The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1390

"You humans will only betray your faith!" The more the sacrifice of the Moon said, the more angry she was, and her whole body was full of light. It seemed that she was going to have a decisive battle with Lin Feng in the next second.

Lin Feng quickly said: "in fact, the man you love, he loves you more. He didn't abandon you, but you abandoned him."

"You're talking nonsense!" The sacrifice of the moon drank: "you human beings are not only treacherous, but also eloquent and eloquent. How can you say that I abandoned him?"

Lin Feng said, "because you don't know, in a certain year after your death, he came back to look for you!"


The sacrificial ceremony of the moon suddenly trembled. The original action that wanted to fight with Lin Feng was also stopped in the air. The wind and sand in the half of the sky stopped behind the sacrifice of the moon. It was like a hungry wolf waiting for Lin Feng to come forward, but he was judging the situation.

Seeing the sacrifice of the moon, Lin Feng stopped and continued to say:

"yes, he came back with thousands of troops and horses. But waiting for him is a cold sculpture! His love has long been gone. "

"At this moment, all his efforts and achievements have become empty and pale. All his efforts are for the recognition of that person, but that person is no longer in the world!"

When the sacrifice of the moon heard this, his hands began to tremble.

"You.. Is that true? " The sacrifice of the Moon said, "no, what you said must not be true. You human beings are most capable of deceiving people. You are very cunning. You lie a lot

"Enough!" Lin Feng gave a big drink: "don't you find out how discriminating you are to human beings?"

"I The sacrifice of the moon was stunned.

Lin Feng continued: "why did he choose to leave? Doesn't he love you? No, he loves you more than anyone else. It's just because he loves you so much that he doesn't feel worthy of you. It's all your discrimination against a human being, which gives him an illusion! "

"So he chose to go out and make a name for himself, and then come back to marry you with great vigour."

"He is really good. He did it and became a overlord. When he came back, he wanted to marry you in the name of king. He finally waited until this day."

"He's been on the run all the way. He's so eager to see you."

"However, do you know how he felt when he learned of your death?"

"Do you know how it felt when all faith collapsed at that moment?"

"An honor from the battle of life, a man who became a king for you. At that moment, he burst into tears and took off his armor. From then on, all the prosperity of the world has nothing to do with him!"

"He has no nostalgia for the world, and his heart is still like water!"

。。 。。

When Lin Feng said here, the sacrifice of the moon fell a tear.

Tears of prayer?

That drop of crystal clear tears fell on the ground, fell into small pieces, but did not melt.

It is impossible for a soul to have tears, and if it can cry out and shed tears, it can only be said to be a miracle.

And this tear, is also the condensation of the spirit itself all emotions in it.

This is enough to see the moon sacrifice to the man's deep love.

"Are you telling me the truth?" Asked the sacrifice of the moon.

"Of course

Lin Feng said, "it's just that you don't know."

"Why didn't he choose to tell me?" The sacrifice of the moon asked with regret.

"Because you are too strong, because you like to influence the fate of others and define them as what you want to see!" Lin Feng said, "so he can't be frank with you. You will resist him and refute him. So he chose to work hard in obscurity, and then in a brilliant day of Yang Guang, amazing everyone

"What a jerk The sacrifice of the moon cursed: "why, why, why?"

"One slap doesn't make a sound!" Lin Feng said, "your responsibility is also great."

The tears of the sacrifice of the moon fall again.

A soul tears, which means that her spirit has been scattered, the spirit will be difficult to maintain the original shape.

"Don't get excited, your majesty!" Lin Feng said: "although your lover is dead, maybe his soul is still in place. Maybe you can see him again!"

"Really?" The sacrifice of the moon immediately stopped the tears.

"I heard that your lover later lived in seclusion in the mountains and never came out again. Maybe he chose to live in the mountains alone for the rest of his life, and his soul must be in the mountains!" Lin Feng said.

"But now my task is to guard this pagoda, and I can't leave here!" Said the sacrifice of the moon.

"What are you doing here? Guard the crown of the gods Lin Feng asked.

"Yes The sacrifice of the Moon said: "the crown of the God King is the crown of the ancient god. He clasps it on the pagoda and covers us in it. We accept the baptism of the crown of the God King, and our spirit becomes a god respected by all ages. But as a condition of exchange, our spirit will never leave here.""Oh? And that kind of thing? " Lin Feng said, "well, let's make a deal."

"What deal?" Asked the sacrifice of the moon.

"If you help me become stronger, after I take away the crown of God, I will find time to help you to find your lover's soul. If you find it, I will bring him here to see you, so that you can stay together forever!" Lin Feng said.

"Great!" Said the sacrifice of the moon.

But suddenly she was on the alert again: "can I trust you?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "if I don't have a task in my body, maybe I'm the man of Queen Lansi! Do you think you should believe me? "

"People who can be favored by elves must have extraordinary abilities and qualities!" "In this case, I believe you, you are very strong now, I can feel it. If you want to be more powerful, please accept my tears!"

With a gentle wave of the delicate jade hand of the sacrifice of the moon, the tear fragments scattered on the ground actually floated up, and then condensed into a huge tear, the size of a human eye.

"Spirit can't shed tears, but once you shed tears, it's not ordinary. What's more, it's my tears!" The sacrificial ceremony of the Moon said and handed the tears of God's prayer to Lin Feng's hand.

"This tear contains my powerful magic energy, you just need to take it with you, you can absorb his magic energy all the time, until it is exhausted!" Said the sacrifice of the moon.

Lin Feng was overjoyed: "isn't this equivalent to a moving moon well?"

"Absolutely right!" The way of offering sacrifices to the moon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!