The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1386

"Harmony? Hum The orc old man said, "we orcs are born brave warriors. In our dictionary, there is only fighting and conquering, and there is no harmony."

"Well, since you want to fight me, I need to know your name at least?" Lin Feng joked.

"Don't you know who I am?" The orc old man was quite angry: "is there anyone in the world who doesn't know me?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not from this world!" "I come from another world," said Lin Feng

"Oh? Are you a human being out of the secret? " Asked the orc old man.

"Yes Lin Feng said, "you still have a lot of insight. You also know the human beings outside the secret land."

"Ha ha ha ha!" The orc old man burst into a burst of laughter: "I can still have a look at the human beings in the secret place. If it's outside the secret place, even if it's not, it's all low-level creatures who are pedantic and incompetent!"

"Well! It seems that you are biased against human beings outside the secret land! " Lin Feng said, "but I also came to you. You see, it also proves that the human beings outside our secret land are not all the pedantic and incompetent human beings you said."

"Well, you are nothing but flesh and blood!" Said the orc old man.

"So much said, I actually have a question to ask!" Lin Feng said: "you look down on me and talk to me so much. Is it too lonely? It's not easy to find someone to talk to for so long? "

"Nonsense!" The orc old man said, "I just want to make you understand! The dead like you, but I don't like you

"So you haven't told me, who are you?" Lin Feng said, "at least let me have a look at it first, isn't it?"

The orc old man said, "I am the orc God of war, Achar!"

With that, a cold light flashed across the huge long knife in his hand, as if sensing the pride of Achar.

Lin Feng nodded his head, but he still sighed in his heart.

The orc old man was tall and upright, and seemed to be full of power. This momentum alone was enough to shake the whole court.

It's no exaggeration to say that he is the God of war.

Even the orc's current chief, manhammer, is just like his younger brother when compared with him.

"Hello, God of war, I've heard so much about you!" Lin Feng said, "you really live up to your name. You are much better than that hammer!"

"Hammer?" Achar asked, "is it the current chief chief?"

"Yes Lin Feng said, "but the number of orcs is getting smaller and smaller these years. When you come to manhammer, there will be hundreds of orcs. It's a pity!"

"What?" Achar was surprised: "are you telling the truth? How can I have only a few hundred left in my community? "

"I admit that you orcs have a strong ability to reproduce, but you are lucky that you are not exterminated because of your pedantic thinking." Lin Feng said, "maybe I will meet you. There will be fewer people in your ethnic group."

"How could that happen?" Achar said: "my ethnic soldiers are all first-class in the battle. How could they be getting weaker and weaker?"

Lin Feng said, "because your ethnic group is too military minded and too authoritarian. Your clan registration system is strict. The leader's words are everything. No one can oppose or violate it. This hinders its own development. In addition, your clan only knows how to use brute force and is very resistant to magic. The orcs' survival means are too single, which makes orcs suffer a lot in battle! "

"If this phenomenon is not improved and goes on for a long time, the orcs will die sooner or later." Lin Feng said.


Achar was shocked.

Once upon a time, they were proud of the most powerful fighting power of orcs.

They despise any vulnerable race.

They consider themselves the most powerful race on the continent.

However, with the progress of the wheel of history, they have also suffered several major blows.

First, he was defeated by the blue dragon army, and then by the western region black witchcraft.

Both times, they lost to magic.

Fortunately, Achar was in his prime at that time. He led the orcs to complete the breakthrough, and the main force survived. The orcs migrated to the north and multiplied again.

However, after Lin Feng talked about it today, Achar had to think about it. At the beginning, he was very afraid of magic. However, his descendants still studied brute force and rejected magic. This is not going to work.

Achar said, "do you know my people well? How do you know that? "

Lin Feng said: "of course, I know that you and I have two branches of the community, one is the enemy, the other is a friend!"

"Two branches?" Achar was stunned.

Lin Feng told Achar about some of the orcs and told him about some of the orcs learning witchcraft.

Achar said: "it's a good thing that orcs in my group have learned witchcraft. If they use force blindly, they will eventually perish.""The God of war is really different. His thinking is faster than that of other orcs, and his eyes are far away." Lin Feng said, "but the people of your ethnic group don't think so. Manhammer leads your descendants to fight against these witchcraft learners. Both sides have killed red eyes, and now they are enemies who share the same fate."

"How could this happen, asshole!" Achar was furious.

"It has something to do with your older generation." Lin Feng said: "it is you who instilled the concept of supremacy of force into future generations and made them respect force and despise magic. They think that learning magic is to deceive their teachers and destroy their ancestors, which is disrespectful to their ancestors. Therefore, they have continued the tradition of learning force and abandoned the study of magic."

"Stupid!" Achar said: "all creatures and groups are improving. They should also have new thinking. They should accept the magic, accept the orcs who learn magic, and even carry forward the above, so that those races with powerful magic can't bully us!"

"At that time, the blue dragon army defeated us by powerful magic, and the black wizard tribe in the western regions was even more mysterious and haunted, which was my most troublesome opponent." Achar said, "so if Orc tribes want to develop, they have to accept magic."

"It's a pity that your descendants are not as enlightened as you are." Lin Feng said: "if you can give them an example, they may also change their ideas, because you have a strong influence, but you can't go out again. Alas, pathetic!"

Achar was very worried. He suddenly remembered something and said to Lin Feng, "can you help me and take me to take a message to my ethnic group?"

"I can help you." "But what good can you give me?" said Lin Feng , the fastest update of the webnovel!