The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1385

"Ah --"

a sharp tingling spread all over the body.

Lin Feng felt that the whole body seemed to be washed away by the power of Lingshi.

Then his consciousness began to chaos, and the whole body seemed to fall, falling into the dark abyss without a bottom.

It was a feeling of despair and helplessness, and all the negative emotions followed.

Pain, guilt, sorrow, regret, fear, etc..

Endless rush to the brain of Lin Feng, let Lin Feng lose hope for life in a moment.

Then, Lin Feng's consciousness was chaotic, fell, and his body began to disintegrate. He felt that every cell of his own was suffering from the destruction of the great energy of the stone, as if he were going to die out in the next second.

At this time, however, a voice came.

"Young man, cheer up! You need to accomplish your goals! "

"Young man, I have been guarding this tower for hundreds of years. I feel guilty to my people, I am ashamed of all the people who trust me. I have been suffering endless day and night, but I still survived. Compared with me, the pain you have suffered now can be ignored!"

"Young man, come on, you can break the shackles and get up again!"

The soft sound of the excitation, from the ear of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng knew that it was the prince of Tianchen who was inspiring him.

But the prince of heaven said every word in his heart.

Yes, I am now desperate compared with Prince Tianchen, what is it!

Lin Feng suddenly felt his heart was not willing to calm down. He wanted to fight and release, and he could not sink down on it.


Lin Feng gave out a cry in his mouth. That shout broke out with the sadness that had been in his heart for many years.

Jin Waner missing sad, parents leave sad, friends died sad.

All of these, Lin Feng is in the heart.

This moment seems to be ignited by the negative emotions of Lingshi. Lin Feng, a long howl that rings through the heaven and earth, makes the world color change and the sun and moon move.

A strong energy wave, from the cracks on the first floor of the pagoda, the cry, also shocked all the pagoda gods.

Even the extinction by the lake, also clearly heard the cry of Lin Feng in the tower.

"What's the situation?"

Asked Liu Qi.

"Listen to his call so fierce, may be Lin Feng by God only devoured the spirit?" Said the leader of the black armour.

"What is the spirit?" Asked Liu Qi.

"People have three souls and seven souls. When people are gone, there will be nothing. But the strong man still has spirit after his spirit is gone. The spirit is the soul residue left in the world. The spirit is composed of spirit and soul. They also need to absorb spirit to supplement themselves. Therefore, Lin Feng must be absorbed by God and cause him to cry out so painfully! "

Hearing this, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Take it by yourself, and you know it's not so easy to find blood jade. This kid is too impulsive. Indeed, the family's wild intelligence is not enough!" "I said.

"What do you say, sir? The wild species of the family? " Asked Liu Qi.

"It doesn't matter to you. Don't ask more!" Quench the cold air.

"Yes!" Liu Qi.

At this time, the whole body of Lin Feng in the pagoda seemed to be completely changed, and his skin was like gold water casting.

Clothes were crushed by the energy shock, and they could only be covered by the cloth and sails in the pagoda.

At this time, Lin Feng, with a sense of majesty, which was not before, can be seen in his body energy fluctuations.

"How do you have such good physical conditions? It's amazing! " The prince of the sky sighed.

"My master said, my bones are amazing, and my blood vessels are all in all, maybe I am lucky!" Said Lin Feng.

"Not so!" "The human beings in the secret realm have been living in the land with rich spirit. Their bone blood and so on have evolved perfectly. However, it is unreasonable that you are a person who comes outside the secret realm even more perfect than their body."

Prince Chen fell into Contemplation: "what conditions are the conditions in order to cultivate your physical conditions? My grumbling stone is not a common person can eat and live, but you have completely integrated all his energy, but you have absorbed negative emotions, turned negative emotions into garbage energy, energy is absorbed again, garbage is roared out by you, which I have never seen before! "

Lin Feng said: "to be honest, I have xuanbing beads in my body, blood of blood, and blood of my ancient martial arts. Later, I condensed into the seed of the original God, and it was a kind of five gods. This is a rare seed of the protogod. So my physical condition may be a coincidence. All the coincidence happened to me, and I was cast!"Tianchen prince said: "then you can make good use of your body, you have to refuel, to let everyone see your ability, do not disappear, do not retreat!"

"Certainly!" Lin Feng said.

"Go upstairs. All the things you want are on the top of the tower. Each of our gods is stationed on the first floor. I can't go up to help you. It's up to you." Said Prince Tianchen.

"You've helped me a lot. I'll go down the road by myself." Lin Feng said.

Then, he said thanks to Prince Tianchen and said goodbye to the second floor.

Although it looks small from a distance, the pagoda is actually very open in structure.

It took Lin Feng a long time to get to the second floor.

The second floor was as dark as the first floor, and as on the first floor, when Lin Feng stepped in, there was a candle light all around.

An old man with white hair was sitting in the middle with his back to Lin Feng.

Although said to be an old man, but look at his figure, but incomparably strong, just white hair gives people a feeling of old age.

"Who is your name?" asked Lin Feng

The old man stood up slowly. His body was more than two meters high. His arms were big and his waist was round. His muscle lines were very obvious.

What's more, his skin is greenish green.

The old man turned his head slowly. His face was fierce. Two tusks came out of his lips. He was an ORC.

The orc old man held a long knife and said to Lin Feng, "how did you get to the second floor?"

"Come up!" said Lin Feng

The dialogue between one man and one God is so simple and mentally retarded.

The old man said: "the one layer of the dead, did not defeat you?"

"We didn't fight, we were harmonious," said Lin Feng

Then he looked at the old man: "I hope you and I can be so harmonious!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!