The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1384

The sound from the bottom of the lake was strange. It seemed to come from under the deep water and from the horizon.

It's more like a parotid.

When everyone was wondering, suddenly a huge whirlpool appeared on the surface of Xuantian lake. In the middle of the whirlpool, the original clear water was turbid.

The turbid water gradually turned dark green, and it was hard to see what was underneath.

However, in the next second, a huge monster I rose from the water and set off a huge wave on the lake.

"Ah! It's a fish man saint Cried al.

At this time, all the black armored soldiers on the shore instantly knelt down on one knee and recited the blessing mantra in their respectful mouth.

Lin Feng took a close look at the huge monster.

It is a frog mouth fish man's body, and long two strong legs of the monster.

Before that, Al said that there were twelve gods guarding the pagoda. Lin Feng wondered why the pagoda was only 11 stories?

Shouldn't it be the 12th floor?

There is a deity on each level.

Now he understood that it was true that each layer had a guard, but that the most important one was in the water.

Look at that monster. It should be the God of Yuren.

The creatures in the secret realm have different worship hearts for gods of different races.

Even the gods of the enemy race will not be touched easily.

After all, these gods were legends of a race before they died. After death, their spirits stayed in the pagoda to guard the only Pagoda in this secret land.

It is also because the Twelve Gods only have extraordinary deterrent power. For thousands of years, no one has ever set foot on the pagoda. The crown of God King has always existed in the pagoda.

But now Lin Feng broke through the barriers and came to the secret land. His worship of gods was not as devout as the creatures in rice territory.

His goal was to find the blood jade, and the gods could not stop him.

Therefore, Lin Feng did not kneel down at the moment when he saw the fish man God. Instead, he took advantage of everyone's confusion and worship. He took time to get out of the tight encirclement and fly to the Xuantian pagoda.

When others reacted, Lin Feng had already flown hundreds of meters away.

"Don't let him run away!" Liu Qi yelled.

People rushed to chase Lin Feng.

However, the fish man saint was angry, and a huge tail was thrown at the crowd.

In an instant, a mist of water sprang up, and then a strong spray rushed towards the crowd.

We quickly resist the water mist.


The strength of the water mist is very strong, and it directly blows people out.

The power of God is indeed powerful, and people are also in the heart of admiration.

But the fish man Saint had been resting in the plants at the bottom of the lake. Who would have thought that the noise on the water surface would never stop? He would have caught his temper and showed his real body directly. He would give some lessons to the animals who disturb people's sleep.

This also gives Lin Feng a chance to escape.

Lin Feng galloped all the way across the water to the first floor of Xuantian pagoda.

From a distance, the pagoda doesn't look so grand.

But when he got closer, he found that the pagoda was not so handsome.

There are exquisite carvings all over the pagoda, and the lifelike animals seem to appear in front of their own eyes.

And every corner of the pagoda is treated perfectly, as if without any defects.

This is really an amazing piece of art.

If the first layer of the pagoda has been chased by more people, it will be too late for the watchers to catch up with the fish tower.

So he dodged and went into the tower.

Outside the tower, the black armored soldiers want to break through the water wall of the fish man saint and chase after Lin Feng.

But they had only natural awe of these gods, so they chose to stand by.

When communicating with the black armored soldiers on the shore, they also said that these gods were the spirits of the greatest living creatures in the secret land, and they could not offend them.


A furious scold came out.

But as it was, he didn't want to test the law himself.

"What do you say?" Mie said: "I have spent a lot of money, let you go after Lin Feng, the result is that people ran away!"

"No hurry!" The leader of the black armored soldiers said: "we first withdraw the soldiers, let the fish man saints return to the water to rest, and then look at the water, but catch people in the pagoda!"

"When the fish man and the sage fall asleep, the day lily will be cold!" Mielengsheng said.

"No!" The leader of the black armored soldiers said: "these gods are very powerful. Even if Lin Feng enters the pagoda, it is estimated that it is difficult for him to break through the first level! So we'll wait a little longer, and we won't delay anything! "Hearing this, he nodded, but he had another worry.

"The Twelve Gods are so powerful, how can I get the blood jade inside?" Destroy oneself to ponder secretly in the heart.

Originally, he wanted these black armored soldiers to kill Lin Feng, get Lin Feng's treasure map, and then enter the pagoda to get the bleeding jade.

Because the treasure map not only shows that the blood jade is hidden in the Xuantian pagoda, but also shows the specific location in the pagoda.

So until now, treasure maps still work.

However, the problem now is that these twelve gods are only so strong that even if they are strong in the yuan Shen period, they can still climb all the way to the top.

The black armour soldiers, the human beings in the rice territory, are so awed by the gods that they certainly will not go to the pagoda for money.

So, it's really a little difficult and needs to be reconsidered.

Mie thinks that Lin Feng is too reckless. He thinks that his ability and strength are higher than that of Lin Feng. However, he doesn't rush in directly like Lin Feng. In his eyes, Lin Feng is a little boy.

So he didn't have much worry about Lin Feng. Instead, he looked at the team members of Lin Feng on the shore.

"You people, stay here with me. If Lin Feng can come out safely and get the blood jade and give it to me, you will all have a chance to live!" Mie said, "if not, all of them will be buried with Lin Feng here."

"Boy, do you really dare to talk nonsense? Do you know who your grandfather is?" The breeze overbearing said.

"Old man Qingfeng, you'd better settle down for me. You won't be my opponent!" Cooling channel.

This sentence, instantly let the breeze startled.

It seems that Mie knows him very well and even knows him like the palm of his hand.

Mie said: "there are three realms in Yuan Shen period. I am already the highest state. Therefore, any one of you will not be my opponent! Therefore, please give up your resistance. If you insist on your own way, don't say it's me. These black armored soldiers around me will not agree! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!