The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1361

In the air, Lin Feng's body is shining with golden light, and his awe inspiring power is like a God.

The next second, his body like a heavy bomb, straight down, "bang" sound, like a sunny day thunder, issued a ring through the sky.

A powerful cyclone hit the ground and exploded instantly.

The massive orcs had not yet understood what was going on. Their bodies had already been blown away by the cyclone, and their axes had fallen off in a leisurely manner and were in a rout.

So powerful?

The orc chieftain man hammer didn't expect that a human being could be so powerful that a human bomb fell from the sky and blew up all the orcs in a radius of tens of meters.

If the orcs were not strong, they would have been blasted to a pulp by his cyclone.

At this time, the hammer couldn't sit still. With a big wave of his hand, he said, "let's kill them!"

At the rear, the orcs control the kodo beast, and rush to the battlefield like fierce Warcraft.

Lin Feng doesn't show weakness here. He has many skilled soldiers and craftsmen. A cultivator can easily defeat a half ORC.

However, there is no specific standard to measure how many orcs can be defeated by a cultivator, because there are different levels of practitioners themselves. For those with high level, there may be no problem fighting more than ten orcs per person, while those with low level can only cope with one or two.

In an instant, the orcs' troops surrounded Lin Feng's troops.

I saw Lin Feng in the front, leading the white tiger five swordsmen, like a sharp knife, straight forward.

However, the two sides are not so relaxed.

Although it's easy to deal with orcs, the King Kong red scorpion and others have some difficulties in the face of such a fierce race.

But fortunately, the red scorpion and King Kong have a tacit understanding. They can play a role of 1 + 1 greater than 2 on the battlefield, so there is no danger for the three of them to add mice together.

But the other side is different.

The medical team led by Lin Qin, as well as the V University and logistics team, appeared to be very difficult.

The logistics team is composed of soldiers of the seventh army hired by Lao Hu and the rest of the troops led by Lao Wang. In addition to the people of v-big, they are ordinary people who are good at using weapons.

Chiji Youzi and Qianji meihui, the two sisters, can protect themselves, but they have no spare time to protect them.

In this way, Lin Qin and his team of doctors will be in a state of leakage. Only Qingfeng and Chen Wu are protecting them.

Shangguan Ruoxue is also among them, which is the weak point of Lin Feng's team.

The battle was very fierce. Although Lin Feng and the five white tigers were brave and good at fighting in front of them, they found that there was something wrong with the rear, so they quickly returned to help the rear.

However, as soon as they retreated, the orcs once again narrowed the encirclement circle, making Lin Feng's team even more miserable.

Lin Feng threw up his shield and flew two or three orcs in a row. He retreated to Qingfeng and said, "I'll open the way for you later. You and seven killers and wolf king will go first with the medical team and logistics team. Then I will deal with them slowly."

Qingfeng nodded. He knew Lin Feng's ability, so he didn't have to worry about it.

Lin Feng suddenly moves his true Qi, which catches the energy of Sasaki's casting, and makes the whole body's essence soar, which makes people can't open their eyes.


Lin Feng had a big drink and rushed forward.

Wherever he went, he saw all the orc's bodies flying.

Qingfeng shouts to Lin Qin and others: "follow me quickly!"

He followed Lin Feng with his men. Seven killers and wolf king protected each other on both sides of the team. Then he followed Lin Feng to rush outside the orc encirclement.

Lin Feng is very brave all the way. Those orcs have no way to take Lin Feng.

However, the orcs on both sides became more and more fierce. They avoided their edge and chose to defeat Lin Feng's team from both sides of the team.

More than a dozen orcs are entangled with Qingfeng, and there are also more than a dozen holding up seven kills.

Wolf king is even more red eyed, and the orcs fight together, the more fierce the Vietnam War.

The other orcs took advantage of this opportunity to rush into the ranks.

In an instant, the logistics team and the medical team were under the orc's iron hoof.

"Locke him!"

The orcs yelled slogans and struck them with a huge axe.

V and the seventh army fight them with machine guns and machetes.

But obviously, these orcs are not afraid of guns and knives.

When the gun hit them, the bullet could not penetrate their thick bodies, and even their bones seemed to be injured.

So, guns are skin injuries to them.

After being shot several times, an orc suddenly ran away, rushed to the front and grabbed the machine gun, and directly lifted a soldier of the seventh army and threw it into the air.Then, with one axe, the man was cut in two.

The scene was shocking, and the slaughter had begun.

Orcs are like wolves in the sheep, and they are on a rampage.

The v-sized rainforest corps and the seventh corps were no match at all. They fought to defend the doctors and supplies, but in the end they were killed by orcs.

One by one soldiers fell in the pool of blood, which made Lin Feng red eyes.

"You kill my people, I want your lives!"

When Lin Feng returned to the array, he did not leave any more room. His true spirit poured out. He held the casting of naxas and smashed at the orcs in front of him.



After each muffled sound, a half ORC was smashed to pieces and flesh and blood.

Lin Feng is like an angry tiger, biting desperately among these hungry wolves.

Orcs are naturally not afraid of death. They are not afraid of death, but in their concept, after death, the soul will return to the gods, and then will be reborn hundreds of years later.

They are not afraid of pain, so they are no longer afraid of anything about war.

In the face of such fierce Lin Feng, although they had hesitated, they still rushed towards Lin Feng one after another.

See Lin Feng so angry, red scorpion and King Kong and others are also angry.

The boss is everything to them. Whoever makes the boss angry, damn it!

King Kong also swung the huge hammer, which was the weapon he wanted to come in the Tuling fortress.

Red scorpion swung the whip, the whip was stained with poison, as long as she was whipped to the skin, the next second is bound to die.

While the trolls use their agile body, holding two sharp daggers, and meet orcs in short combat.

He was thin and weak, but he had an advantage. He could easily slip through the orc's crotch and cut off his two hamstrings.

For a while, the battle went into white hot. Although there were casualties on Lin Feng's side, it was obvious that the orcs suffered more casualties.

Just then, however, a team appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

Troll King trump looked at the fierce battle in the field and sneered: "stupid orcs, it seems that I need to help you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!