The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1373


The sound of destroying heaven and earth rings out.

The man was hit by the light coming back, and it was soon gone. He didn't even have time to say his last words.

What's worse is that his men are behind him, and they are affected by the explosion of the light, and all of them collapse.

Light arm broken leg, heavy life whine.

People did not expect such an end, the guy deliberately accumulated a big move, but prepared for himself.

Lin Feng knew before that Sashi casting can rebound some damage. The first time he used Sashi casting to connect it was to give the opponent a feeling that I could only resist.

In this way, the other side will be taken lightly, so in the second accumulation of big moves, Lin Feng used this rebound force.

Therefore, when fighting, men accumulate big tricks, and Lin Feng is not unable to destroy him in the past. Lin Feng can completely rely on his own phantom steps to rush to disturb the man's reserve.

However, he pretended to be entangled by leimu, the type God, and could not get out of the way. As a result, he was unable to interrupt the man's accumulated moves.

This created a more realistic illusion, the man is more confident that this move, enough to take Lin Feng's life.

As a result, it has its own consequences.

In the field of yin and Yang division, it is called Shishen antiphagy.

If the Yin and Yang masters are not strong enough, they will be devoured by the Shishen and be destroyed in smoke.

And this man is strong enough, but, however, he fuses all the strength and the type God together. While the type God is extremely powerful, he is bounced back and destroys himself.

This sounds a little tongue twister, but it's actually digging a hole and burying myself.

And his men were dead and wounded.

Lin Feng has no sympathy for these evil cults. Even if they don't die, Lin Feng probably won't let them go.

Now it's time to do it yourself.

And the type God in the back after the man, become delirious, to the rest of the people to kill.

Lin Feng said to the others: "if you don't want to die, get on the bus and take shelter for a while."

People get on the rocket car, through the crystal glass, see that the outside is really a human tragedy.

I saw that the type God was like a mad devil who ravaged the remaining evils of the party, and then tore up the people and swallowed the essence into his stomach.

Soon, the land turned into a river.

Lin Feng light smile, originally thought to Xuantian lake to solve this gang of miscellaneous, did not expect to meet on the road.

However, it is good to solve one problem after another!

At this time, a goblin announced that the road ahead had been opened!

The rocket then quickly added fuel, ran fast, as soon as possible to escape this land of right and wrong.

All along the way, people's hearts were palpitating, but Lin Feng was very calm.

"Boss, to tell you the truth, I used to fight side by side with you. Although I admire you very much, at least I think you are a person!" Said the mouse.

"What do you mean?" Lin Feng asked.

The mouse said, "boss, I didn't realize that you are not a man, you are just a God until I experienced all this with you."

"Ah Lin Feng waved his hand: "low key!"

The red scorpion said, "little mouse, what do you think? Otherwise, how can I worship the boss so much? You don't ask, who has entered the eye of my red scorpion? Only the boss

"Yes, sister scorpion is invulnerable to men, but the one who loves the eldest is still alive and dead!" Said the mouse.

"Oh, I only hate that I am not a woman!" King Kong said, "if I were a woman, I would be able to get a boss."

"Come on, you!" Lin Feng a crooked mouth: "if you are a woman, I will be scared to death by you!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The crowd roared with laughter, and the atmosphere suddenly eased a lot.

Along the way, the rocket car was very fast.

People look at the scenery outside the window, only feel that it is high or low, bright or dark.

A quarter of an hour ahead is still on the snow capped mountains, and the next second is in the green gorge.

The sun was scorching in the first hour and heavy rain in the next hour.

Along the way, we also saw many unknown vegetation and wild animals, which made people enjoy themselves, just like making a tour bus.

But it's a lot harder than a tour bus. It's a little bit like a roller coaster.

In a burst of exclamation, people have already crossed hundreds of kilometers.

Just a day's journey, from the capital of the sky, through the wilderness desert, winter spring, snow mountain, blue Canyon, Yan Yang rain forest and zuoak plain.

Now it's in the zulfaraka area, which is very large and also a place similar to the tropical jungle.

However, it will take half a day to pass through here. After that, we will go through a mountain tunnel in front of us. At the center of Xuantian continent is Xuantian lake, which is the hiding place of blood jade shown on the treasure map.So it will take more than a day.

But the speed is really amazing.

If Lin Feng and others are still moving normally, it will take a week to get here, but it will only take more than a day to call this kind of rocket vehicle.

It seems that I have made the right decision.

At this time, Lin Feng and others were sitting in the same room. This room was a hall in the center of the rocket car. The room was large enough to accommodate more than a dozen of them.

But Lin Feng suddenly found that one person was missing.

"Where has yuwenji gone Lin Feng asked the people next to him.

"You said so, I also noticed that Yu Wen sister?" Beiye ling'er looks around with big eyes.

Lin Qin said, "it seems that she went to the toilet just now and hasn't come back yet?"

"Toilet? Is there a toilet in this car? " Lin Feng some do not understand, every time the toilet seems to stop the car.

However, at this time, Yu Wenji was pushed in from the back door and said with a smile to Lin Feng: "I can't run without the captain thinking about me."

"Ha ha, don't get me wrong. Every player is in my heart." Lin Feng joked.

"Cut, no sentiment!" Yu Wenji gives Lin Feng a white look, and then sits down beside the red scorpion and drinks water.

Red scorpion nose sniffed, suddenly frowned: "yuwenji, where did you go, how do you have a strange smell?"

The red scorpion has been dealing with poison all the year round, and is particularly sensitive to color and fragrance. Yu Wenji has a different flavor on her body, which she has never smelled before.

"Do I smell strange? Where is it? " Yu Wenji sniffed carefully, and then said to Lin Feng, "Captain, you can smell it. She said I have a strange smell. I don't have it clearly!"

Lin Feng laughs: "come on, I'll smell it!"

With that, he went to Yu Wenji.

"Boss, she really has a strange smell!" Red scorpion said again.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll smell it first!" Lin Feng nose in the past, smell smell: "there is no strange smell ah!"

"Isn't it?" Red scorpion twisted its nose: "what's wrong with my nose?"

However, the next second, Lin Feng suddenly put out his hand and grabbed Yu Wenji's neck. LengSheng said, "who are you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!