The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1357

The orcs thought that they had gained some benefits. They were very happy and moved by Lin Feng's behavior.

In fact, the biggest harvest is Lin Feng.

He got an ancient artifact easily.

This artifact could be compared with blood jade, which he had never thought of.

Moreover, through al's account, he knew that the blood jade was not something in the human world.

No wonder dad put the blood jade in this secret place. My emotional father knew the origin of the blood jade.

Moreover, although the human world is advanced in science and technology, there are few such ancient and mysterious things.

Therefore, it is not uncommon that the blood jade comes from the secret place.

As Lao Hu said before, there is a startling secret hidden in the blood jade. Before Lin Feng thought, this amazing secret may be a huge wealth, or an important enlightenment, and so on!

Now, however, things don't seem so simple.

Maybe this secret is much bigger than he thought before.

At this time, Lin Feng became more and more interested in blood jade.

Shaking hands with the orc tribe, Lin Feng takes Sasaki's casting into his pocket, while the orc chieftain happily takes away the dragon's core.

Everyone was happy.

The orcs also suffered heavy losses in this battle.

It was a very simple battle. The orcs didn't expect the dragon to be so powerful that they almost capsized on the dragon.

They still don't understand why the dragon is so powerful.

But Lin Feng and AI er know that.

It's not the power of the dragon, it's the power of sass.

When Lin Feng holds the casting of Sasaki, he can feel a surging force full of his whole body and feel that his whole body is protected by a strong energy.

Lift up the casting of Sasaki and wave it gently. The powerful energy on the shield is very free to be used by Lin Feng.

"It's such a treasure!" Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

With the help of this thing, you will be able to open the door. It is estimated that the seven heavy, eight heavy and nine heavy Ning Yuan state can not resist the fierce attack of this shield.

And the shield is not big enough to fit into King Kong's backpack.

Lin Feng doesn't want to make too much publicity. After all, these guys don't know the goods in front of them. It doesn't mean that others don't know. If someone sees this thing, he will think about it behind his back, which will bring him some unnecessary trouble.

Lin Feng takes back Sasaki's backpack, installs it, and then exchanges the backpack with King Kong.

The cast of suss, he will always carry with him.

At this time, the orc team is working hard to do the maintenance.

The doctors healed their wounds, and when they healed, they began to treat the orcs who were too injured and dying.

Their medical skills are amazing. They can quickly cure the orcs who are on the verge of death, and soon they will be alive again.

Lin Feng was particularly interested in their medical skills, so he took Lin Qin and red scorpion together to ask for advice like the orc chief.

The orc chieftain was also very grand, and didn't hide it. He also asked a Orc doctor to show Lin Feng and others their powerful medical skills on the spot.

It can be seen that they do not use some herbal medicine to treat the wounded, but use aura.

They absorbed a lot of aura in this meter, stored it up, and when treating the wounded, they released aura and chanted incantations in their mouths.

Then, their hands gently touched the wounded's skin, and the wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What is this method?" Lin Feng asked.

"It's a modified witchcraft!" The orc chief said, "we used to be warriors of the orc tribe, but I was greedy for magic and was expelled by the tribe. All these soldiers left the tribe with me. We are like-minded and concentrate on magic together."

"We have spent hundreds of years studying and improving the black witchcraft we have learned, so that these witchcraft not only have fighting power, but also have healing power!"

"Under the guidance of the gods, we inject aura into the wounded, and the aura will perfectly repair the injured body according to our incantation instructions!"

"This kind of thing makes our secret not to be passed on!"

The orc chieftain is also very good at speaking. What should be said and what should not be said will be kept silent.

Since he had said that it was their secret, Lin Feng would no longer ask.

But from the orc's words just now, Lin Feng got some information.

This Orc turned out to be a well-known non-toxic tribe.

Just now, Lin Feng has guessed some, but he is not sure. Now he has made it clear.

The voodoo tribe has been living in this land under the name of ORC traitor, and these years have been very difficult.Just now I found out that the orcs of the tribe are the orcs.

At that time, the orc chieftain was still an ignorant young man. He wanted to strengthen the tribe, to make the orc tribe the first race in the secret land, and even beat the Dragon tribe.

However, the orc's rigid and stereotyped beliefs make it impossible for orcs to confront intelligent races on a large scale.

However, what's terrible is that Orc tribes never want to make progress and change. In their eyes, orcs have the strongest fighting power. They don't need to change. They just need to make every warrior of the tribe strong enough.

Therefore, they advocate the use of force. Every time they choose a chief, they fight with force.

The ignorant boy felt that the orc tribe would be extinct sooner or later.

He is not content with the status quo and wants to change everything.

He likes to take risks everywhere, and finally found a novel thing in a piece of land in the West.

He found that a human wizard could send out a cyclone empty handed and create illusions out of thin air.

The visions were so terrifying that even orcs shuddered.

This can greatly frustrate the opponent's spirit and let the opponent escape without fighting.

The orcs have never seen these sorcery. If the orcs have such witchcraft and their strong physique, will they be invincible?

The young man ran back to the tribe. He told the story to the chief and persuaded him to learn witchcraft. This is a great progress and change for the tribe.

However, after hearing this, the orc chief was furious. He thought that the boy was blaspheming their Orc talents and creeds. He put the boy in the dungeon the next day to let the boy reflect on himself.

Instead of introspection, the youngsters who live in the dungeon publicize the magic of witchcraft to the orcs guarding the dungeon.

He also learned some witchcraft from the human wizard and showed them to the other orcs in the dungeon, which stunned them.

Later, the orc chieftain thought the boy had admitted his mistake and released him.

However, the boy just chose the curve to save the country. The first thing he did after he came out was to declare war like the orc chief.

He's going to be the new Orc chief! , the fastest update of the webnovel!