The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1393

These knowledge quickly flashed through Lin Feng's mind. Moreover, he also thought about how to enter the realm of incarnation easily.

In short, copy and paste.

What is copy and paste?

It is to find the master of transforming the God realm and borrow his cultivation to himself.

But the master who transformed the spirit realm lost all his accomplishments.

So no one is willing to give so selflessly to others.

But you can not give, does not mean I can not take.

Lin Feng's idea is, since you are not polite, then I am not polite, just take it.

Anyway, now their own strength has been able to compete with the gods, who won and who lost is not necessarily!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng began to display his ability.

See that two headed man's huge hammer swung for a few minutes, did not swing to Lin Feng, the two headed savage is very angry.

At this time, the temperature in this tower is also very high, and the hot human brain sweats.

"Stinky boy, you are very quick The two headed man said, "but don't be complacent. I'll catch you soon."

Another white haired head said, "if you go on like this, it's just a waste of energy. It's better to see me!"

Red hair head says: "also can, then you come!"

With that, his huge hammer was put aside, and his right hand picked up a big knife with cold light.

"Boy, you can run as much as you like!" Baimao said and came to Lin Feng.

The expression of white hair head is sinister, with cold effect, which makes people shudder.

As soon as his voice fell, the temperature around him dropped.

Before the warm and sweaty temperature, instantly turned into the cold ice stinging cold.

The sweat on Lin Feng's face was frozen instantly, and the breath he exhaled became frost.

However, the temperature continues to drop, visible to the naked eye around the water vapor formed ice.

"Ha ha ha!"

The two headed man grinned and walked to Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng's feet and the ground were frozen together, and a thin layer of ice formed on his clothes and body surface.

Seeing this, the two headed barbarians didn't hesitate to chop Lin Feng's head with a knife.

"Hey, man, leave a living one!" "We have to be toys," said red haired head

"This toy is not fun!" Said the white haired head.

Then, the knife quickly cut down toward Lin Feng.

At that moment, he heard a "bang" sound. Lin Feng came out of the ice, surrounded by broken ice chips. His figure was one meter to the left, avoiding the big knife.


The knife fell on the ground, splashing a dazzling spark.

"Run away?" Red hair some surprised said.

"Well!" "It seems that the temperature is not low enough," said Baimao

"I'm dying of cold!" Red hair head says: "still want temperature how low?"

But white hair ignored red hair at all and tried again.

The temperature around it dropped again.

Lin Feng can feel his blood flow is slow, and his limbs and joints are frozen by the cold.

The two headed barbarians once again wielded a long knife and chopped at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng dodged again.

However, the speed is much slower than before.

"Ha ha!" White hair head a sneer: "you are the end of the crossbow, if surrender, I can still save you a life, reward you to be our servant!"

"Pooh!" Lin Feng suddenly took a mouthful: "when your toy? You think it's beautiful! I want you to be my toy

Lin Feng's words, however, infuriated the two headed savages, and the white haired head fiercely said, "I will tear you into pieces!"

Then the temperature dropped again.

At this time, the temperature is too low for human body to bear.

Although Lin Feng's body has been thoroughly tempered, he is still slow by the cold.

See Lin Feng so, white hair skull sneer: "suffer death!"

And then the knife came again.

In this climate, the speed of two headed savages is not weak at all.

Seeing the big knife, he will cut off Lin Feng's head.

Lin Feng suddenly inclined his mouth and asked, "do you want to kill me with this skill? Then I advise you to save your mind! "

The next second, Lin Feng's body suddenly disappeared out of thin air, two headed barbarians a knife in the air.


Both heads were confused at once!

Where is this man?

Is it so fast?

But at this time, but listen to a voice from above: "see move!"

On the top of his head, Lin Feng dived down, and the anger of the burning sun was just like the top of Mount Tai. He directly cleaved to the two headed barbarians.The two headed barbarians are not ready at all, so they quickly wave a big knife to resist.


With a deafening sound, the machete of the two headed barbarians was almost cut off, and the two headed barbarians also knelt down on their knees because of great pressure.

Lin Feng fell to the ground with a back somersault, and his body was foggy.

Just now it was like ice flower, but it was all melted, and the heat was rolling, just like a steamed bread just out of the pot.


White hair head did not expect that Lin Feng's body heat was so high that he even resisted his cold.

In this way, the speed of Lin Feng will be unlimited.

And Lin Feng himself also has the phantom step bonus, is more rapid.

So before walking slowly, it was to confuse the sight of two headed barbarians.

"How do you defuse my cold?" The white hair head is very puzzled.

"I'm bloody hot!" Lin Feng sneered.

He's not just blood fever, it's boiling blood.

the blood of ancient Wu has been tempered, and the blood of the essence has become more intense.

In addition to the blood of the vampire boiling in the body, it is also a very hot breath of blood flow.

If the two are combined into one, even if it is ice like bone marrow, it can be instantly dissolved.

So just at the moment when the other party wields his knife, he suddenly starts the heat, melts the cold of the other party, and then the phantom step blessing directly jumps into the air.

The two headed barbarians thought that they were determined to get it, so they didn't notice Lin Feng's action, so they were so passive.

The expression of white hair head is very helpless, he is proud of the big move, the other side is even easy to resolve.

He had no idea.

"Since he is not afraid of the cold, I will come," said the red haired head

Finish saying, throw away the knife in the hand, left hand picks up the huge hammer on the ground again, rush toward Lin Feng.

Every time the sledgehammer was swung, it was with a burning fire. In an instant, the frost around it began to melt, and the temperature began to rise.

In less than a minute, all the frost around has turned into water, and the temperature has soared. If there is a thermometer now, it is estimated that the temperature has exceeded 60 or 70 degrees.

Because the naked eye can see that the surrounding water is rapidly evaporating.

The temperature is still rising, the surrounding hot as fire, the water completely evaporated, the surrounding rocks are beginning to be burning extremely hot.

"Since you're not afraid of cold, I'll roast you with heat," he said , the fastest update of the webnovel!