The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1389

It can be said that Lin Feng once again experienced a disaster, and once again reappeared Nirvana and rebirth.

He had already felt very strong when he entered the eight fold of Ning Yuan state.

But now I know that the original power, in front of the gods, like ants.

At the same time, he has the power given by two gods at the same time. According to the truth, he is stronger than other gods.

But Lin Feng can't guarantee that there will be no more powerful gods behind.

But so far, Lin Feng feels that his strength has been very strange.

If you feel like a strong fighter before.

Now, he thinks he is an awe inspiring God.

It perfectly contains the energy given by Prince Tianchen and the orc God of war. Lin Feng is full of explosive energy fluctuations and can drive the energy around him when he walks.

It should not be too late. Since I am so strong now, I should go upstairs as soon as possible to get the blood jade and the crown of God King.

Lin Feng came to the third floor of Xuantian pagoda.

This third level pagoda is totally different from the previous two layers.

Entering the third pagoda is like entering a vast forest.

The walls around are carved with vivid vegetation, which makes you feel like you are in a sea of forests.

The wind blowing over, blowing through some holes of the characteristics, even sent out the wind blowing trees and birdsong sound, sounds very comfortable.

"You're on the third floor. Congratulations." A magnetic woman's voice sounded: "I am the guardian of the third layer, the sacrifice of the moon!"

As the sound falls, a perfect figure emerges in the dark.

It is a woman's unique enchanting figure, two meters tall, the proportion is perfect.

That pair of beautiful face and pointed long ears, let Lin Feng instantly understand that this is a spirit clan God.

"Listen, the warm wind is like the mother of the sky soothing the earth!" The sacrifice of the moon stretched out his long fingers and gently felt the breeze blowing from the window.

"Well, excuse me!" "Can I go upstairs?" said Lin Feng

"The world is so beautiful, but you are so irascible!" The sacrifice of the Moon said, "can't the creatures in the world get along with each other in a friendly and peaceful way? Do the creatures of the world have to seek order in the midst of war? "

Lin Feng listen to the clouds, this woman is not a madman?

"I said, elder sister, you and I don't seem to be on the same channel!" "If nothing happens, I'll go upstairs first, ha, you keep busy!" Lin Feng said with a smile

With that, Lin Feng turned and went upstairs.


A voice sounded, and then, a figure quickly appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"You, like him, will always have your greedy thoughts! I don't like that much! " The sacrifice of the Moon said: "therefore, you human beings are always dominated by interests, you do not deserve to have love!"

Lin Feng thought, my NIMA, which with where?

Can you stop the whole love and love at such a serious time? What's more, are you dumped or your husband is gone? How do you feel the same deep palace?

"Elder sister, I don't know what kind of image human beings are in your heart, but I have to remind you that human beings are not what you think. Human beings also value emotion and justice. Human love may be greater than you imagine and even more miserable and beautiful!" Lin Feng said.

"I don't believe it!" The sacrifice of the moon gently raised a light to form a moon, hanging under the ceiling.

The moonlight on Lin Feng's body, so that Lin Feng plated with a touch of white gold.

"Good looking boy!" The sacrifice of the Moon said gently, and then, suddenly, his face was ferocious: "the more beautiful human beings, the more will play with women's hearts, you and he are not good things!"

With that, the sacrifice of the moon suddenly swung his hand, and the moonlight turned into arrows and flew towards Lin Feng.

Nima's! This Yin Yang strange Qi for a long time, suddenly hand, not even say hello, also very insidious.

Lin Feng stepped back and avoided the arrows. He was very dissatisfied and said: "I said elder sister, if you want to fight, you should at least inform me in advance. This whole I have no guard against the sudden cold arrow, the queen of the elves, so no grade?"

"Elves can't be judged by you alone!" The sacrifice of the moon was ferocious to Lin Feng.

"You don't want me to judge me, I'm partial to you!" Lin Feng is to anger each other, he said: "the Elven women are really beautiful, and, with a fragrance on her body, she must be 100 times more elegant than you. When I go back, I will definitely go to Queen Lanxi. She has vowed to marry me!"

"What? The fairy queen has agreed to marry you "The moon god's daughter, actually condescends to marry a human being?"

"I don't like what you said, beauty. Didn't you get together with human men in the first place?" Lin Feng asked.In the month of sacrifice, she got the message that she was abandoned by the man in the temple of worship.

Now, seeing a human man, she loves and hates.

Love is that this man and his lover at that time is the same, hate is human's fickleness.

Lin Feng didn't think of so much at first, but some words about the sacrifice of the moon later brought back some memories of him.

He remembered that when he was practicing in Nightingale woodland, he saw a statue of the sacrifice of the moon beside the moon well.

At that time, Queen Lanxi asked Yueyin to take care of Lin Feng. In his spare time, Lin Feng asked Yueyin who the statue was.

Yueyin said that the statue is the sacrifice of the moon, and is the greatest queen of their elves. Even the moon well is the sacrifice of the moon. It took a whole year to arrange the array and draw the tears of the moon god to make the moon well.

It is in this way that the queen was named the sacrifice of the moon.

Now the queen has passed away, but his spirit remains, she is still the faith of the whole elves.

Moreover, Yueyin said that once the moon worshipped the queen and fell in love with a human being, but the human felt that the goddess was too noble and made him feel embarrassed. He chose to achieve some hegemony and then come back to win the queen.

But he knew that the queen would not agree, so he took advantage of the day, when the Elves were sleeping, he slipped away alone.

The sacrifice of the moon thought that the man had abandoned him, so she was very sad, and she passed away unhappily before long.

Elves are a race that values love very much. Without love, they will soon wither.

But in the years that followed, the man reappeared in front of the Nightingale camp, bringing with him thousands of troops.

But the sacrifice of the moon is dead.

From then on, the man took off his armor and lived alone in the mountains for the rest of his life.

This is a sad and beautiful love story, but love each other so much, but there is no good result.

The sacrifice of the moon didn't know about it. She always thought that the man had got her, so she abandoned her and looked for a new lover.

Lin Feng decided not to let the sacrifice of the moon leave regret, he said: "the sacrifice of the moon, in fact, human love, far greater than you imagine!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!