The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1375

The rocket car is still running at high speed, people's hearts are becoming more and more nervous.

Because the other end of the rocket car is Xuantian land.

The center of Xuantian continent is Xuantian lake.

That's the destination of their trip.

Along the way, we encountered a lot of fighting and killing, which were already very tense in the eyes of the public. However, in the focus of the target, there will be a stronger impact and collision.

That's the final place.

So, waiting for the people is a more violent storm.

"Try to have a rest Lin Feng said: "after we get off the bus, it is likely that we will have less chance to rest. We must arrive at Xuantian Lake as soon as possible."


When they agreed, they all lay down on their chairs.

The red scorpion and the troll look at the red dress.

The rocket is still running at high speed, but people have no mind to see the beautiful scenery outside the window.

They were all destroyed by this guy in red. They didn't feel nervous, but the appearance of this guy let us smell the smell of war.

Goblins are a very good merchant race. They not only keep their promise, but also serve you well after you spend money.

On this day, the two meals are always delivered on time, and they are very rich.

People have no appetite, but they are also mobilized to eat.

In this way, in the chat and news, spent a long journey.

After the starry sky, it was another sunny day.

Just as the morning sun rises, the rocket slowly slows down and stops.

"Distinguished guests, Xuantian mainland, the destination of this caravan, has arrived. Please take your belongings and prepare to land!"

Lin Feng and others cheer up, and then line up to get off the car.

After getting off the bus, on behalf of the end of the cooperation, the goblins turned to close the door, and Lin Feng and other people were strangers.

I'm a businessman. I don't have any feelings.

Looking around, this is a silver plain.

On the plain, occasionally there are flowers and trees, occasionally high and low mountains block the view, but it looks quite flat.

It takes about a day to walk from here to Xuantian lake.

People in the car rest enough, at this time do not want to rest, need to hurry on the road.

Red scorpion with red clothes, also follow the team.

As expected by Lin Feng and others.

In this continent, there are real dangers.

Not to mention the high and low Warcraft, even the team that attacked them did not fall into three waves.

These people may come from outside the secret place. They ask about Lin Feng's whereabouts and know that the destination of Lin Feng is Xuantian lake, so they come here in various ways and ambush him.

The three groups of ambush people we met along the way are all some scattered soldiers, and the most powerful one is just a cultivator who enters the Huaqi state, which is not worth mentioning.

Lin Feng did not make a move, the other people three times five division two of the other side to deal with.

However, when passing through a secret jungle, Lin Feng suddenly felt a trace of murderous spirit.

And then they're going to ask him to stop.

Someone came back to report that he saw a human and a Warcraft fighting in the southeast. The fight was very fierce.

In line with the principle that more is better than less, Lin Feng does not intend to go to see it.

But Jack thought it was a big deal. He smelled a vampire.

Lin Feng understood Jack's statement in his heart. He meant that the guy who was said to be a Warcraft was probably a vampire Mun.

They are all enemies of Lin Feng.

After all, we also want to go south, a little turn, to see whether it is a vampire, it is not in the way.

Lin Feng then led the people to the southeast direction, to the near, or really is the vampire Mun and the fallen knight George in battle.

This pair of enemies is really too anxious, fight inseparable.

Jack wants to go up to help the fallen knight, but one is grabbed by wolf king's scar.

Wolf king scar said: "the order of light is not a good thing. They always want to destroy the blood clan and the wolf clan, so these two races are our enemies. We'd better watch them fight."

But the dwarf Prince Al, who saw this scene, was shocked.

But he did not show it, but walked to Lin Feng and gently pulled his clothes.

When Lin Feng saw that Al had something to say, he lowered his head and put his ears in front of al.

Al whispered, "Lin Feng, the sword used by the human man is not an ordinary treasure!"

"Oh?" Lin Feng narrowed his eyes: "tell me in detail!"

"If I'm not mistaken, that sword is the blade of the God of war left in the secret place of Kunlun, and the anger of the burning sun!" Al said, "this sword is as famous as your sass. It's the treasure of ancient gods! The blood jade you mentioned is also the treasure of the ancient god, and the heart of blood jade is the necklace of the ancient god sass. ""So it is!" Lin Feng nodded.

It's no wonder that everyone is fighting for the blood jade. It turns out that these are magic objects in the secret world.

But the names of these treasures of ancient gods are very nice. His shield is called sushi casting, this sword is called Yanyang fury, and the blood jade inherited by the family is called blood jade heart.

In this way, Lin Feng also heard that another treasure left in the world is called Star Diamond.

"Have you ever heard of Star Diamond?" Lin Feng asked al.

"Star Diamond, are you talking about the ring of stars?" Asked al.

"Well, what is the ring of stars?" Lin Feng asked.

"The ring of stars is also an ancient artifact, the ring of ancient god sass!" Al said, "it's the same. It's not in the secret."

"Then it should be!" Lin Feng said.

"What do you ask these for?" Asked al.

"What happens when these artifacts come together?" Lin Feng asked.

Al thought for a moment and said, "there is also a crown of the ancient gods, called the net king God's crown. In the Xuantian lake, the legendary combination of these artifacts can not only bring back the dead and turn back time, but also open up the outland and step into the territory that human beings have never set foot on."

"It sounds amazing!" Lin Feng said.

"There's more amazing!" "I heard that when these artifacts were assembled, the soul of SASS would appear, and he could satisfy anyone's wish."

"No wonder!" Lin Feng said.

"No wonder?" Asked al.

"No wonder the blood clan has always wanted to capture my blood jade. It turns out that the blood clan wants to combine these ancient artifacts together, and ask sass to help them untie the seal of the blood clan!" Lin Feng said.

"It's a matter of your human world, I don't quite understand it!"

At the same time, in the audience, the fallen knight George, has been fighting with the vampire Munn with blood and exhaustion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!