The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1369

"What else do you want to do?" Lin Feng asked.

"You've robbed me of my treasure for such a long time, will you give it back to me today?" Said the thousand sail wave.

"Then tell me, how else should I compensate you?" Lin Feng asked.

Qianfan waves with a smile: "in fact, I have no bad thoughts. Those beauties around you are more beautiful than others, just like fairies! You know what I mean

"Oh, I understand!" "Or do I ask them to serve you?" said Lin Feng

Qianfanlang laughed: "children can be taught, children can be taught!"

Lin Feng suddenly said with a smile: "thousand sails wave, you are still stubborn! If so, I don't think you can give it back to you! "

, "well, now has the final say, it's already in my hands. You want to take it away? No way The thousand sails roared with pride.

"Yes? Then I must take it? " Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Immortal beixuan, you see, he wants to take my treasure again. Help me clean him up!" Said the thousand sail wave.

But qianfanlang didn't notice. At this time, the old man with white beard had completely changed his eyes.

He found that, in contrast, Lin Feng is more like a modest gentleman, and this Qianfan wave is a real villain and rascal.

The one who humiliated the real man was Xuanhe's fiancee.

The immortal beixuan was deeply distressed. His lover could not be protected by himself. He was really incompetent.

From then on, he practiced seriously and did not get close to women's sexuality. Only then did he have today's achievements.

The performance of qianfanlang reminds him of his fiancee. The qianfanlang is just like the scum who insulted his fiancee.

For so many years, the immortal beixuan wanted to find the bandit, but there was no news. Now the immortal beixuan is over 300 years old. It is estimated that the bandit has already been buried.

So this tone of voice, beixuan immortal has been holding back.

Today, seeing the qianfanlang and the bandit, he was really itching with hate.

Lin Feng also noticed this scene. He had already found that the beixuan immortal was a man with justice. He was not in collusion with qianfanlang. He was more like fighting against himself for human justice.

This shows that qianfanlang has instilled in him a lot of thoughts that he is not a good man behind his back, which makes him have a bad impression on himself.

Therefore, Lin Feng is not in a hurry to start with qianfanlang. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he pretends to be very pure, and then he only takes qianfanlang's baby in order not to let qianfanlang do evil.

Qianfanlang and the old man come all the way, maybe they are familiar with each other. Qianfanlang mistakenly thinks the old man is his friend, so he doesn't cover up in front of Lin Feng.

But he was wrong. There was no real friend in beixuan Zhenzhen's heart. He only had himself and justice in his heart.

He will kill whoever is evil, and support whoever is just.

So qianfanlang these words down, all of a sudden to their own road to block!

So when Lin Feng decided to deal with the Qianfan waves again, when the old man would not stop him, he began to act.

"Qianfanlang, I have a good intention to give you Wugu Cuan, but you don't want to repent, but you still want to rape and plunder, but this is not good!" Lin Feng said: "the good, evil and justice in this world are all spoiled by people like you. You pollute the innocence of this world. Therefore, even if I don't kill you, I can't let you take away the witchcraft Cuan. Otherwise, it means I'm aiding the tyranny!"

"Lin Feng, don't you talk to me about these great principles. If you live a lifetime, you are happy. I don't care who you are!" The thousand sail waves let go.

"Well, I will not only teach you a good lesson today, but also destroy the sorcery and Gu Cuan, so that there is no longer such a harmful thing in the world!" With that, Lin Feng will come forward.

"Real man, help me teach this guy a lesson, or he will rob me again!" Said the thousand sail wave.


All of a sudden, a slap came over, and the thousand sail waves flew two teeth, dizzy.

This slap was actually hit by beixuan immortal.

"Real man, you The thousand sails are muddled.

"Dirty little man!" Beixuan's face turned red.

He has never seen such a shameless fellow.

He talked about Lin Feng all the way, and how noble he was, but at this moment he revealed his heart.

He not only cheated himself, but also almost made himself a villain who helped the tyranny.

Seeing beixuan Zhenren angry, qianfanlang suddenly realized that he had made a mistake. He mistakenly thought that he had built up revolutionary feelings with him along the way. Now what happens, beixuan immortal will help him unconditionally.

However, when he found out that he was wrong, beixuan Zhenren was very angry when he knew that he had cheated him.

He quickly explained: "real man, listen to me, things are not like this, I just hate Lin Feng, so I said to the woman around him! Lin Feng is not a good thing, so I use evil to control evil. Please don't be deceived by his dignified appearance! "You've been cheated by me No matter how stupid the immortal beixuan was, he would have made a big mistake if he continued to help and kill Lin Feng.

However, qianfanlang still wanted to win the help of beixuan immortal. However, beixuan immortal said: "the slap just now was that I beat you and cheated me for so long. I didn't want your life. It's the luckiest thing for you. From now on, I don't care about your business. You live and die on your own!"

Lin Feng smile, he wants this result.

The strength of the old man in front of him is unfathomable. Maybe he can fight with him as hard as he can, but he can't do such a thankless thing. It will be troublesome for him to turn back and make the profit of qianfanlang's left hand.

"Now, when they see that you are dirty, they will not help you! Qianfanlang, I once gave you a chance, but you don't cherish it, so now I won't give you another chance! " Lin Feng said, a flash of figure, directly appeared in front of the Qianfan wave, a pinch Qianfan wave neck.

In an instant, beixuan immortal and qianfanlang were shocked.

Beixuan immortal didn't expect that the young man in front of him was so strong and so fast that he couldn't even do it himself.

I really overestimate myself. If I really fight with this young man, I don't know who wins and who loses.

And Qianfan wave is surprised, when is the strength of Lin Feng so strong?

The last time he saw Lin Feng was in the Grand Canyon in the barren land. He encouraged animal trainers to kill him, but he didn't want to be killed by him.

But this time we met again, he found that Lin Feng's strength increased a lot, and even reached a level of terror that he could not guess.

Lin Feng smile: "thousand sails wave, you blame yourself, die here, farewell!"

Say, hand a force.


He broke the neck of qianfanlang! , the fastest update of the webnovel!