The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1370

Life and death only in a moment, qianfanlang this kind of person, in Lin Feng's eyes, humble as mole ants.

Before Lin Feng ignored him, he was too lazy to answer.

Now he came to the door by himself with a helper. He was really sorry if he didn't kill him!

Lin Feng cleanly killed qianfanlang, qianfanlang's last moment of life is endless regret, he came to kill Lin Feng this time, but he died in Lin Feng's hands.

Lin Feng took his Wugu Cuan, looked at beixuan immortal, and said, "the old master doesn't look like a fool. If you think it's wrong, you can settle accounts with me at any time. I'm always welcome. This Wugu Cuan is a treasure handed down from our ancestors. If it's put in the hands of good people, it will have magical effect. If it is put in the hands of bad people, it will be a disaster Fang's sharp weapon, so I'm going to take him away and give it to someone I trust to inherit it! "

"Young man, as I said, I won't care about his affairs. You can settle the grudges between you." "But I don't understand. What makes you enter the secret place? Don't you know how dangerous it is?"

"Elder, to be honest, an article handed down from generation to generation is in this secret place. My parents were abducted when I was 10 years old because of this thing. I don't know whether it is life or death!"

"Now I enter the secret place to take back what my family has inherited and complete the mission of my parents' inheritance. If I don't get this thing, many people will think about it, and I'm not down-to-earth!" Lin Feng said.

"Then if you get this thing, people will not care about it?" "If you can't get it, everyone just wants to think about a nothingness. If you get it, isn't everyone thinking about what you have in your hand? Then you will be the target of public criticism

"The old man said so!" Lin Feng said: "I had expected that, so when I came to this secret place, I had already released the news that this thing was in the secret place. Therefore, anyone who schemed against the treasures inherited by my family would come to the secret place. As for who can get the last thing, it depends on their own strength. It's better than taking it from the human world Code, the human world will not suffer disaster because of this! "

"It seems that you still maintain human justice and security." Beixuan immortal said: "in this case, you continue your task, I will not interfere! Now that I have come to the secret place, I'll find a chance to practice, and I'll leave now! "

"Well, goodbye!" Lin Feng said.

After saying goodbye to beixuan immortal, Lin Feng returned to the inn.

I fixed it up and went to sleep again.

At dawn the next day, Lin Feng got up and communicated with the rest of the team, explaining that he was going to Xuantian lake with the goblin caravan.

The gnome's astrologer was really accurate. It rained this morning. They made an appointment to meet at the gate of the south of the city at ten o'clock. So there was still a lot of time left. Lin Feng had a good breakfast with everyone.

However, during breakfast, Lin Feng found a group of strange people.

The reason why those people look strange is that they are all wearing masks, but Lin Feng can detect that their eyes behind the masks always aim at Lin Feng intentionally or unintentionally. Everyone's eyes are full of murders.

Other people didn't notice the group because they didn't have the keen insight of Lin Feng.

Because it is in the capital of the sky, this is an absolutely safe area. The pedestrians dare not act rashly. They just appear beside Lin Feng intentionally or unintentionally to investigate and monitor Lin Feng's actions.

For this kind of enemy, Lin Feng can only let nature take its course. The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. These sneaky people will certainly not be able to raise any big waves.

The whole morning was spent in the rest and chat.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Lin Feng arrived at the South Gate of the city on time.

The goblin caravan is also very trustworthy, and will wait for Lin Feng there first.

After Lin Feng and others arrived, the goblin caravan began to count the number of people and goods, ready to go south.

The vehicle of this goblin caravan is similar to rocket, but these things can't fly. They can only run on the ground with some fuel.

However, this kind of transportation is already the existence of high-tech in the secret land.

Goblins are short in stature and extremely capable of fighting, but they are now a powerful race in the secret land, relying on their smart brains and high-tech hands.

Lin Feng and others were separately arranged in two rocket cars.

Rocket car has a lot of space. A rocket car can not only carry a lot of goods, but also carry more than 20 goblins at the same time. If you are human, you can sit on more than a dozen.

When the goods and people were on the car, the rocket began to chuckle forward.

At first, the speed of the rocket car was very slow. Later, it may be on the road, and it gets faster and faster. When you look out from the glass on both sides of the rocket car, you can't see the scenery on both sides.

It's amazing that there are so many people.

And goblins are also fond of drinking, singing and dancing. They drink in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. After drinking, a group of people gather around to sing and dance, like a group of children.People have not felt this kind of happy atmosphere for some time. They can't help being infected by these little guys, and they are eager to try.

However, such a happy atmosphere did not last long. The goblin driver in front of him reported bad news. The road in front collapsed and stones fell on both ends, blocking the road in the middle. They had to drive a corpse robot to clean up the road, which took a long time.

Goblins stepped out of the rocket and set up tents on the nearby plain.

Watching a tall and powerful robot jump out of the rocket car, waving the electric saw and hammer, stride forward, this scene is quite spectacular.

However, while Lin Feng and his team members were watching the goblin clear the roadblock, a pair of men and horses killed them.

It was the previous group of masked people.

Lin Feng is very curious about how the group of people came after him. The rocket car of goblin is very fast. Does this group of people also have rocket cars?

Sure enough, there was another goblin caravan behind the group.

This group of masked people knew that Lin Feng and others employed goblin caravan, so they followed suit.

"Lin Feng, we have a hard time looking for you. We finally met you here. Let's finish it today." Among the masked men, the first one is a fox masked man. He takes the lead and says to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng coldly smile: "the mouth says to make an end, but even the face does not dare to reveal, ridiculous!"

The fox masked man hesitated and took off his mask. , the fastest update of the webnovel!