The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1391

The moon well is the most sacred and living thing for the elves.

In the process of fighting, no matter how much damage they get, as long as they still have one breath and come to the moon well, they will recover as before.

Moreover, the moon well's continuous aura can help the spirit cultivate. These auras are the treasure that human cultivators dream of.

At the beginning, Lin Feng practiced beside the moon well and reached the speed of thousands of miles a day.

and now, the sacrifices of the moon tell him that the essence is condensed into tears. This is a mini moon well, though its function is weaker than the moon well of Nightingale tribes, but it is also strong enough.

this means that every hour and moment it absorbs the essence of it. And if it is injured, it will soon heal itself.

Lin Feng clasped his hands and said, "thank you for your gift. I will certainly live up to your trust. If I can go out safely and smoothly, I will bring your lover's soul to see you!"

"Good!" The eyes of the sacrifice of the moon are shining with expectation.

How many years, she has been muddleheaded and lonely here, now, the arrival of this young man, finally let her have a new hope.

"What's your name, young man?" Asked the sacrifice of the moon.

"My name is Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng, thank you! Next, I can't help you any more, but with your ability now, I believe I can go on forever Said the sacrifice of the moon.

Lin Feng nodded: "the queen, if there is nothing wrong, I will go up!"

"Goodbye!" Said the sacrifice of the moon.

。。 。。

Lin Feng took a relaxed step to the fourth floor.

The front three layers, let him grow a lot.

So that he is now facing the gods, there is no pressure.

And the previous good luck is estimated to be used up, next, we have to prepare for the battle.

Sure enough, came to the fourth floor, Lin Feng felt a strong anger.

This layer is still dark.

It seems that God is usually alone, and he is too lazy to turn on the light.

But in the dark, suddenly came a conversation between two people.

"Is it a human being? Oh, I'm not wrong. It's really a human being. He can come to the fourth floor. I'm surprised. What kind of human beings have such strong strength? What do you think? " Asked a slightly impatient voice.

"I don't know!" Said a cold voice.

"For many years, I haven't seen a face other than you, which makes me excited. Do you think we should play with him? Or, just take him as our toy, or it will be too boring Said the impatient voice.

"Yes!" The cold voice was short and powerful.

These two voices form a very sharp contrast, one is fiery, impatient and quick, the other is as cold as snow, calm and indifferent.

But I can tell, these two guys must have bad intentions.

Lin Feng said, "it's so dark here. Can you see it clearly? Do you want the lights on and I'll play with you? "

Lin Feng can use the Queen's tears to light up here, because the Queen's tears have the function of moon well, and the moon well has its own sparkling effect.

But Lin Feng is too lazy to start. If the other side doesn't mind fighting in the dark, he doesn't mind either.

After all, long ago, Lin Feng's ability to listen to the voice and debate the position had been strong enough to be abnormal.

Now, his body has a completely new change, this ability to listen to sound and distinguish position is more powerful.

Even in the night when he can't see his fingers, Lin Feng can judge the sound of the air flow and know the movement and distance of each other.

And Lin Feng now knows that these two guys are about 10 meters away from him, and the two guys are very close.

Lin Feng said these, the two guys also feel that fighting in the dark is not as interesting as lighting.

The impatient voice asked, "shall we light the candle? It's not easy for someone to come. It's wonderful to play

"Yes," said the cold voice

Then the next second, you can hear the sound of the fire, and the surrounding area is bright.

What Lin Feng didn't expect was the scene in front of him.

Just a dozen meters away from Lin Feng, there was a huge thing standing.

Standing on the ground with two feet and hands rubbing hands, the behemoth is four meters tall and similar to human beings.

But the difference is, this guy has two heads.

On his shoulders, two and a half necks were sticking out, a head of fiery red hair and a head of white hair grew on this guy.

The fiery red head said, "Oh, are humans so small? I'm almost forgetting what human beings look like. Is this guy good-looking or ugly in human beings

The white head said, "I don't know!"Lin Feng hated this guy to talk about his flat head and feet. He said, "I am a good-looking type in human beings, but you seem to be ugly characters in two headed barbarians."

When Lin Feng saw the real body of this thing, he knew that they were the gods of the two headed barbarians in the secret realm.

The two headed barbarians are tall and strong. They are similar to human beings, but they are larger and have long tusks.

And every two headed man has two heads.

Two heads share the same body, but they have different thoughts.

Some two headed barbarians have similar thoughts and opinions. They are mild in character.

However, there are some two headed Savages whose thoughts are diametrically opposite. They often quarrel because of their differences. Such two headed savages are short tempered and hard-working.

Obviously, this guy in front of me is the latter.

Because one of his heads was hot and the other was cold.

It's like the equator and the North Pole.

"Do you dare to question my position in the community? Damn it Said the red haired head.

"Kill him!" Said the white haired head.

"No, I'll play with him first. I'm fed up with chatting with you all day long in this boring day. I finally got a toy, which can't be killed easily!" Said the red haired head.

"In that case, you come first." Said the white haired head.

Because two headed barbarians can control their bodies with either head, they often compete for control of their bodies.

But many high-level two headed barbarians, both sides cooperate tacitly, very harmonious, will exchange to control the body, so that both sides can get a rest.

Even if two heads control the body at the same time, they can cooperate perfectly.

The red hair head burst out laughing: "good, then I will come first, will this mouth stinky human!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!