads of the barbarian, and began to control the body at the same time.

Every time Lin Feng cuts past, it's the big knife on the side of white hair's head to fight with Lin Feng. He seldom sees red hair's mallet fighting with himself.

Lin Feng suddenly understood the mystery.

I'm using ice breath now, so I'm afraid of the red hair. Red hair is the fire attribute, and the white hair is the ice attribute. I must use my own fire attribute to attack the opponent's ice attribute. On the contrary, it's OK to use your own ice attribute to attack the opponent's fire attribute.

So Lin Feng secretly mobilized his five gods, releasing the hot and dry breath of boiling blood and ancient martial blood.

However, the surface did not reveal, the other side, he is still in the use of ice breath.

So Baimao fought with Lin Feng for several rounds with no result.

However, Lin Feng has secretly carried the hot and dry breath full, suddenly, through the blade to release.

That white hair is still as before, and Lin Feng confrontation.

But at the moment when his big sword collided with Lin Feng's huge sword, he suddenly felt bad in his heart.

Because a hot wave spread all over his body in an instant.

The heat of that huge wave is hotter than the surrounding temperature. Moreover, it is the dry and hot breath of Linfeng, which is not as friendly as the surrounding temperature.

This hot and dry breath is extremely lethal.

"Ah --"

the white haired head's face suddenly changed, and his big knife changed from white to silver gray, just like being roasted by fire.

And his general body, is also trembling, an extremely hot wave, instantly engulfed him.

"Ah --"

Baimao shouts in pain, and quickly retreats!

Seeing this, the red hair head immediately comes up and waves the huge sword that blocks Lin Feng.

Because they were interlinked, they knew that Lin Feng had already started the fire attack.

However, Lin Feng had expected it would be like this, so at this moment, he suddenly changed his routine.

Take back the fire attack, and the breath of ice is filled instantly.


Yan Yang's fury sword collides with the hammer, and the breath of ice instantly invades the past.Frost began to form on the surface of the sledgehammer, and the frost flower extended to the hands of two headed barbarians.

"Ah --"

Hongmao is also frightened, so he should withdraw quickly.

At this time, Lin Feng flashed a light all over his body.

The light is like a gorgeous rainbow, wrapping the whole body.

"Eat me!" With a big drink, Lin Feng wielded a huge sword and slashed the two headed barbarians horizontally.

Lin Feng has already started his own seed of Yuan Shen.

Now his five gods have reached an unmatched level.

Therefore, the huge sword, with a strong force, swept the whole field, leaving no place to hide.

The two headed barbarians were swept out by this force, and their clothes were ragged and almost exhausted.


The two headed barbarians didn't expect that the other side was so powerful, the ice and fire were used so freely at the same time, and to a certain extent, they were so powerful.

Facing Lin Feng, they felt a deep despair. This guy is not a human being.

Lin Feng went to the head of the two headed man.

"Ah --"

the two headed savages howled in pain.

Because at this time, one hand of Lin Feng is ice, the other is fire.

He is not dispersing the spirit of the upper barbarians, but is absorbing.

He found his own dry and hot breath and liked the burning energy of his red hair head.

I like the cold energy of white hair head.

And they have a very strong suction, even directly from the red hair and white hair where to draw energy, just like a vampire sucking blood.

Lin Feng has never tried this function before, but this time he suddenly had the idea of absorbing each other's energy. He did a little experiment and found it really works.

At this time, the energy of the two headed savage continued to enter Lin Feng's body, and the two headed barbarian became more and more weak.

Finally, he left a trace of breath for the two headed barbarians. Lin Feng stood up and was surprised to find that he had absorbed the energy of the gods, and his strength was greatly increased.

Is this how to use the power of the great God to make yourself become a god state?

Lin Feng clenched his fist and hit it.


One wall of the pagoda was blown to pieces.

"Sure enough, I have already entered the realm of transforming gods." , the fastest update of the webnovel!