The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1374

Lin Feng has long known that there is something wrong with this woman.

From her back out, the eyes are very different from the previous yuwenji.

Before Yu Wenji, every time I look at Lin Feng, her eyes are charming and seductive.

And this woman, however, carries a kind of killing opportunity.

Although she deliberately hide, but Lin Feng can also see.

Lin Feng's keen sense of smell is unimaginable to ordinary people. He saw the other party's problems at the first sight.

So when the red scorpion said that the other party had a special smell, Lin Feng actually knew that the other party was no longer Yu Wenji.

But he didn't want to be as mindless as the red scorpion.

So he chose to go directly to yuwenji and capture her directly.

Yu Wenji suddenly looked surprised and said, "Captain, what are you doing? You let me go

Lin Feng sneered: "sister Yuwen never called me captain, she only called me Lin Feng!"

When they heard this, they suddenly changed their faces and knew that there was something wrong with each other.

The next second, Lin Feng clasped Yu Wenji's face with one hand and pulled hard.

A layer of skin was directly pulled down by Lin Feng.

They found that Yu Wenji had another face inside.

This woman looks pretty, but there is a kind of evil spirit between her eyebrows.

"Is it you?"

Lin Feng suddenly spit out two words?

When they heard this, did Lin Feng know this woman and who was this woman?

The woman was also surprised: "Lin Feng, we don't seem to have met."

Lin Feng gave a cold smile: "who said that he had not met? Don't you often peep at me

It turns out that this woman has been living in the villa opposite the Swan Lake Villa in Linfeng.

She is under Mie's command and is responsible for informing Mie.

The reason why this woman was killed as the vanguard is that she has super strong ability and latent ability. She not only knows a lot of medical skills and poison skills, but also is proficient in face changing.

Therefore, she has always been the most proud spy.

However, what the woman did not know was that when he was looking at Lin Feng, he had already been found by Lin Feng.

So Lin Feng has noticed this woman for a long time, that is to say, they have met n times across a layer of glass.

"When you look at me, how can you know if I am looking at you?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Suddenly, the woman shivered.

What a great guy!

It turns out that he has already leaked the target, but the other party can calm down and pretend not to know.

So many times the information that you provide to Mie is not what the other party wants to provide in the past?

In this way, in fact, he has become a tool of Lin Feng!

Think about it is really scalp numbness, a burst of fear.

"Say, where is the destruction?" Lin Feng also knows the identity of a woman. When he saw a woman looking at him behind the window, he had already sent someone to check on the woman.

After finding out, Lin Feng is really a little surprised, this woman is actually out of the hands, red!

Therefore, Lin Feng knew that his every move in the villa was under the eyelids of the exterminator. Whatever he did, he couldn't escape the eyes of Mie.

However, after knowing this matter, Lin Feng also began to use some tricks to let red clothes lie about some false information.

It doesn't matter. Now everyone has come to the secret place of Kunlun. They all come to the blood jade. In the end, one person will get the blood jade, and the other is to die.

So, here everything is not important, only life.

Lin Feng forcefully pinched the neck of red dress: "say quickly, where is the destruction, or I will kill you!"

Red clothes coughed a few hard, reluctantly said: "can't extinguish in the car!"

"And where is he?" Lin Feng continued to ask.

"He will wait for you on the road ahead!" Said red.

"Good!" Lin Feng threw the red dress on the ground: "where is yuwenji?"

"She's in the hands of the exterminator Said red.


Lin Feng was a little surprised.

Yu Wenji is actually in the hands of the fire, and the fire is not in the rocket car.

When did this happen?

"When did you capture yuwenji?" Lin Feng asked.

"When you fought with the Japanese Yin Yang division, we had already arrived here. I just feel that the fight between you two is too fierce, and I don't want to take part in it. She simply grabs Yu Wenji who is left alone and asks me to pretend to be her! " Said red.

"Why didn't Mie take the opportunity to attack me when I was fighting with the Japanese Yin Yang division?" Lin Feng asked, "I don't believe him. It's just because most of us are too fierce to go forward. Have we not been so counselled?"Red said: "of course, adults don't advise. On the contrary, he is very righteous. He doesn't want to take advantage of others' danger. Therefore, he will defeat you openly, take the treasure map and find the blood jade!"

"What overconfidence Lin Feng sneered: "if you are really so confident, how can you sneak into the car and pretend to be my person?"

"If I guess correctly, your task is to poison me secretly, and let me have a series of problems, and then when I get off the car, I will be killed easily if I encounter it!" Lin Feng said, "this is what the so-called extermination is aboveboard, isn't it?"

The red coat suddenly stopped talking.

Lin Feng is really smart. He is right.

Lin Feng said: "wake up, Mie is a real villain, but he is a person who can use emotions, like to do things with high sounding, but he always plays with Yin."

"But you people will always be blinded by his tricks, willing to believe that he is a righteous man!" "Bullshit!" said Lin Feng

"Don't you say, my Lord!" Red said.


The red scorpion slaps red in the face.

"How can you talk to my boss?"

As a poison master, the red scorpion dislikes the sneaky poisoning of his opponents.

It's very shameful of her.

In particular, the target of this guy is still his own boss. No wonder he smelled a poisonous smell on her.

In retrospect, I was really obsessed at that time. Why didn't you think this guy was a poison master!

If the boss didn't pull her out directly, it was estimated that all the people in the car would be poisoned.

But at that time, she did not think of the matter of face changing, so she took the red dress as yuwenji, so she didn't have any prevention at all.

Lin Feng said to the red scorpion: "find out the poison on her body, and then tie it up!"

"Boss, this kind of woman is very poisonous. Don't you kill it directly?" Said the red shoe.

"No!" Lin Feng said: "she doesn't believe how insidious his boss is. Then I'll let her live to see how disgusting it is to exterminate this clothed beast!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!