The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1392

With that, the two headed savage swung his left hand mallet and swung it toward Lin Feng.

The mallet seemed to carry a flame, and it was very fierce.

Lin Feng retreated to avoid his attack.

However, the two headed savage moved quickly, and then attacked again.

The strength of the two headed savage lies in his strong attack power, but it is not messy at all.

According to common sense, the strength of the two headed savage is enough to destroy the pagoda.

However, his movements are very concentrated, and there is no harm around him.

However, Lin Feng knew in his heart that the power of the attack was very strong. If his previous body was hard connected, he would be blown into pieces in an instant.

And now Lin Feng's ability is completely different from the previous one.

His ability has been improved qualitatively, and he can compete with each other.

Able to compete with the gods, Lin Feng suddenly felt that he no longer needed to cultivate immortals like other practitioners.

He can go beyond the complicated steps and go straight to the Yellow Dragon.

It's a long way to practice.

If ordinary people want to step into the path of cultivation, they must first become a warrior.

Martial arts, practice their skin, strengthen their will, slowly let them become an outstanding person.

Then, starting from the martial arts, the next step is the practitioner.

The cultivator has begun to be extraordinary.

The practitioners experience the state of blood, bone and Qi, and then, three levels and nine levels, soar upward.

In the process, 99% of the people will be eliminated.

The rest of the elite, in order to break through the realm of Qi, become a master with the seeds of Yuan Shen.

At this time, it has entered the early stage of cultivating immortals.

The seed stage of Yuanshen can be divided into Ningyuan, Hunyuan and Shengyuan.

Congyuan state is the cohesive force to consolidate the seeds of Yuan Shen. Hunyuan state is a collection of yin and Yang of heaven and earth as well as all the disorderly breath for its own use. As the saying goes, it can turn waste into treasure. Not only aura can be used, but also some resentment and anger can be turned into energy.

All kinds of energy in the world can be used for cultivation.

After breaking through the Hunyuan realm, it is Shengyuan realm.

The seed of the original God of Shengyuan realm is very mature.

He can skillfully extract the surrounding energy and aura, and also can skillfully transmit all the energy to the whole body. The practitioners in this period can be said to be able to achieve the unity of body and mind, and the heart moves with the will.

Breaking through the realm of Shengyuan, we have entered a new stage.

The stage of cultivating immortals.

The seeds of Yuanshen in Shengyuan realm are too mature. After breaking through Shengyuan realm, the seeds of Yuanshen will take root and germinate and start to grow in the Dantian.

Of course, it won't grow too big. It just changes into some shapes.

It's like an embryo.

At this stage, in the realm of cultivating immortals, it is Yuanying.

Yuan Shen seed is like a baby.

After the formation of Yuanying, practitioners began to break away from the low-level stage of practitioners and enter the intermediate stage of practitioners.

This stage is also the beginning of cultivating immortals.

In this process, it will experience the period of primordial infant, out of the body, distraction, integration and transformation.

This process is a process of constantly improving one's ability, and one's own body will also be subject to a variety of impacts, and the soul can be stripped and integrated with the body at will.

At this time, Lin Feng is close to this stage.

Because when he was in the first pagoda, the God Dan given to him by the prince of heaven had already separated his soul from his body.

He clearly felt the body falling and the soul sublimating.

But because of his resentment, he was very depressed and degenerate.

Finally, he was called back by the prince of heaven, and his soul returned to the body.

This process is out of the body, distracted and integrated.

The three stages were completed at one time.

That is to say, the stage that Lin Feng wants to break through now is to transform the spirit.

The stage of transforming God is a process of self-discipline.

If the front of a few points if skilled, then the God is also natural.

After the transformation of the gods, the immortal practitioners can resist the sky and walk, and their aura is so strong that they can't imagine the situation.

Flying in the sky, in the eyes of ordinary people, seems to be flying in the air.

In fact, it is the spirit who controls the strong aura and supports himself. It shows how strong the aura is for those who transform the spirit.

And many people have seen the immortals in TV. They can take things from the sky and push the rocks apart with one hand a hundred steps away.

In fact, it's all a manifestation of too much aura.

Therefore, people in this realm, in the eyes of ordinary people, are already gods.

Therefore, this realm is called the realm of transforming gods.

However, for the cultivator, it did not become a God.Because it's just the middle of cultivating immortals.

The later stage of cultivating immortals was Mahayana.

But Mahayana is no longer about body and ability, it is about state of mind.

We should be able to control all things with the mind, so as to determine the subjective objectively.

This is the best part of Mahayana.

In short, consciousness can control many things.

For example, people in the Mahayana realm can use their consciousness to make a tree fall in front of them.

In fact, it is consciousness that drives aura to the tree in front of him.

However, at this stage, more attention is paid to consciousness and mood. Only to this extent can we be regarded as the cultivation of immortals.

And once the cultivation of immortals Mahayana, then, the most important step will come.

This step is also one of the most anticipated and most feared steps of the immortal practitioners.

That's what happened.

Dujie also experienced the thunderbolt baptism of the nine heavenly gods thunder, and the sky fire burned up the last trace of earthly breath of the immortal cultivator, and then, people could fly into immortals.

But at this stage, there are very few winners.

Because this process is not only very painful, but also quite dangerous.

Even after suffering, when the thunder of the nine heavenly gods fell down, there were still many immortal practitioners who could not bear the power, so they abandoned all their efforts and failed.

If the robbery is not successful, the immortals will have to experience a very cruel reincarnation and start to cultivate immortals again.

This is already a good result.

Even some people, who did not succeed in the robbery, were killed by the nine Heavenly God thunder, and their spirits were destroyed.

So the last level of cultivating immortals is also the most terrifying one.

Lin Feng knows all these things, but he always feels that he is far away from these stages.

He even thought he might not be able to reach this stage in his life.

However, this trip to the secret realm made him upgrade so fast that he was close to the realm of transforming gods. If he went down at this speed, Mahayana and Dujie would be around the corner.

Today, these gods are only in the secret state, and they are all the existence of the state of God.

Only when you enter the realm of transforming God, can you be called a God.

What Lin Feng wants to work hard now is to enter the realm of transforming God. , the fastest update of the webnovel!