The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1379

A great body sealed the hole tightly.

"King Kong Cried the mouse.

"Little mouse, get out of here with the boss, I'll buy you time!" King Kong yelled and waved the black soldier corpse in his hand.

The armor of the black armored soldiers was very hard. King Kong used their bodies as weapons.

"King Kong, don't be reckless!" Lin Feng yelled.

"Boss! I've always listened to you before. Today, please listen to me once. Take the brothers quickly. Scorpion has been injured. If you don't treat her quickly, she can't live! " King Kong was drinking.

However, as soon as the words fell, a sharp blade came through King Kong's thick body, and a half meter long blade leaked out of King Kong's back.

"King Kong The mouse cried: "King Kong, you can't leave me. You said that we will be brothers all our lives. I will travel on your shoulder, King Kong! King Kong

The mouse said it was about to rush to King Kong.

However, the genie grabbed the mouse: "go, you can't save him in the past!"

The troll's eyes were full of tears.

They are brothers from life to death on the battlefield. They have experienced many years of war together, and many brothers have died during this period. However, these elites who survived are close to each other like a person.

They went all the way. They thought they could never fail.

In addition, there is Lin Feng, the God like boss, they feel that at any time, they will not fail.

But that's in human society.

In this secret place, everything has changed.

The opponent is strong and strange, life is very fragile.

No one knows whether he can live again in the next second, and no one knows whether he can get out of the secret.

At this time, one arm of Lin Feng was dyed red with blood. She quickly pulled off a piece of clothes to bandage the red scorpion: "little red, you hold on, the boss will take you out of here alive!"

However, the red scorpion said with a smile: "boss, don't call me Xiaohong, such a name.. Good soil.. Cough

"Don't talk, keep your strength!" Lin Feng's voice trembled.

"Boss!" The red scorpion said, "I'm afraid I won't have a chance to say it again now."

"Don't talk nonsense, you'll be fine!" Lin Feng holds the red scorpion tightly.

"Boss, I always said that I want to be your bride. You always think I am a little girl who idolizes me. But I want to say that I am serious. In my world, only you can be my man. I like you. I am not a little girl. I have already grown up!"

"Mm-hmm, good, you are a big woman!" There were tears in Lin Feng's eyes.

He remembers that when he met the red scorpion, he was still a girl who would cry after being robbed of a lollipop.

In a flash, a few years later, the red scorpion has really grown into a graceful beauty.

But at the beginning of the impression is too deep, Lin Feng has always been a red scorpion or the little girl who will only follow him and call him the eldest.

"Boss, before I met you, I thought my life was hopeless, boring and boring, but after knowing you, my life began to have color, I had goals and motivation, thank you for giving me a wonderful life!" The red scorpion said: "just now I was stabbed, red clothes poisoned me, you don't think of a way to save me, can't save! I have only one request now. I hope the boss can satisfy me! "

"What request, you say!" Lin Feng's tears fell down.

"Cough!" The red scorpion opened its mouth weakly.

"What?" Lin Feng did not hear clearly, quickly put his face to the mouth of the red scorpion, trying to hear what the red scorpion was saying as much as possible.

However, with a playful smile, the red scorpion suddenly kisses Lin Feng on the cheek.

"Boss, this is my first and last kiss. Please remember me, boss. I'm gone!"

Finish saying, red scorpion with smile, pharynx.

She at the last moment, desperately resist their own gas, exhausted the last trace of strength, kiss Lin Feng.

Then, the gas attack heart, then perished.

"Xiaohong --"

Lin Feng raised his voice to the sky, and dust was shaken down from the tunnel.

"Boss, let's go!" The demon pulled Lin Feng hard behind.

Shangguan Ruoxue also tried his best to dissuade him: "Lin Feng, it's not a good time for children and girls. These brothers all died for you, you can't let them die in vain!"

"Lin Feng, let's get out first, and then find a chance to revenge on them. Now, don't be impulsive!" Qingfeng said: "King Kong strives for time with his life. We must not let him down!"

Lin Feng is a reasonable person, but at the moment when the red scorpion died, he was almost crazy.

But now, under the dissuasion of all, his reason has recovered a little.Yes, these brothers followed with all their lives, and then spared no effort to protect themselves to get blood jade. They must not short circuit their brains and ruin their future on the last part of the way.

Lin Feng wiped his tears and said, "pull out the tunnel quickly. Don't let up the King Kong's heart!"

He picked up the body of the red scorpion and walked out of the tunnel with the crowd.

After walking for more than an hour, the tunnel finally came to an end. They had reached the other side of the mountain.

However, it may be that the trend of the tunnel has been upward, and the terrain they are now in is also very high. If you look at it, the front of Pingchuan is a smooth river, and in front of Pingchuan is an oasis. The center of oasis coverage should be Xuantian lake.

It's a long way to go.

Lin Feng asked people to block the tunnel entrance with stones, and a black armored soldier chased after him from the tunnel.

If the black armored soldiers look through the mountains, they need more time to escape from the black soldiers' pursuit.

"Die, I'm not with you!" Lin Feng vowed.

His two brothers would not have died if it had not been for the black armored soldiers.

Lin Feng put the body of the red scorpion in a place full of flowers, covered the body with stone with the troll and mouse.

King Kong is also sure to be ten dead without life, Lin Feng intends to get the blood jade, will come back to help King Kong collect the body.

This is the most sad moment in Lin Feng's life. This kind of heartache only happened at the moment when his parents were abducted ten years ago.

"Lin Feng, I'm sorry!" Shangguan Ruoxue patted Lin Feng on the shoulder.

"Lin Feng, we can understand your mood. We must persist in it." Lin Qin said.

"Don't worry." Lin Feng wiped away his tears and said, "my brother will not die in vain. I want my brother to die valuable. Moreover, I will let those who killed my brother pay for his life." , the fastest update of the webnovel!