The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1372

However, at the moment when the photosphere approached Lin Feng, suddenly, Lin Feng moved.

He turned around, turned his back to the light ball, and let out a sudden shout.

At the back of Lin Feng, a huge shield suddenly appeared.

The shield is only the light and shadow cast by sass.

However, the light and shadow are strong enough to resist the attack of this blow.

He saw the light burst on the shield with a bang, and then, like a flame, exploded in all directions.

The voice was really earth shaking. People around were shocked by the situation.

However, the next second, smoke and dust, Lin Feng as if nothing happened, uninjured.

Everyone was shocked.

In such a big battle, Lin Feng was not hurt at all. What kind of resistance is this?

However, people who know it all know that Lin Feng has the blessing of the casting of Sasaki, which can't help him.

It's just that the goblins didn't expect such a result. Even the most powerful race in the continent would be smashed to pieces with such a powerful blow?

However, this human magician can easily resolve.

For a moment, they felt that their bets seemed to be a bit wrong, and that the Human Mage was not as weak as he thought.

And the same incredible feeling, there are all the people in the party.

They did not expect that Lin Feng could easily take the blow.

The man's eyes flashed with a surprised look: "Lin fengsang, I didn't expect you could take this move from me. But next, I won't be soft any more! "

"I'm relieved to see that you still have a big idea!" Lin Feng smile: "if you on this strength, I really don't think it's interesting!"

"Asshole, you are so arrogant

Man angry, he felt Lin Feng's tone, with a strong disdain, which made him deeply insulted.

"I'm arrogant. What can you do with me?" Lin Feng light smile: "take out your strength to speak, Japanese small miscellaneous hair!"


There is a fierce leakage between the man's eyebrows and eyes. He suddenly bursts up and says the mantra again in his mouth.

There was a strong wind in the sky, and a dark shadow came down from the sky.

Man's type God finally met with you.

Sure enough, Lin Feng did not guess wrong, the other side's type God is Lei mu.

See a black leopard with strange light all over the body, standing majestically beside the man.

The leopard was huge, much larger than a normal leopard.

The man is about 1.75 meters tall, but he straightens up, not as tall as the leopard.

"The high priest has summoned the true body of the type God. It seems that he is really going to fight to the death!"

"I have never seen the high priest summon the type God to come out. It seems that the high priest will exert all his strength in this battle!"

"It should have been so long ago. The dragon people on the opposite side are not as simple as we think!"

。。 。。

See the way God show the real body, Lin Feng naturally also know that the other side has been ready to catch the net.

As soon as the type God comes out, he must see blood and die. In this way, he can absorb the essence of cannibalism to recuperate, otherwise the master will be eaten back.

What's more, the dead people can't be passers-by, because they don't like their spirit. What they need is fighting spirit, which is the essence of those who are at war with each other.

The man's face was ferocious, and the mantra was recited more and more quickly, and the sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder.

The lightning was brighter and deafening than before.

The lightning gathered down, all concentrated on the body of the type God.

The whole body of this black thunder mother leopard, at this time with a shining wave.

The man's mouth said that people do not understand the words, suddenly pointed to Lin Feng: "kill!"

The thunder mother leopard rushed to Lin Feng.

Leimu leopard has lightning on her body, but the lightning in the sky is still condensing. After condensation, it sinks rapidly and is inhaled by the type God.

Type God crazy toward Lin Feng bite over, the body has not yet arrived, lightning has touched Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt the sense of numbness and crispness. He began to dodge the attack of the type God by using the phantom step.

He found that the type God's attack is only one aspect, and at this time the man, is trying his best to suppress the big move.

The man's hand actually began to accumulate thunder and lightning, as if to give Lin Feng a fatal blow.

Lin Feng evades the attack of type God and runs to the man quickly.

However, the type God seems to know Lin Feng's intention, and chases him to block him in front of him and entangle him endlessly.

Lin Feng wielded the casting of SASS and fought fiercely with that type God.

Those thunder and lightning couldn't penetrate the casting of Sasaki and hit Lin Feng.

The casting of Sasaki is really a magical object, and Lin Feng's heart is full of admiration.At this time, the man seems to have completed a move, he said a mantra in his mouth and looked at Lin Feng.

At this time, the type God is no longer entangled with Lin Feng, but back to the man's body.

In the face of this situation, people are really afraid.

Because it seems that this move will destroy the sky and the earth.

Lin Feng called out to the crowd: "all back, hide!"

The man sneered: "Lin Feng, you can really play a hero, today I will take you to see the yama king!"

Say, the thunder and lightning that accumulates on the hand suddenly toward Lin Feng.

What's more, this time it's not just a ball of light as before.

This time, Shishen joined the halo.

The type God and the light ball played by men are perfectly integrated together, forming an incomparably powerful energy, sweeping towards Lin Feng.

That light group has not yet come to Lin Feng, the people behind Lin Feng have already felt the power of this energy.

The next second, if the light cluster explodes, no one is expected to be safe.

At this time, all the people felt the seriousness of the situation.

And the goblins began to scurry and no longer wanted to gamble.

But at this moment, Lin Feng is not any panic.

He held up the casting of Sasaki and suddenly called out to the man, "I want to take me to see the king of hell. I'm sorry. I'll give it back to you!"

Speaking, the light group has come to Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng's body suddenly appeared multicolored light, the light penetrated the casting of Sasaki and magnified the shadow of Sashi.

Then, Lin Feng pushed hard, the casting of Sasaki and the light group collided.

People cover their ears subconsciously.

However, there was no sound of explosion.

Amazingly, the light group was beaten back by the sass of Lin Feng.

Light group of the original way back, the man saw this scene, suddenly scared face bloodless.

"Run The man screamed in panic.

However, it was too late.

He did not expect that Lin Feng would return this energy. What is the way?

The next second, however, the light reaches the man.


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