The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1359

It seemed to have been an ordinary case in which orcs judged traitors.

However, they underestimate teenagers.

The young man had already gathered a group of his own believers, and the orcs who guarded the prison had already been bought by the young man.

They like the witchcraft and magic used by teenagers and want to learn from them. So they plan to rewrite the history of orcs together with last year.

They let the boy out of the dungeon, then blinded the guards, and a group of orcs gathered and fled.

Because they are only a small number of orcs, and can not compete with the orc's large forces.

They escaped from the tribe overnight and wanted to escape to the northwest in search of the human wizard who had given young witchcraft.

At last they met the human wizard in the swamp.

The human wizard has given the teenager the ability to communicate with witches, and has given him many ways to use black magic.

The young man became the leader of this group of orcs. He taught other orcs witchcraft and medicine, and helped other orcs to sign contracts with witches and become qualified great wizards.

However, their behavior is not understood by the whole continent.

They are defined as traitors by orcs and black wizards by other races. They are called voodoo tribes, and they are despised.

But this Orc team has its own beliefs.

They don't think they're wrong. They believe in sorcery and believe that one day they will be the most powerful Orc tribe.

The leading Orc boy, who grew up day after day, became the chief of the voodoo tribe.

He is the old chief standing in front of Lin Feng.

Speaking of the past, the chief still couldn't stop sighing.

He was dedicated to revitalizing the orc tribe, but in the end he was considered a traitor to the orcs.

He felt that those who resisted him were stupid orcs who would eventually perish.

After the orc chief said this to Lin Feng, he suddenly felt very relaxed.

For hundreds of years, he never talked about the past to people. The grievance was held in his heart and it was very difficult.

Today seems to be a breakthrough, he told his past to Lin Feng. He didn't know why he trusted the man who had only seen him once.

However, he just wants to say that he just believes in Lin Feng.

After the conversation between the orc chief and Lin Feng, their team has almost recovered. They will return to the voodoo tribe with the fruits of victory.

The orcs need to take a break before setting out. Lin Feng leads the orc team to go first.

There is only one exit from the canyon, so you don't have to look around for a route.

Lin Feng leads a team to go down a road directly.

Since none of them took part in the battle just now, they did not need to rest and went straight ahead.

We all relaxed along the way. Lin Feng was able to pull back the storm in such a dangerous scene just now. At this time, Lin Feng has become the biggest safety guarantee on their way.

Looking at the fire devil playing in the lava, looking at the fire mouse climbing in the canyon occasionally and some small fire Warcraft, people can't help but feel very cute.

Maybe the fire dragon was too fierce before, but now these little things are just cute compared with the fire dragon.

After about five or six hours' drive, we finally saw the end of the canyon.

Beyond the end was a blue plain.

In the secret place, it's no wonder what kind of scenery you encounter. The soil here can't be speculated by the conventional ideas of the human world.

"Wow, it's beautiful there!"

Shangguan Ruoxue points to a huge blue rock at the exit of the canyon.

The mountain stone is bright, like a huge blue crystal.

Al said, "girl, you really know the goods. That's the famous bright gem! The area ahead is called the battle song plain. It is rich in bright gemstones, all of which are high spirit stones. "

Lin Feng carefully looked at the bright gem in front of him, then frowned and seemed to find something wrong.

But he didn't say a word and went on ahead.

Al continued: "these bright gems are transparent. Only when the area is blue, can they appear blue. And although the bright gems are transparent, it is strange that you may not see the scenery at the other end of the gem, or the scenery at that end will be refracted by the texture of the gemstone, which will show a different appearance."

"Is that amazing?" Shangguan Ruoxue exclaimed.

"In fact, it's not magic. It's not the effect of gems. It's the principle of optics." Al said with pride.

They are good at gems and other minerals, so they can talk about them for a while.

Al suddenly turned to Shangguan ruoshue and said, "by the way, haven't you seen a bright gem? It's also in your human world. It's very precious! ""Bright jewel? I haven't seen it Shangguan Ruoxue said.

The others are you too. Look at me. I look at you. You never heard of a bright gem.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly came a sentence: "bright gem everyone has seen, but in the human world, the name is different."

Before he came into the secret place, he studied many things in the secret place, and naturally knew what the bright gem was!

"Different names?" Shangguan Ruoxue was surprised and asked, "what is the name of that bright gem in our human world?"

Lin Feng turned back with a smile: "call diamond!"


Everyone's eyes were wide open, and their jaw fell off in surprise.

The bright gem is actually a diamond, which is so shocking, isn't it?

If you look at the exit, it's estimated that the whole world will be able to buy such a large piece of bright gem with a height of tens of meters!

The crowd cheered up.

This trip is really not in vain. Even if you go back with a bag of diamonds, you will become a hundred billion rich man. Future generations will not have to worry about food and drink.

Al couldn't understand why these humans were so excited. He said, "although the bright gems are precious, they are not rare. They are everywhere in the battle song plain. If you like, you can take more. But I heard that the blue dragon tribe is very fierce and powerful. I think they will get into trouble."

However, the craze for wealth in Chengdu is not something that Al can understand.

So everybody put al's words aside.

However, what is surprising is that Lin Feng knew these things were diamonds, but he did not show any excitement and shock.

It turned out that Lin Feng had always said that money should be regarded as dirt. He was indifferent to such a huge temptation of wealth.

All of them ran forward excitedly, and wanted to see the whole picture of the huge diamond for the first time.

However, Lin Feng roared: "stop for me

Then, let everyone back, he walked forward alone! , the fastest update of the webnovel!