The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1371

Under the fox man's mask, there is a beautiful face.

This man is the leader of the Japanese party.

In this way, other people should be members of the party.

But I don't know why this group of people have to cover their faces, but it doesn't matter. What's important is that Lin Feng knows that these people are enemies.

"Lin fengsang, in the past, let you escape, but today, you absolutely can't escape from my palm!" Said the first man.

"Blood jade is the heritage of my family. It has nothing to do with you. Why do you need it? Are these things really so important to you? "

Lin Feng frowned and said.

"Who doesn't want to have a baby in the world? You said that you are the treasure of family inheritance, but I think it may be your ancestors who took it from others! " The man said, "so please don't make yourself so great. The rest is the king and the loser is the enemy. Don't you all say that? So, who wins today, the treasure map of blood jade is whose! "

Lin Feng faint smile: "since you said so, I am not good to beat your enthusiasm, but do you really think you can beat me?"

The man sneered: "hum, the last time you ran away, it was because someone betrayed us in the meeting and you seized the opportunity. However, the traitors have been reported to the meeting and all of them have been brought back to Japan. No one will hinder us this time. I will show you the real strength of my party! "

"All right." Lin Feng said: "please let all of you go together, and take out all your strength. By the way, I am alone to deal with a group of you, enough!"

"You are so wild!" The man drank coldly: "you are insulting our party!"

"You are wrong!" Lin Feng said with a smile: "I'm not insulting you. You can't meet the qualification of insulting me!"

"Asshole!" The man was furious. He waved his sleeve and said to the crowd behind him: "step back!"

Everyone knows that the boss is going to be powerful, so take three steps back.

The man said, "today I am enough to kill you!"

Then he began to say the mantra.


There was a dull thunder.

Everyone was surprised.

This guy has a lot of talent. He has such a big show when he makes a move. He is really a man of great skill and courage.

And the goblin caravan on one side is watching the excitement.

The disputes among these foreigners have never stopped, and goblins have long been used to surviving and having fun in wars.

In any case, they have made money. Who wins or loses? It has much to do with them. Just have a good time.

There seems to be a long time of gambling, and even there is no gambling scene.

At this time, the thunder became more violent.

The leader of the party seems to have used the most powerful strength of his life.

I saw the wind and thunder in the sky, and the lightning was like a spider's web. It was very spectacular.

The man held up a hand high with his palm in the air.


A big drink, the sky of those fine lines of lightning, unexpectedly gathered together, directly to the man split down.


The lightning did not hurt the man, but gathered in his palm. The energy of the lightning gradually disappeared in the man's palm.

Men with a wave of halo, such as God.

People are surprised to open their mouth, what operation is this? It's against the weather!

They didn't expect that the other side would be so strong.

And the goblins saw this moment and bought the man to win.

Lin Feng's odds ratio has reached a pitiful 1:20.

At this time, the man is ready, he roared to Lin Feng: "eat me a move!"

While talking, he punched Lin Feng.

A strong momentum swept through the audience. The man's fist, with a ball of light, flashed towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is gently hide, that light ball across the forest peak, bang in the rocks behind.


With a blast, the rocks broke and the debris scattered and splashed. People also rushed to take shelter, and even the goblin's gambling stalls were swept in a mess.

"What a power!"

Quite surprised, the other party is not completely surprised by this strength.

Moreover, the opponent is not a practitioner. He seems to have used some kind of magic.

Lin Feng can see clearly that he is a master of yin and Yang in Japan.

The master of yin and yang can ask for the help of Shishen. This person's Shishen is not a general one.

It's Lei mu, one of the top ten animals in Japan.

It's a female leopard. It's black. I heard she likes thunder and lightning very much. Even when she eats, she eats thunder and lightning.

In fact, such creatures do not exist in the human world, so they rarely appear in front of human beings.However, he does exist. The best explanation is that this leopard named leimu should be a Warcraft in a secret place, because it is out of control and crossed into the world by mistake.

So he has abilities that human beings don't have.

As a Japanese yin-yang master, if he can conquer such Warcraft, we can imagine that his strength must be very strong.

Otherwise, he would not be able to control such wild Warcraft.

Moreover, now that they are in a secret place, the Warcraft has returned to its home court, and its ability cannot tolerate Japanese whispers.

This can also explain why the man used the leimu God in the twilight forest, but the effect was not so strong, and even Lin Feng had enough ability to defeat him at that time.

However, today, his strength is much stronger than before, and he is not a person at all.

At this time, the man saw Lin Feng avoid his attack, he laughed: "you just this ability, will elude everywhere, right?"

Lin Feng also a smile: "fight on the fight, don't talk nonsense, in case I don't hide next time, you will be beaten in the face?"

The man snorted coldly: "I don't believe you dare to pick it up!"

Lin Feng smiles: "I'll see."

People can see clearly that the other side is seducing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's speed, the other side simply can't match, so he uses the method of encouragement to let Lin Feng be deceived and take a hard move from him.

Such a strong move, hard to connect, people are expected to be blasted into powder.

Even Qingfeng, an old hand, did not dare to pick it up.

Although Lin Feng's ability is the strongest among them now, it's still not easy to try hard to use this move to smash the rocks.

"Lin Feng, don't be fooled by him!" Cried the breeze.

But at this time, the man is a punch again toward Lin Feng.

The momentum of the blow was more fierce, and the light group was twice as big as before.

However, this time, Lin Feng did not really mean to avoid.

Not only did he not hide, but what was more surprising was that he did not even make a defensive gesture, but quietly waited for the light ball to hit him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!