The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1378

"Black armour army?"

Lin Feng can't understand when he offended such a group of people!

Looking at the black armour army's dress up, it is not like the human outside the secret place, but more like the aborigines in the secret place.

"I have no grudge against you. Why ambush my team?" Lin Feng asked.

"Yes, we have no grudge against you, but we have been entrusted to kill you all." Said the head of the black armour army.

"Entrusted? I'm afraid the other party paid you? " Lin Feng said.

"Yes Said the head of the black armour army.

"How much do you get paid? I double it Lin Feng said.

In Lin Feng's eyes, money is a bastard. He doesn't want to get into trouble because of money.

But the leader of the black armour army laughed and said, "if we renege, where will employers be willing to hire us! Sorry, you can only be our enemy now

"Then can I know who hired you?" Lin Feng asked.

"This is no problem, the employer has also said, even if you do not ask, we will tell you, let you die understand!" The leader of the black armour army said, "the one who hired us to kill you is called Mie."

Lin Feng's eyes immediately burst into flames.

Finally, the last enemy is coming.

However, killing this insidious villain is only hiding in the dark. It is really despicable to employ such a reward team to deal with himself.

But now he's going to save his brothers.

Lin Feng did not entangle with each other, turned and walked toward the broken temple.

"Don't run!" The leader of the black armour army gave a big drink and waved his hand. Dozens of black armour army surrounded him instantly.

Each of them is an elite. They are aborigines in the secret land. They have strong aura to practice all year round, so they are high-level practitioners.

Lin Feng can feel the ability of these dozens of people is very strong, even they join hands, no longer under their own.

Moreover, the leader of the black armour army has not started, which really makes Lin Feng feel a little uncomfortable.

But Lin Feng is not fond of war. If he wants to run, no one can catch him. He is anxious to go to the broken temple to see how his brothers are doing.

Lin Feng started the phantom step, escaped from the dozens of people, and came to the broken temple.

At this time, the fire was very fierce, and there were many black armour troops in the broken temple. Their black armor seemed not afraid of fire attack, so they were able to do well in such an environment.

In contrast, Lin Feng's team is at the end of its tether, and even some people have been killed.


After seeing Lin Feng, King Kong cried out for the first time.

All the people looked at Lin Feng and found that Lin Feng's arrival immediately aroused the fighting spirit. The appearance of Lin Feng gave them full confidence.

"Boss, we can't kill. The team outside is too strong!" King Kong yelled.

The reason why those people outside didn't come in was that there was only a limited place for them to come in.

Moreover, the black armour army was very confident in his ability and felt that these people were enough to clean up Lin Feng's team.

However, the strength of the black armour army is the strongest team that Lin Feng has ever seen. Even Lin Feng feels that he will suffer if he confronts them.

You can hire people!

Lin Feng did not immediately make a decision, but quickly help people to resolve the immediate crisis.

At this time, all the doctors except Yu Wenji and Lin Qin were killed.

Qianji sister flower has also been killed.

The white tiger five swordsmen only left Yasha, but also seriously injured.

If you look at some people in villain's Island, Beiye ling'er is OK. These people have spared no effort to protect him. However, Yin Tianqiu is seriously injured and dying. Only Zong Yunhai and Chen Meiniang are left to guard Beiye ling'er. They are going to be overwhelmed.

Lin Feng holds the casting of SASS in one hand, and pulls out the anger of the burning sun with the other hand. He is as majestic as the God of war and kills the entrance instantly.

Lin Feng's moves are wide open and close, with the artifact is also very powerful, killed a lot of black armour army, the scene has been eased for a while.

However, the number of black armour army is very large. After the death of the people, there are still people who continue to enter the broken temple. Besides, the black armour archers outside are ready at any time. As soon as they leave the ruined temple, they will be shot by the bow and arrow.

Because Lin Feng saw the body of one of the five white tigers at the gate of the broken temple. It was like a hedgehog, full of bows and arrows.

Although they are practitioners, although they can be invulnerable, but the other side is also a practitioner, the other side's arrow is also with genuine Qi.

So it's time to see who's better.

Obviously, the strength of the other side is very strong, which Lin Feng felt from the beginning.

Now the rest of us are getting more tired in Vietnam, and then, suddenly, an episode happened.

See has been kidnapped red clothes, while others fight, secretly untie the rope.

Red scorpion see red clothes to run, she yelled: "demon girl, don't run!"Red dress is the key to the boss, she will not let go.

However, the red scorpion's impulse led her to step out of the defensive circle. Originally, Qingfeng and Qisha, as well as wolf king scar and Jack were still protecting them, but she chased them out, and others could not reach her.

At this time, red suddenly killed a rifle, directly back to the red scorpion sprinkled a poison powder.

Red scorpion is also a master of poison. She can cope with the sudden difficulty in red clothes.

However, after she waved her sleeve to block the other party's poison powder, the two black armored soldiers stabbed them with long knives.

The red scorpion is agile and hides again.

However, she escaped the attack of the two men, but not the one behind her.

A long knife goes through the back of the red scorpion and runs straight through the body.

"Xiao Hong!"

This scene happened to be seen by Lin Feng, and Lin Feng screamed hysterically.

Then, he rushed to the front, swung the huge sword, in a rage, directly cut off the head of the black soldier behind the red scorpion.

"Xiao Hong!"

With one hand around the red scorpion, Lin Feng protected the shield in front of the red scorpion. With the other hand, he waved a huge sword and chopped wantonly among the black armored soldiers.

"Boss, the other party starts to set fire to rain like us again!" Exclaimed the genie.

At this time, the burning arrows all over the sky were projected from the broken temple.

"There's a hole here. It's a tunnel. Let's get in it!" Cried al.

It seems that Tu Ling is naturally sensitive to geology. Behind the broken temple is a mountain. Everyone thinks there is no way out, but they don't know that there is a tunnel in the broken temple.

Lift up the tattered cloth curtain, there is really a half person high tunnel ahead.

Shangguan Ruoxue advanced into the tunnel, and the people behind him struggled with the black armour soldiers and retreated to the inside.

"Boss, take the scorpion into the tunnel!" King Kong yelled, brandishing the body of the black armored soldiers to cover for Lin Feng.

Those rockets pierced the black armored soldiers and extinguished in an instant.

"It won't work. Even if we get into the tunnel, they will have to chase after us!" Said the mouse.

"Little mouse, don't mind so much, you go in quickly!" King Kong grabs the mouse and throws it into the tunnel.

However, at this time, there was no one in the temple. They all retreated into the tunnel.

However, the black soldiers were eager to enter the tunnel.

Once the black soldiers enter the tunnel, everyone will still face the same danger.

However, at this time, I heard a big drink: "boss, you go quickly, I'm blocking here!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!