The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1377

After all, the human body is not comparable to the body of a vampire.

It's also devastated, but the vampire can stand up.

And it seems that the vampire is going to kill George himself.

The vampire was dying. He was shivering as he vomited blood as he walked.

However, as he approached George step by step, George also felt that the crisis had come.

George clenched his fists and trembled with anger.

Die in this vampire's hand, is how humiliating thing, he desperately wants to stand up, want to result in the vampire.

And just as Mun approached George, suddenly a figure flashed and his body suddenly changed into two parts.

Mu en looked at Lin Feng helplessly, in the heart this hatred!

At the last moment, Lin Feng gave birth to Mu en.

In fact, there is no hope for George to survive. Why watch this vampire destroy him again!

After all, everyone is human, and, comparatively speaking, Lin Feng likes George more.

Although George is very persistent and dull, this guy is not bad in nature, but his brain is a bit straight.

So he decided to help George at the last moment of his life.

"Munn is dead!" "You can rest in peace," said Lin Feng

"Ah?" George is still in a trance. He is waiting for death, waiting for a humiliating death result.

However, Lin Feng said, "I helped you kill Mu en! I think a holy light knight can never allow the holy blood to be defiled by the vampire. So, even though you don't like me to intervene, I still intervene

At this moment, George was suddenly moved to cry.

He asked softly, "your name is Lin Feng, right?"

"Yes Lin Feng said.

"Thank you! Lin Feng George said, "I can accept death, but I can't accept being desecrated by a vampire at the last minute."

Because the vampire will drain his blood.

"You're welcome," said Lin Feng

George said, "Lin Feng, can I ask you one last thing?"

"Say it Lin Feng said.

"I ask you to take a message for me to tell the order of the light that Munn is dead, and that they can restore the honor of my family's Apocalypse knight for the sake of my long pursuit of him!" Said George.

"I'll try my best!" Lin Feng laughed: "if I could go out alive!"

"You can!" George used his last strength to give the sword to Lin Feng: "this sword is the treasure of the Holy Light order. You can use it. If you can go out in the future, give it to the Archbishop of the order of light."

Lin Feng took over the sword. It was heavy and heavy.

"Lin Feng, please!"

George said that and lay down gently. Although he could not see, his eyes were still staring at the sky.

"Dear ones, I miss you so much." George murmured to himself, "I've been hunting all these years, but I haven't been reunited with you. I miss you so much."

Then two lines of blood and tears fell from the corner of George's eye.

"Lisa, my love, I have failed you in my life. Please forgive me. I have no choice for the sake of my family!" George has been talking to himself.

As if at this moment, all the people he missed were in front of him.

Before people die, maybe they will go through a movie like this in their mind.

Looking at this George is also a poor man, Lin Feng unconsciously felt sorry for him.

His fate was so miserable that he could not reunite with his loved ones and loved ones. He hunted all his life until he died.

George murmured, slowly closing his eyes.

Lin Feng carries his sword behind his back. The sword, which is nearly two meters long, must be carried by crossbreeding.

Even so, the blade almost fell on the ground.

This battle, Mu en was killed, Lin Feng solved another enemy, and he did not spend any effort, but also got the anger of the burning sun.

Although it is only temporarily kept, in this secret place, the right to use all belongs to oneself, which is quite beneficial.

I didn't expect to walk for no reason and earn a big sword.

Lin Feng asked someone to bury George, and then they went on their way again.

Along the way, it was obvious that there were many people who seemed to be following Lin Feng's team.

Among them are the exterminators.

Because someone wants to snatch the red clothes from Lin Feng again and again, but they are all stopped by the red scorpion.

After walking for about eight or nine hours, they were all a little tired, so they planned to have a rest.

A broken Temple suddenly appears in front of me, which is the kind of ancient temple building.

In order to avoid being attacked by Warcraft, people choose to enter the temple to rest.Lin Feng is still very energetic. He chooses to go around and study the landform here, which is very helpful.

And King Kong volunteered to be the gatekeeper. The others went to the ancient temple to rest. King Kong was alone in front of the door and helped them handle the door.

Lin Feng looked around and found that the soil of the Xuantian continent seemed to be some kind of crystal. It was muddy and light yellow, which was similar to the sand in the human world, but its viscosity was higher than that of sand. Stepping on the land was also hard, not as soft as desert.

The secret place is really another world, which is caused by the strong aura and the pulling of space.

Then, Lin Feng went to see the vegetation around. It was surrounded by tall mountains with luxuriant plants. It was a bit like the plant type of tropical rain forest. The leaves were very big. But strangely, this continent was not as wet as the tropical rain forest, but very dry.

In principle, if it is close to Xuantian lake, it must be full of water vapor. Why is it so dry here?

Lin Feng didn't want to understand, but he was too lazy to think about it.

After looking around, it took about half an hour for Lin Feng to return to the ruined temple.

However, as I approached the ruined temple, I suddenly smelled a strong pungent smoke.

When he ascended the temple, he was frightened to see it.

There were no less than 100 people around the gate of the ruined temple. Then a cloud of smoke rose from the ruined temple, and there were shouts and shouts of killing.

"Broken! Ambush

Lin Feng ran to the ruined temple for the first time. But the temple has been burned nothing, only a frame, the people inside do not know how.

When he came to the broken temple, Lin Feng found that the men were all wearing black armor with bows and arrows in their hands.

"Who are you and why did you ambush my team?" Lin Feng asked.

"Black armour army!" A human said: "you are Lin Feng, you are right here, waiting for you for a long time." , the fastest update of the webnovel!