The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1360

The reason why Lin Feng went there on his own initiative was because there was a problem ahead.

People may pay attention to the huge diamond, but Lin Feng doesn't care about it. He can have as much wealth as he wants.

So his focus is different from others.

When others were lured by huge financial temptations, he had already left them behind.

Lin Feng went to the foot of the huge diamond, then, around the diamond, looking at the other end of the diamond.

The scene in front of me is quite spectacular.

Dozens and hundreds of orcs are waiting.

They hold giant tomahawks, one by one, standing on the land of battle song plain, momentum like a rainbow.

They have been waiting for Lin Feng and others here.

The troll king, Randall, originally suggested that the orcs snipe at Lin Feng's team in the scorching gorge.

However, the orcs never disdain to attack their opponents. They always believe in fairness, justice and integrity. They want to defeat the enemy openly and honestly. This is a tradition of the orc tribe for thousands of years, which has never changed since ancient times.

The orc chieftain manhammer sits on the giant kodo beast, standing out in the ranks.

At the moment when he saw Lin Feng, he stood up and said in his voice like the thunder in the sky: "friend, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Today my tribe is going to fight you to the death. Please be prepared!"

Orcs like to be on top of the line like this. Even in a decisive battle, they should inform the enemy in advance to prepare them.

The hundred and a half orcs led by manhammer are not all the members of the orc tribe. There are thousands of ORC members in the orc tribe. All the orcs here are brave and good at fighting.

After receiving the commission from trandel, manhammer will certainly try his best to help him. Orcs are the most honest race.

In fact, manhammer and Lin Feng have no enmity or resentment. The reason is that the orc's economy and resources have deteriorated in recent years, and the development of the orc tribe has also been restricted. Although orcs are naturally brave fighters, God is fair, and they lack the operational mind.

The troll's commission is very poor, so they don't want to continue their business.

With this commission from the trolls, Orc tribes can build grand capitals and trade, rent shops in the capital of neutral territory, and sell their prey and crafts to other races.

So orcs must take this step and break the deadlock in order to slowly change the status quo.

Man hammer and Lin Feng fight for nothing but treasure!

At this time, Lin Feng's team also followed, they were afraid of Lin Feng's danger.

When we saw this scene, all of us could not help but feel nervous.

Just out of the tiger's den, it's like a wolf's nest!

These orcs are coming, it seems to be the rhythm of a decisive battle with them!

Lin Feng looked at the man hammer and asked, "I have no injustice or hatred with you. Why do you want to fight me to the death?"

"Of course, we don't have any grudges, but just because we don't have enemies doesn't mean that we don't have a war. For the sake of the orc tribe, we have to fight with you!"

Lin Feng frowned and could guess something in his heart.

"You are not allied with other tribes, are you? Is it your allies who have a grudge against me Lin Feng asked.

Manhammer was shocked. He said that human beings are clever and cunning. I didn't say anything. This guy guessed that he was right.

Manhammer and trump have a confidentiality agreement that they are not allowed to disclose their transactions to outsiders under any circumstances.

So manhammer kept his promise. He didn't mention it.

Lin Feng looked at the taut face of manhammer, but it was quite funny. He asked tentatively, "it's Troll clan, right?"

My heart sank suddenly. This.. I didn't say anything about it. The boy guessed it directly.

The intelligence quotient of human is really extraordinary. If you play with your brain, I'm afraid ten of you can't beat him.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "it seems that I am right!"

"It's not important. What's important is that I'll take your head off your neck and give it to the employer today," he said

"Well, you are still in employment relationship." Lin Feng laughed again: "how much do they give you? In this way, I'll double it for you, and you'll kill them for me

Man hammer almost slapped himself!

This is a slip of the tongue. The other party knows that he is employed.

Manhammer was a little exasperated and cried out: "you talk less nonsense. Now you are ready to fight!"

With that, he called out to the drummer, "ring the drum!"

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

The sound of battle drums, accompanied by the rough and regular roar of orcs, seemed to be quite imposing.

"Woo --"

the front row soldiers all blew their horns, and the howl spread all over the country, with strong penetration.This is the orc's way of raising morale before they fight. This will make them more powerful and confident, and will make the enemy more afraid of them.

Hearing the sound of the horn and drums, the orcs rubbed their hands and sharpened their swords.

Their sharp muscular lines were raised, and they were ready to fight.

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed. Sure enough, these simple minded guys were bought by the troll clan.

If we are so easy to deal with, how can trolls spend a lot of money on you orcs? They can do it themselves.

Oh, a bunch of goons.

But now the sound of war drums and horns is deafening. They can't hear Lin Feng talking. A big war is inevitable.

"Brothers, prepare for the battle Lin Feng yelled: "pay attention to maintain the formation, white tiger five Xia, Qingfeng, wolf king, you follow me to be the vanguard team, seven kill, you lead other cultivators, protect the medical team and logistics department!"

"Yes All agreed.

"Luke, I'm sorry #。。 。。”

It should be a word of encouragement, just like the warriors, who want to fight me and kill them.

The next second, as expected, the orcs rushed to Lin Feng and others with their axes.

At this time, Lin Feng had the casting of sushi to protect himself, and his strength rose to more than one level.

He was also trying to test the power of Sasaki's casting, so he took the lead and rushed to the orc formation as quickly as possible.

"That man is so fast!"

The orcs charge with surprise.

And manhammer is also see in the eye, eyebrows are almost twisted into a pimple.

He had never seen a man so fast, not even a swift spirit.

Isn't this guy a normal human being?

Moreover, Lin Feng's bravery also surprised manhammer.

In the image of orcs, humans are not only clever and cunning, but also selfish and timid.

But this man, let him see the other side of human beings.

At this time, Lin Feng had already rushed into the orc's square array, and saw him yelling: "bully the heaven and bully the earth!"

Then the body of the high jump, around the body flashing a golden light, incomparable dazzling! , the fastest update of the webnovel!