The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1376

These two races have been natural enemies since ancient times. The fallen knight George and the vampire Munn also represent the new backbone of the two races.

The vampire race has always been a very powerful existence. Their bodies are so much better than human beings that they are like weak ants in front of them.

However, the order of the light is able to catch some external forces and compete with vampires.

They can use some holy light to assist, as well as the ancient incantation seal and so on, to strengthen themselves.

These curses can not only make humans powerful, but also deter the mutant species such as vampires and werewolves.

This is just like the Taoist magic of dragon kingdom can subdue zombies and evil spirits.

The anger of the burning sun seems to be a treasure handed down from ancient times long ago. The best young talents of all previous Knights of the light deserve it.

Of course, the fallen George is not the best young knight of the light. Maybe he was, but why is this sword in his hands? That's because there is another meaning of the sword, which is to kill the enemy that the light Knight hates most.

So George has been chasing Munn for so many years with his sword.

Once Munn is killed, George will regain the family's lost honor and become the four apocalyptic knights. The sword may also be returned to the order of light, waiting for the next young knight to inherit.

At this time, Mun and the vampire seem to have been fighting for a long time. Mun is panting, and the power of wielding the holy sword in his hand is becoming softer and slower.

Mun was also seriously injured, blood gushed out of his left shoulder, and his wings were slashed.

However, it seems that Munn bought George's pursuit, this time in a corner nobody noticed, he decided to kill George.

Because when Mun came to kill Lin Feng, he was always destroyed by George. Several times, Mun felt that he was almost successful, but George dispersed him.

But what Munn didn't know was that even without George, Lin Feng would not be treated like him.

But Mun did not know that he always thought that if there was no George's destruction, he would definitely kill Lin Feng. After several times of not killing Lin Feng, Lin Feng had grown up and he could not defeat him.

In the last fight, he obviously felt that he was no longer Lin Feng's opponent. If he didn't escape in time, he would be dismembered by Lin Feng.

However, the humiliation of Lin Feng has not been solved by his own hand.

This made Mun feel ashamed and angry in his heart. He felt that all this was caused by George. He could no longer hide from George. He wanted to let George see his own strength.

So, after he made up his mind, he repaired it for a few days.

Knowing that Lin Feng wants to go south to Xuantian lake, Mu en uses his talent as a vampire to travel thousands of miles every day and night to come to Xuantian land.

George, who lost his vampire, inquired around and found out that Mun had gone to Xuantian land. Without saying a word, he took a caravan train to Xuantian land, so that he pawned all his armor to the goblin.

Without armor, Munn's defense ability was greatly reduced, but his body was very light, quite different from before.

However, Munn thinks that even if a human is fast, it can not keep up with his own speed, and the other party has lost the protection of armor, which is fatal.

So Munn was waiting for George here and decided to kill George today.

However, after the fight, Munn found himself muttering about George's ability. Moreover, his old wounds recurred, which also affected his combat effectiveness.

The most important thing is that the big sword in the opponent's hand is too strong, which makes Mun headache.

Therefore, no one can get a good deal from the struggle.

At this time, both sides are at the end of their tether.

Lin Feng looked at George and asked, "Hey, do you want me to help you?"

After all, being human beings, Lin Feng still thinks George is an ally.

George said obstinately, "please don't get involved in my fight."

"But you don't seem to be able to do it anymore!" Lin Feng tells the truth.

"Even if I die, I will kill this guy myself!" George gasped, "I'll kill him today, or I'll die in the war. Please don't interfere with me!"

"All right." Lin Feng said: "but this vampire is not only your enemy, he is also my enemy. Although I will not intervene in your fight, you can rest assured that even if you die, I will kill this vampire to avenge you!"

"That's your business, it's none of my business!" Said George very proud.

"Ha ha, it's really stubborn!" Lin Feng shook his head and chuckled.

After seeing Lin Feng, the vampire felt that his death had come. He accumulated all his strength and launched a final blow to George.

His whole body suddenly swelled, his face became ferocious black, his tusks pointed, his blood seemed to be broken, and his wound was bleeding.The Knights of the light have been fighting with vampires for thousands of years. Naturally, they all know the tricks of vampires.

George knew that Mun had already fought for his life. His move was a move to kill an enemy of 1000 and lose 800 himself. It was extremely powerful, and it hurt himself a lot.

If Lin Feng did not arrive, it is estimated that Mu would not use this move.

George knew that, in his present state, it seems that he can't take this move, but if he doesn't, he can't escape the attack range, and he will die even worse.

He hesitated for a moment, his face awe inspiring.

Since you and I have been killed, I intend to die with you, no one should think about it.

George used his body's last energy to accumulate.

At this time, the vampire attacks and rushes towards George.

Vampire dust all the way, like a high-speed train, powerful enough to fly a truck.

George is also a yellow halo, he looked up to the sky, the sun's anger suddenly absorb all his yellow halo, and then the essence of the work.

George, armed with a huge sword, lunged at the vampire.


The two men's attacks collided. In the witness of all, both sides used their last strength. Then, the two bodies flew backwards.

The vampire bumped into the rock behind him, and the rock was completely broken. His body was stabbed a big hole by the burning sun's anger, and his body shrank sharply. It seems that he can't do it any more.

George was even more tragic. After being hit, he fell to the ground. His whole body was in tatters. He lost his legs. Even his eyes were shocked and bleeding. He was blind.

The war was so tragic that the two sides almost destroyed each other.

But then the vampire stood up and staggered toward George. , the fastest update of the webnovel!